5 Best Ways to Add One Hermite Series to Another in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with polynomials in Python, you may encounter the need to add one Hermite series to another. This mathematical operation involves combining two series of coefficients representing Hermite polynomials, resulting in a new Hermite series. For example, given two Hermite series H1(x) and H2(x), the goal is to compute a new series H3(x) = H1(x) + H2(x). This article explores five methods to accomplish this task within Python’s numerical computing ecosystem.

Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package

NumPy provides a comprehensive polynomial package that includes Hermite series. By using the numpy.polynomial.hermite.Hermite class, we can create Hermite objects and directly add them, leveraging the overloaded addition operator for simplicity and readability.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import Hermite

# Define two Hermite series
h1 = Hermite([1, 2, 3])  # H1(x)
h2 = Hermite([3, 4, 5])  # H2(x)

# Add the series
h3 = h1 + h2  # H1(x) + H2(x)


 6 6 8

This code snippet first imports the relevant modules and then defines two Hermite series h1 and h2, each initialized with a list of coefficients. These series are then added together simply by using the + operator, which calls the underlying __add__ method of the Hermite objects. The result h3 is another Hermite object representing the summed series.

Method 2: Using the hermadd Function

The numpy.polynomial.hermite module provides a function called hermadd specifically for adding Hermite series. This function accepts two arrays representing the coefficients of the Hermite series and returns the coefficients of their sum.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import Hermite

# Define two Hermite series
h1 = Hermite([1, 2, 3])  # H1(x)
h2 = Hermite([3, 4, 5])  # H2(x)

# Add the series
h3 = h1 + h2  # H1(x) + H2(x)


 6 6 8

This code snippet first imports the relevant modules and then defines two Hermite series h1 and h2, each initialized with a list of coefficients. These series are then added together simply by using the + operator, which calls the underlying __add__ method of the Hermite objects. The result h3 is another Hermite object representing the summed series.

Method 2: Using the hermadd Function

The numpy.polynomial.hermite module provides a function called hermadd specifically for adding Hermite series. This function accepts two arrays representing the coefficients of the Hermite series and returns the coefficients of their sum.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import Hermite

# Define two Hermite series
h1 = Hermite([1, 2, 3])  # H1(x)
h2 = Hermite([3, 4, 5])  # H2(x)

# Add the series
h3 = h1 + h2  # H1(x) + H2(x)


 6 6 8

This code snippet first imports the relevant modules and then defines two Hermite series h1 and h2, each initialized with a list of coefficients. These series are then added together simply by using the + operator, which calls the underlying __add__ method of the Hermite objects. The result h3 is another Hermite object representing the summed series.

Method 2: Using the hermadd Function

The numpy.polynomial.hermite module provides a function called hermadd specifically for adding Hermite series. This function accepts two arrays representing the coefficients of the Hermite series and returns the coefficients of their sum.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import Hermite

# Define two Hermite series
h1 = Hermite([1, 2, 3])  # H1(x)
h2 = Hermite([3, 4, 5])  # H2(x)

# Add the series
h3 = h1 + h2  # H1(x) + H2(x)


 6 6 8

This code snippet first imports the relevant modules and then defines two Hermite series h1 and h2, each initialized with a list of coefficients. These series are then added together simply by using the + operator, which calls the underlying __add__ method of the Hermite objects. The result h3 is another Hermite object representing the summed series.

Method 2: Using the hermadd Function

The numpy.polynomial.hermite module provides a function called hermadd specifically for adding Hermite series. This function accepts two arrays representing the coefficients of the Hermite series and returns the coefficients of their sum.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import Hermite

# Define two Hermite series
h1 = Hermite([1, 2, 3])  # H1(x)
h2 = Hermite([3, 4, 5])  # H2(x)

# Add the series
h3 = h1 + h2  # H1(x) + H2(x)


 6 6 8

This code snippet first imports the relevant modules and then defines two Hermite series h1 and h2, each initialized with a list of coefficients. These series are then added together simply by using the + operator, which calls the underlying __add__ method of the Hermite objects. The result h3 is another Hermite object representing the summed series.

Method 2: Using the hermadd Function

The numpy.polynomial.hermite module provides a function called hermadd specifically for adding Hermite series. This function accepts two arrays representing the coefficients of the Hermite series and returns the coefficients of their sum.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import Hermite

# Define two Hermite series
h1 = Hermite([1, 2, 3])  # H1(x)
h2 = Hermite([3, 4, 5])  # H2(x)

# Add the series
h3 = h1 + h2  # H1(x) + H2(x)


 6 6 8

This code snippet first imports the relevant modules and then defines two Hermite series h1 and h2, each initialized with a list of coefficients. These series are then added together simply by using the + operator, which calls the underlying __add__ method of the Hermite objects. The result h3 is another Hermite object representing the summed series.

Method 2: Using the hermadd Function

The numpy.polynomial.hermite module provides a function called hermadd specifically for adding Hermite series. This function accepts two arrays representing the coefficients of the Hermite series and returns the coefficients of their sum.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import Hermite

# Define two Hermite series
h1 = Hermite([1, 2, 3])  # H1(x)
h2 = Hermite([3, 4, 5])  # H2(x)

# Add the series
h3 = h1 + h2  # H1(x) + H2(x)


 6 6 8

This code snippet first imports the relevant modules and then defines two Hermite series h1 and h2, each initialized with a list of coefficients. These series are then added together simply by using the + operator, which calls the underlying __add__ method of the Hermite objects. The result h3 is another Hermite object representing the summed series.

Method 2: Using the hermadd Function

The numpy.polynomial.hermite module provides a function called hermadd specifically for adding Hermite series. This function accepts two arrays representing the coefficients of the Hermite series and returns the coefficients of their sum.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.hermite import hermadd

# Define the coefficients of two Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # coefficients for H2(x)

# Add the series using hermadd
c3 = hermadd(c1, c2)  # Coefficients of H3(x)


[ 4.  6.  8.]

The code defines two lists, c1 and c2, containing the coefficients of the Hermite series. By passing these lists to the hermadd function, we obtain a new array c3 representing the coefficients of the summed series. Unlike the object-oriented approach of Method 1, this function operates directly on arrays, providing a procedural alternative.

Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually

For educational purposes or in an environment where NumPy is not available, one can manually add the coefficients of Hermite series by first ensuring both arrays are of equal length and then adding the corresponding values.

Here’s an example:

# Define the coefficients of the Hermite series
c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# Ensure both coefficient lists are of equal length
max_len = max(len(c1), len(c2))
c1.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c1)))
c2.extend([0] * (max_len - len(c2)))

# Add the series manually
c3 = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(c1, c2)]


[4, 6, 8]

This snippet manually extends the shorter list of coefficients with zeroes to match the length of the longer one, ensuring a proper term-by-term addition. The addition is then performed using a list comprehension paired with the zip function, resulting in c3, the summed coefficient list.

Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition

SymPy, a symbolic mathematics Python library, allows for the addition of Hermite series in symbolic form. This approach is beneficial when a symbolic expression of the resulted series is required.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import hermite, symbols

# Define the symbolic variable
x = symbols('x')

# Define two Hermite polynomials
H1 = hermite(2, x)  # H1(x), second degree
H2 = hermite(3, x)  # H2(x), third degree

# Add the Hermite polynomials
H3 = H1 + H2


4*x**3 - 12*x + 2*x**2 - 2

Using SymPy, the symbolic variable x is defined first, followed by the creation of two Hermite polynomials of second and third degrees using the hermite function. The addition is performed directly and results in H3, a symbolic expression of the combined Hermite polynomial.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehensions

A concise alternative for adding Hermite series is using a one-liner list comprehension, assuming the series have equal length. This method is short but best suited for quick operations or small-scale problems.

Here’s an example:

c1 = [1, 2, 3]  # Coefficients for H1(x)
c2 = [3, 4, 5]  # Coefficients for H2(x)

# One-liner addition of the Hermite series
c3 = [c1[i] + c2[i] for i in range(len(c1))]


[4, 6, 8]

This compact code snippet performs the addition of two Hermite series by iterating over the indices of c1 and adding the corresponding coefficients from both series. It assumes that both lists are of the same length.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Package. It provides an object-oriented and intuitive approach. However, it requires NumPy and does not offer a symbolic representation.
  • Method 2: Using the hermadd Function. It’s procedural and part of NumPy, making it fast for numerical computations. Like Method 1, it doesn’t cater to symbolic needs.
  • Method 3: Adding Coefficient Arrays Manually. This method helps understand the underlying process but is less efficient than using NumPy functions.
  • Method 4: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Hermite Series Addition. Offers symbolic manipulation capabilities, which is unique compared to the other methods. However, it can be slower and more complex for numerical computations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Comprehensions. This one-liner requires no external libraries and is best for quick, small operations. It’s not suitable for series of different lengths without modification.