5 Best Ways to Add Prefix to Set of Strings in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: You have a set of strings and you need to add a common prefix to each string in the set. For instance, given a set like {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}, you want to transform it to {"fruit_apple", "fruit_banana", "fruit_cherry"} by adding the prefix "fruit_" to each element.

Method 1: Loop and Concatenation

This method involves iterating through each string in the set and concatenating the prefix to it. The simplicity of this approach makes it easy to understand and implement for beginners.

Here’s an example:

prefix = "fruit_"
string_set = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
prefixed_set = {prefix + fruit for fruit in string_set}


{"fruit_apple", "fruit_banana", "fruit_cherry"}

In this code snippet, a set comprehension is used to iterate over string_set, and for each element, the prefix is added to the beginning of the string. The resulting strings are placed into a new set called prefixed_set.

Method 2: Using the map() Function

The map() function allows you to apply a function to every item in an iterable. In this case, you can create a simple function that prepends a prefix to a string, and map it to the set of strings.

Here’s an example:

def add_prefix(prefix, s):
    return prefix + s

prefix = "fruit_"
string_set = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
prefixed_set = set(map(lambda fruit: add_prefix(prefix, fruit), string_set))


{"fruit_apple", "fruit_banana", "fruit_cherry"}

The lambda function inside the map() encapsulates the call to add_prefix(), allowing the prefix to be added to each element in string_set. The set() constructor is then used to create a set from the map object.

Method 3: Using a Prefix Function with map()

Similar to Method 2, but instead of using a lambda, you define a specific function that will add the prefix. This can make the code more readable and reusable.

Here’s an example:

def add_prefix(s):
    return "fruit_" + s

string_set = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
prefixed_set = set(map(add_prefix, string_set))


{"fruit_apple", "fruit_banana", "fruit_cherry"}

By defining add_prefix(), you create a dedicated function that can be used with map() to apply the prefix transformation. This can lead to cleaner code, particularly if the prefixing logic gets more complex.

Method 4: Using functools.partial

By using the partial() function from functools, you can “freeze” a portion of your function’s arguments and keywords resulting in a new function. This approach is useful when you need to pass already-known parameters ahead of time.

Here’s an example:

from functools import partial

def add_prefix(prefix, s):
    return prefix + s

prefix = "fruit_"
string_set = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
add_fruit_prefix = partial(add_prefix, prefix)
prefixed_set = set(map(add_fruit_prefix, string_set))


{"fruit_apple", "fruit_banana", "fruit_cherry"}

The partial() function is used to create a new function add_fruit_prefix that has the prefix argument already supplied. This new function is then passed to map() and applied to each element in the set.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Lambda Function Inline

For a quick one-liner solution, you can use a lambda function directly inside a set comprehension. This is a condensed and efficient way of achieving the same result without defining an external function.

Here’s an example:

prefix = "fruit_"
string_set = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
prefixed_set = {lambda fruit: prefix + fruit for fruit in string_set}(fruit)


{"fruit_apple", "fruit_banana", "fruit_cherry"}

This code snippet utilizes a lambda function directly within the set comprehension. While compact, this method may be less readable for Python beginners.


  • Method 1: Loop and Concatenation. Easy to implement. Very readable but might not be the most efficient for large sets.
  • Method 2: Using the map() Function. More functional programming approach. Good readability but can be slightly indirect due to the use of lambda.
  • Method 3: Using a Prefix Function with map(). Separates the prefix logic into its own function, improving modularity and testability.
  • Method 4: Using functools.partial. Offers an elegant way to predefine arguments, leading to cleaner code, particularly in more complex cases.
  • Bonus Method 5: A one-liner using a lambda function inline. Provides a quick solution but may be less readable for some developers.