5 Best Ways to Append a List to a Pandas DataFrame Using Append in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In data manipulation with pandas, a common task is incorporating a list as a new row into an existing DataFrame. Users might have a list of elements that correspond to the columns of the DataFrame and want to append this list preserving the DataFrame structure. For example, given a DataFrame of user data with columns like ['Name', 'Age', 'City'], one might wish to append a new user’s details as a list ['John Doe', 28, 'New York'].

Method 1: Using DataFrame’s Append Method with a Series

This method involves converting the list to a pandas Series and setting the DataFrame column names as the Series index. This is essential for correctly aligning the list elements with the appropriate DataFrame columns during the append operation.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Existing dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob'],
                   'Age': [24, 22],
                   'City': ['London', 'Paris']})

# List to append
new_data = ['John Doe', 28, 'New York']

# Appending the list as a Series
df = df.append(pd.Series(new_data, index=df.columns), ignore_index=True)

The output of this code snippet will be:

     Name  Age     City
0   Alice   24   London
1     Bob   22    Paris
2 John Doe   28 New York

The list new_data is first converted into a pandas Series with the DataFrame’s columns as its index to ensure proper alignment. The ignore_index=True parameter is specified so the resulting DataFrame will have a continuous index. The new row is appended to the DataFrame, incorporating the list as a new entry.

Method 2: Directly Using a Dictionary Within Append

Another approach is to append the list as a dictionary where the keys correspond to the DataFrame’s column names. This is a more direct method since it avoids the explicit creation of a Series, making the code concise.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Existing dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob'],
                   'Age': [24, 22],
                   'City': ['London', 'Paris']})

# List to append
new_data = ['John Doe', 28, 'New York']

# Appending the list as a dictionary
df = df.append(dict(zip(df.columns, new_data)), ignore_index=True)

The output:

     Name  Age     City
0   Alice   24   London
1     Bob   22    Paris
2 John Doe   28 New York

By using zip to pair each column name with its corresponding list element, this method creates a dictionary which is then passed to the DataFrame’s append() function. This is a neat and pythonic way to add a row to the DataFrame without the need for an intermediate Series object.

Method 3: Appending Multiple Lists as Rows

If there are multiple lists to append as rows, one can perform the operation in a loop. Each list is converted to a Series (or alternatively a dictionary), and then appended to the DataFrame inside the loop. This is efficient when dealing with multiple appends as it maintains the DataFrame structure constantly.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Existing dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob'],
                   'Age': [24, 22],
                   'City': ['London', 'Paris']})

# Lists to append
new_data_list = [['John Doe', 28, 'New York'],
                 ['Emma Smith', 30, 'Boston']]

# Appending each list as a new row
for new_data in new_data_list:
    df = df.append(pd.Series(new_data, index=df.columns), ignore_index=True)


The output:

     Name  Age     City
0   Alice   24   London
1     Bob   22    Paris
2 John Doe   28 New York
3 Emma Smith 30   Boston

This example iterates through a list of lists, new_data_list, converting each inner list into a pandas Series with an index matching the DataFrame’s columns, and appending it to the DataFrame. Iteratively adding rows like this is more manageable when dealing with multiple rows to insert.

Method 4: Using a DataFrame for Append Operation

For appending a large number of rows, it is more efficient to first create a DataFrame out of the lists and then append it to the existing DataFrame. This reduces the overhead compared to appending each list individually and can offer significant performance benefits.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Existing dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob'],
                   'Age': [24, 22],
                   'City': ['London', 'Paris']})

# DataFrame to append
new_data_df = pd.DataFrame([['John Doe', 28, 'New York'],
                            ['Emma Smith', 30, 'Boston']],

# Appending the new DataFrame
df = df.append(new_data_df, ignore_index=True)

The output:

     Name  Age     City
0   Alice   24   London
1     Bob   22    Paris
2 John Doe   28 New York
3 Emma Smith 30   Boston

This method creates a new DataFrame from the list of lists, then appends it to the existing DataFrame. This is particularly useful when adding several rows at once, as it is much more efficient and faster than appending each row individually.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Single-Line List Comprehension

For those who prefer concise code, a single-line list comprehension can be used to append a list to a DataFrame while converting it into a dictionary inline. This is essentially a condensed version of Method 2 and is great for quick operations on smaller datasets.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Existing dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob'],
                   'Age': [24, 22],
                   'City': ['London', 'Paris']})

# List to append
new_data = ['John Doe', 28, 'New York']

# Appending the list with list comprehension and expand the dictionary
df = df.append([{col: val for col, val in zip(df.columns, new_data)}], ignore_index=True)

The output:

     Name  Age     City
0   Alice   24   London
1     Bob   22    Paris
2 John Doe   28 New York

This code uses a list comprehension to build a dictionary out of the columns and the list to append, then wraps it in a list and passes it to the append() function, demonstrating the power of python’s comprehensions to write compact code.


  • Method 1: Append Using Series. Strengths: straightforward, good for single row. Weaknesses: requires conversion to Series first.
  • Method 2: Append Using Dictionary. Strengths: direct and concise. Weaknesses: conversion to dictionary may be unnecessary for a single list.
  • Method 3: Append Multiple Lists in Loop. Strengths: good for multiple appends, maintains DataFrame structure. Weaknesses: potentially slow for very large number of appends.
  • Method 4: Use DataFrame for Append. Strengths: efficient for large batch appends. Weaknesses: overhead of creating a new DataFrame.
  • Method 5: Single-Line List Comprehension. Strengths: concise, pythonic. Weaknesses: readability might suffer for more complex operations.