5 Best Ways to Avoid Printing Newline in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python, the default behavior of the print() function is to end with a newline character, signified by '\n', which moves the cursor to the next line. The challenge is to prevent this so that subsequent calls to print() continue on the same line. Consider having an input of multiple values that you’d like to output separated by a space or a comma on the same line, contrary to Python’s default line break after print statements.

Method 1: Using the end Parameter

The print() function in Python has an ‘end’ parameter that allows you to specify what is printed at the end of the statement, overriding the default newline character. By setting this parameter to an empty string, you can effectively avoid printing a newline.

Here’s an example:

print('Hello', end='')
print(', World!')

Output: Hello, World!

By specifying end='' in the first print() function, it does not end its output with a newline, thereby allowing the next print() to continue on the same line, which is why ‘Hello’ and ‘, World!’ are displayed together without a line break.

Method 2: String Concatenation

Another way to avoid newlines is to concatenate strings that you wish to print and then call the print() function once. This method constructs the entire output before printing, ensuring there are no newlines unless explicitly included.

Here’s an example:

hello = 'Hello'
world = ', World!'
print(hello + world)

Output: Hello, World!

This code snippet concatenates two strings hello and world with the + operator and prints the result, which naturally does not include any newlines unless they are part of the strings being concatenated.

Method 3: Using sys.stdout.write()

Python’s sys.stdout.write() function provides a lower-level approach to writing to the standard output, which does not add a newline character by default. This function is part of the sys module and is beneficial when more control over output formatting is needed.

Here’s an example:

import sys
sys.stdout.write('Python is')
sys.stdout.write(' awesome!')

Output: Python is awesome!

The use of sys.stdout.write() in this example directly writes each string to the output without inserting a newline in between, allowing for a more granular approach to printing on the same line.

Method 4: Using join() with print()

Utilizing the string method join() in conjunction with print() is a powerful technique to control print output. This method is useful when dealing with iterables, like lists, that you want to print on the same line with a custom separator and no newline.

Here’s an example:

fruit_list = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry']
print(' '.join(fruit_list))

Output: Apple Banana Cherry

In the example provided, join() takes a list of strings and concatenates them into a single string with spaces in between. Then, print() outputs this string as one line.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Unpacking with print()

A concise one-liner that avoids a newline involves unpacking a list of items directly into the print() function with the separator of choice while overriding the default end parameter.

Here’s an example:

items = ['Pen', 'Paper', 'Book']
print(*items, sep=', ', end='')

Output: Pen, Paper, Book

This snippet uses the unpacking operator * to pass all elements of the list items as separate arguments to print(). The sep=', ' argument defines a comma followed by a space as the separator between the items, and end='' prevents a newline at the end.


  • Method 1: Using the end Parameter. Straightforward. Alters only the end behavior of print(). Ideal for single-line alterations.
  • Method 2: String Concatenation. Simple. Best for when the final string is required before printing. Not recommended for large outputs as it could potentially be less efficient.
  • Method 3: Using sys.stdout.write(). Fine-grained control. No implicit newline character. Requires importing sys. Potentially confusing for beginners due to low-level operation.
  • Method 4: Using join() with print(). Elegant when dealing with iterables. Joins elements into one string with a custom separator. Requires that all elements are strings.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using List Unpacking with print(). Practical one-liner. Quickly prints elements with a separator and no newline. Limits modification to other print() behaviors.