5 Best Ways to Calculate Word Frequency in a Python String

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Determining how frequently each word appears in a text string is a common task in data analysis, search engine optimization, and natural language processing. Given a string, such as “apple banana apple”, the desired output would be a dictionary or another data structure to represent the word count: {‘apple’: 2, ‘banana’: 1}.

Method 1: Using a Dictionary with For-loop

Using a dictionary and a for-loop is the most straightforward and intuitive method to calculate word frequencies in a string. This method involves splitting the string into words, iterating through them, and recording the count of each word in a dictionary.

Here’s an example:

text = "cat bat mat cat bat cat"
word_counts = {}
for word in text.split():
    if word in word_counts:
        word_counts[word] += 1
        word_counts[word] = 1


{'cat': 3, 'bat': 2, 'mat': 1}

This code initializes an empty dictionary named word_counts. As it iterates over each word in the split text, it uses the if-else statement to either initialize or update the word count accordingly.

Method 2: Using collections.Counter

The Counter class from Python’s collections module simplifies the word frequency count process by providing a specialized dictionary designed for this task. It automatically counts the hashable objects in an iterable.

Here’s an example:

from collections import Counter

text = "cat bat mat cat bat cat"
word_counts = Counter(text.split())


Counter({'cat': 3, 'bat': 2, 'mat': 1})

By using the Counter class, the code gets more concise. After splitting the text into words, Counter automatically creates a dictionary-like object that keeps track of how many times each unique element is present.

Method 3: Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions can be utilized to handle more complex string parsing, such as when words are separated by different kinds of whitespace or punctuations. This method is useful when preprocessing a string for more accurate word isolation.

Here’s an example:

import re
from collections import Counter

text = "cat, bat     mat! cat bat? cat;."
word_counts = Counter(re.findall(r'\b\w+\b', text))


Counter({'cat': 3, 'bat': 2, 'mat': 1})

The regular expression r'\b\w+\b' finds all occurrences of words that are bounded by word boundaries, which helps in excluding punctuation. Then, similar to Method 2, Counter is used to count the frequency of each word.

Method 4: Using pandas Series.value_counts()

For those working with data in Python, pandas is a powerful library that offers a function called value_counts() on Series objects, which calculates the frequency of unique values.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

text = "cat bat mat cat bat cat"
word_counts = pd.Series(text.split()).value_counts()


cat    3
bat    2
mat    1
dtype: int64

In this snippet, the text is split into a list, and then a pandas Series object is created from this list. Calling value_counts() on this Series object calculates the frequency of unique values.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using dictionary comprehension and split()

For those who prefer one-liners, Python allows combining dictionary comprehension with split() to achieve word frequency count in a single line of code.

Here’s an example:

text = "cat bat mat cat bat cat"
word_counts = {word: text.split().count(word) for word in set(text.split())}


{'bat': 2, 'mat': 1, 'cat': 3}

This one-liner first uses set(text.split()) to get unique words, then iterates through them to build a dictionary with the words as keys and their counts as values.


  • Method 1: For-loop and Dictionary. Simple and beginner-friendly. May not be as concise or efficient for large datasets.
  • Method 2: collections.Counter. More pythonic and efficient. However, relies on importing an additional library.
  • Method 3: Regular Expressions and Counter. Great for complex string parsing. Can be overkill for simple tasks and requires understanding of regular expressions.
  • Method 4: pandas Series.value_counts(). Especially useful in data analysis workflows. Depends on the pandas library which might not be suitable for lightweight applications.
  • Bonus Method 5: One-Liner with Dictionary Comprehension. Concise and uses only built-in functions. May be inefficient because of multiple passes over the list.