5 Best Ways to Check for a Forward Path in a Circular Cyclic List in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When dealing with circular cyclic lists in Python, a common task is to determine whether a forward path exists through the sequence. A forward path implies that it is possible to traverse the list starting at one node and continue moving to successive nodes without stalling indefinitely at any point. This article explores various methods to check for a forward path in such a list, where the input is a series of nodes linked in a circular fashion, and the desired output is a boolean indicating the presence or absence of a forward path.

Method 1: Fast and Slow Pointer Technique

The Fast and Slow Pointer technique involves using two references to nodes, where one moves through the list at twice the speed of the other. If there is a forward path, these pointers will eventually be at the same node; otherwise, the fast pointer will meet the slow pointer if the list is truly circular.

Here’s an example:

class ListNode:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.next = None

def has_forward_path(head):
    slow = head
    fast = head
    while fast and fast.next:
        slow = slow.next
        fast = fast.next.next
        if slow == fast:
            return True
    return False

# Example list
nodeA = ListNode(1)
nodeA.next = nodeB = ListNode(2)
nodeB.next = nodeC = ListNode(3)
nodeC.next = nodeA  # Creates a circular cyclic list


Output: True

This code snippet checks for a forward path in the list by using two pointers. The slow pointer moves one node at a time, while the fast pointer moves two nodes per step. If the list is circular, at some point, the fast pointer will “lap” the slower pointer (proving a cycle exists), which confirms the forward path.

Method 2: Hashing the Visited Nodes

Another way to find a forward path is to store each visited node in a hash table. If a node reappears in the table, then a forward path is present in the list. This method has the added advantage of providing quick lookups for previously visited nodes.

Here’s an example:

def has_forward_path(head):
    visited = set()
    current = head
    while current is not None:
        if current in visited:
            return True
        current = current.next
    return False

# Using the previous list example...

Output: True

In this snippet, we iterate over each node and insert it into a set. When a node is encountered that is already in the set, a forward path has been detected. If we traverse the entire list and find no repeats, it conclusively means there is no forward path (as the list would not be circular in that case).

Method 3: Modifying the List Structure

This method involves modifying the list nodes temporarily. It assigns a special marker to each visited node and checks for this marker to find a forward path. CAUTION: This approach alters the list structure and is not advisable if you wish to preserve the original list.

Here’s an example:

def has_forward_path(head):
    temp_node = ListNode(None)  # A temporary node with a unique value
    current = head
    while current is not None:
        if current.value == temp_node.value:
            return True
        next_node = current.next
        current.next = temp_node
        current = next_node
    return False

# Using the previous list example...

Output: True

The snippet modifies each node’s next reference to point to a temporary node once visited. If we encounter this temporary node later in our traversal, we’ve found a forward path. After finishing the function, the list structure will be different from its initial state.

Method 4: Recursive Approach

Using recursion, we can traverse the list, passing along a count or depth of the recursion. If we are able to recur more times than the number of nodes in the list without revisiting a node, then the list is not cyclic, indicating a forward path does not exist.

Here’s an example:

def has_forward_path(node, visited_nodes=set(), counter=0):
    if node in visited_nodes:
        return True
    if counter > length_of_list:  # 'length_of_list' must be known or calculated beforehand
        return False
    return has_forward_path(node.next, visited_nodes, counter + 1)

# Using the previous list example, assuming we know there are 3 nodes
length_of_list = 3

Output: True

This recursive function visits nodes and maintains a count of the recursion depth. By surpassing the count of total nodes without revisiting any, the absence of a forward path is confirmed. However, it requires prior knowledge of the list’s length, which may not be suitable for long lists or when list length cannot be easily determined.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Generative Function

Python’s generative functions can provide a concise way to solve our problem. By using a generator, we yield nodes until the list repeats or is exhausted. If a node is revisited, it’s proof of a forward path.

Here’s an example:

def node_generator(node):
    visited = set()
    while node and node not in visited:
        yield node
        node = node.next

has_forward_path = any(True for _ in node_generator(nodeA))

Output: True

This snippet utilizes a generator that yields nodes while keeping track of visited ones. By using the any() function, it stops execution as soon as it finds any repeated node, signaling a forward path.


  • Method 1: Fast and Slow Pointer Technique. This is a classic approach that is efficient and does not require additional space. However, it can be tricky to correctly implement the pointers’ movement.
  • Method 2: Hashing Visited Nodes. This approach gives a clear and easy-to-understand solution and is also efficient in most cases. Its downside is the extra space needed to store visited nodes, which can become significant in large lists.
  • Method 3: Modifying the List Structure. It’s a less commonly used technique and can operate in-place without extra space. However, its destructive nature to the list’s structure is a major disadvantage.
  • Method 4: Recursive Approach. This method can be elegant and involves inherent loop detection logic. Nonetheless, the necessity of knowing the list length and the risk of a stack overflow in deep recursions are its main limitations.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using a Generative Function. It provides a succinct and Pythonic solution. Its laziness is efficient, but it may not communicate intent as clearly as the other methods to someone unfamiliar with Python generators.