5 Best Ways to Check if a Python String Contains an Element from a List

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with Python strings, a common task may include determining whether a string contains any substring present in a given list of elements. For instance, given the string "Hello, are you enjoying the apples?" and a list ["apple", "banana", "cherry"], the program should be able to confirm that “apple” is an element that appears within the string.

Method 1: Using a Loop and in Keyword

This approach simply iterates over each element in the list and checks if it is a substring of the main string using Python’s in keyword, which is intuitive and straightforward for even beginners to understand.

Here’s an example:

def contains_substring(string, elements):
    for element in elements:
        if element in string:
            return True
    return False

# Example usage:
string = "Hello, are you enjoying the apples?"
elements = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
print(contains_substring(string, elements))

Output: True

This code defines a function contains_substring() that takes a string and a list of elements as parameters. It loops through the list, and for each element, checks if it is present in the string using the in keyword. If an element is found, the function immediately returns True; otherwise, after checking all elements, it returns False.

Method 2: Using List Comprehension and any() Function

List comprehension combined with the any() function provides a compact, Pythonic way to achieve the goal. This method evaluates in a single line whether any element from the list is contained within the string.

Here’s an example:

string = "I love to munch on almonds during work."
elements = ["almond", "cashew", "peanut"]

# One-liner to test if any element is in the string
if any(elem in string for elem in elements):
    print("Contains an element from the list")
    print("No match found")

Output: Contains an element from the list

The code uses list comprehension to create an iterable that checks each element’s presence in the string, then any() determines if at least one of the conditions is True. If a match is found, it prints that the string contains an element from the list.

Method 3: Using Regular Expressions with re.search()

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching. The re.search() function can be used to check if any of a series of patterns (our list elements) matches a section of the string.

Here’s an example:

import re

string = "Fancy fruits: pineapple, grape, mango"
elements = ["mango", "banana", "grapefruit"]

pattern = '|'.join(elements)
if re.search(pattern, string):
    print("String contains an element from the list!")
    print("No elements found.")

Output: String contains an element from the list!

The script imports the re module for regular expressions. It joins the list of elements with the pipe | character, which in regex represents an OR operator that matches any of the listed options. The re.search() function then searches the string for any matches. If found, a message is printed.

Method 4: Using List Comprehension and filter()

The filter() function allows for the construction of an iterator from those elements of a list for which a supplied function returns True. It can be used in combination with a lambda function to filter out all elements not contained in the string.

Here’s an example:

string = "Can you spot the walnut in the brownie?"
elements = ["walnut", "pecan", "cashew"]

matches = list(filter(lambda elem: elem in string, elements))
print(f"Matched elements: {matches}")

Output: Matched elements: ['walnut']

This snippet makes use of a lambda function that takes each element and checks if it exists in the string. The filter() function applies this lambda to the list of elements, and only those that match (are in the string) are returned. It provides a clear list of all matched elements.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using next() and a Generator Expression

This method uses the next() function alongside a generator expression. This can be particularly efficient since the next() function will stop at the first truthy result from the generator, without having to examine every item in the list.

Here’s an example:

string = "Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim."
elements = ["zephyr", "wind", "breeze"]

# One-liner using next() and a generator expression
match = next((elem for elem in elements if elem in string), None)
print(f"Match found: {match if match else 'None'}")

Output: Match found: zephyr

The snippet uses a generator expression inside the next() function to iterate over elements and returns the first one that is found in the string. If no element is found, None is returned. This conserves memory and may be faster for long lists.


  • Method 1: Loop and in Keyword. Strengths: Easy to understand and implement. Weaknesses: Potentially slower with large datasets as it does not short-circuit.
  • Method 2: List Comprehension and any() Function. Strengths: Clean one-liner, short-circuits upon finding a match. Weaknesses: May be less readable to beginners.
  • Method 3: Regular Expressions with re.search(). Strengths: Highly flexible and powerful. Weaknesses: Can be overkill for simple checks and slower for simple cases.
  • Method 4: List Comprehension and filter(). Strengths: Provides all matching elements. Weaknesses: Requires all elements to be iterated over even if a match is found early.
  • Method 5: next() with a Generator Expression. Strengths: Memory-efficient and quick for long lists. Weaknesses: Stops at the first match and does not provide all matching elements.