5 Best Ways to Clear Text of a Textbox Using Python Selenium WebDriver

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When automating web browsers with the Selenium WebDriver in Python, one common task is to clear a pre-filled textbox. This could involve removing a default value or previously inputted text, to make way for new input. For instance, if a textbox comes pre-populated with “Enter your name here”, we may want to clear this text before typing a new name.

Method 1: Using the clear() Method

One of the most straightforward methods provided by Selenium WebDriver is the clear() method, which is applied directly to the textbox web element. This method is designed to clear the content of the element, making it suitable for text fields and text areas. It is equivalent to clicking in the textbox and backspacing over the data.

Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
textbox = driver.find_element_by_id('name')

Output: The textbox with the id 'name' on the ‘https://example.com/form’ page will have its content cleared.

This code snippet initializes the Selenium WebDriver, navigates to a form page, locates a textbox by its id, and then uses the clear() method to remove any existing text from the textbox.

Method 2: Sending Ctrl+a and Delete Keys

Selenium WebDriver allows for keystroke emulation. This method involves sending a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+a to select all text within the textbox followed by sending the Delete or Backspace key to remove it.

Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
textbox = driver.find_element_by_id('name')
textbox.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + "a")

Output: The textbox is first selected with Ctrl+a and then the selected text is deleted, clearing the textbox.

After identifying the textbox, we send the keyboard shortcut to select all text and then the delete command. This method closely mimics user interactions with the text field.

Method 3: Setting Textbox Value to an Empty String Using JavaScript

By executing a JavaScript command through Selenium WebDriver, we can set the value property of the textbox element directly to an empty string. This method bypasses the user interface and interacts with the web element’s properties.

Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
textbox = driver.find_element_by_id('name')
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].value = '';", textbox)

Output: Textbox’s value property is set to an empty string, thereby clearing any text it contained.

This code utilizes Selenium’s capability to execute arbitrary JavaScript to directly modify the value of a webpage element, giving you an alternative method to interact with the DOM.

Method 4: Using send_keys() to Simulate Backspace Key

If for some reason both the clear() method and keyboard shortcuts are unavailable or not working as expected, we can send multiple backspace keystrokes to the textbox to clear it character by character until all content is removed.

Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
textbox = driver.find_element_by_id('name')
textbox_content_length = len(textbox.get_attribute('value'))
textbox.send_keys(Keys.BACKSPACE * textbox_content_length)

Output: The textbox is cleared by sending backspace keystrokes equivalent to the length of the current textbox value.

The code calculates the length of the current content of the textbox and simulates that many backspace key presses to clear one character at a time.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Chaining clear() with send_keys()

To ensure that a textbox is completely cleared, sometimes it’s useful to chain clear() method with send_keys() for a quick one-liner solutionβ€”this acts as a reinforced clear action.

Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

Output: The textbox will be cleared and confirmed with an additional action to send an empty string.

This code offers a succinct alternative that chains methods together. In practice, chaining clear() with an empty send_keys() call can sometimes resolve certain edge cases where clear alone may not work due to complex JavaScript events within the page.


  • Method 1: clear() Method. Direct and idiomatic. May not trigger change events in all applications. Usually sufficient for most use cases.
  • Method 2: Keystrokes. Mimics user behavior. Potentially subject to race conditions if text is dynamically changing. Can trigger change events and input validations.
  • Method 3: JavaScript Execution. Powerful and direct control. Bypasses user interface which can be beneficial or detrimental, depending on whether events need to be triggered.
  • Method 4: Simulated Backspace. Works where clear() fails. Less efficient and may be error-prone if text content changes unexpectedly.
  • Bonus Method 5: Clear and Send_Keys Chain. Quick and one-liner. Offers a combination of methods that can handle pesky edge cases in text clearing.