5 Best Ways to Compute the Logarithm Base N with SciMath in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Calculating logarithms with bases other than the common base 10 or the natural base e can often be necessary for mathematical or scientific computing tasks. In Python, the scimath module, part of the broader SciPy ecosystem, gives us tools to compute logarithms with any base. If your input is a number ‘x’ and you want a logarithm with the base ‘n’, the desired output is the power to which ‘n’ must be raised to yield ‘x’.

Method 1: Using scimath.logn Function

The scimath.logn function is specifically designed to calculate the logarithm of a number with any given base. It is part of the scipy library, which provides many mathematical algorithms and convenience functions for scientific computing in Python.

Here’s an example:

from scipy import scimath
# To find log base 3 of 9
result = scimath.logn(3, 9)



This code snippet imports the scimath module from the SciPy library and uses the logn function to compute the logarithm of 9 with base 3. The result, 2.0, signifies that 3 to the power of 2 equals 9.

Method 2: Logarithm with Arbitrary Base Using log and log10

The scimath module also provides the log and log10 functions for natural and base 10 logarithms, respectively. You can use these functions to calculate logarithms with any base using the change of base formula, log base n of x = log x / log n.

Here’s an example:

from scipy import scimath
# To find log base 5 of 25
result = scimath.log(25) / scimath.log(5)



This snippet demonstrates how to compute log base 5 of 25 using the natural logarithms (log) provided by scimath. It applies the change of base formula and correctly outputs 2.0.

Method 3: Utilizing Power Series Expansion

For educational purposes or custom implementation, one can use the power series expansion to calculate logarithms. However, this method is rarely used in practice due to its complexity and the availability of more straightforward approaches through libraries like scimath.

Here’s an example:

import math
# Function to calculate log base n of x using power series expansion
def power_series_log(x, n):
    return sum([(pow(x, i) / i) * pow(-1, i+1) for i in range(1, 20)]) / math.log(n)
result = power_series_log(32, 2)



This snippet defines a custom function that uses a truncated power series to approximate the logarithm. It’s more of a mathematical curiosity than a practical method and tends to be inefficient for large numbers or precise calculations.

Method 4: Leveraging Complex Logarithms for Real Arguments

In some cases, particularly when dealing with negative numbers or complex math, the scimath module’s handling of complex logarithms can be used to compute real logarithms. This can be useful in domains such as electrical engineering or quantum physics.

Here’s an example:

from scipy import scimath
# Complex logarithm for a real argument
result = scimath.log(8) / scimath.log(2)



This piece of code takes advantage of the fact that the scimath log function can handle complex numbers, but when given a real number, it still computes the real logarithm. The result is the real part of the logarithm of 8 with base 2, yielding 3.0.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using Logarithm Base Conversion

A neat one-liner method employs Python’s math library in conjunction with scimath to perform a quick base conversion for logarithm calculations using the log function and a lambda expression.

Here’s an example:

from scipy import scimath
# One-liner log base n of x
log_base_n = lambda x, n: scimath.log(x) / scimath.log(n)
result = log_base_n(81, 3)



This one-liner defines a lambda function that calculates the logarithm of a number x with base n using the natural logarithm provided by scimath and following the change of base rule. The result is clear and elegant, showing that 3 raised to the power of 4 equals 81.


  • Method 1: scimath.logn. Straightforward and direct. However, it may be less known compared to log or log10.
  • Method 2: Using log and log10. Commonly understood and easy to remember. Relies on the universally known change of base formula.
  • Method 3: Power Series Expansion. More educational than practical. It’s slow and inefficient for large-scale computations.
  • Method 4: Complex Logarithms for Real Arguments. Resourceful in specific scientific fields. May be overkill for simple tasks or when complex numbers are not involved.
  • Bonus Method 5: One-Liner with Lambda. Elegant and concise, perfect for quick computations in code that values brevity.