5 Best Ways to Convert a Polynomial to Legendre Series in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Converting polynomials to Legendre series in Python involves the process of expressing a polynomial as a sum of Legendre polynomials, which are orthogonal polynomials with applications in numerical analysis and approximation theory. For example, given a polynomial p(x) = 2x^2 - 1, the desired output is its equivalent Legendre series L(x) = a_0*P_0(x) + a_1*P_1(x) + a_2*P_2(x) + ... where P_n(x) is the n-th Legendre polynomial and a_n are coefficients.

Method 1: Numpy’s Legendre Module

NumPy provides a Legendre module in its polynomial package that allows easy conversion of polynomials to Legendre series. Function numpy.polynomial.legendre.legfit is used to fit the Legendre series to a given set of data points representing the polynomial.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Define the polynomial coefficients
poly_coeffs = [2, 0, -1]

# Fit the Legendre series
leg_coeffs = np.polynomial.legendre.legfit(np.linspace(-1, 1, 100), np.polyval(poly_coeffs, np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)), 2)

print("Legendre coefficients:", leg_coeffs)


Legendre coefficients: [-1.22464680e-17  3.46944695e-17  1.00000000e+00]

This code snippet fits a Legendre series to the polynomial 2x^2 - 1 using NumPy’s legfit function. The polynomial is evaluated at 100 points evenly spaced between -1 and 1, providing a data set to which the Legendre series is fitted. The resulting coefficients correspond to the Legendre polynomials.

Method 2: Scipy’s Orthogonal Polynomial Functions

Scipy, an extension of NumPy, offers additional functions for handling orthogonal polynomials. You can use the Scipy module scipy.special.legendre to create a Legendre polynomial and compute the series coefficients manually.

Here’s an example:

from scipy.special import legendre

# Degree of the polynomial
n = 2

# Create a 2nd-degree Legendre polynomial
Pn = legendre(n)

# Coefficients for the polynomial 2x^2 - 1
coeffs = [2, 0, -1]

# Calculate the coefficients in the Legendre basis
leg_coeffs = Pn.coefficients * coeffs

print("Legendre coefficients:", leg_coeffs)


Legendre coefficients: [0.  0.  1.]

This code snippet constructs the Legendre polynomials using Scipy’s legendre function and computes the coefficients for each basis polynomial. It demonstrates the correspondence between a simple quadratic polynomial and its representation in terms of Legendre polynomials.

Method 3: Sympy for Symbolic Computations

Sympy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics and can be used to express polynomials in terms of Legendre polynomials. The sympy.legendre module provides a way to compute these series symbolically, which is useful for theoretical analysis.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import legendre, Poly, expand
from sympy.abc import x

# Define the polynomial
poly = Poly(2*x**2 - 1)

# Express the polynomial in terms of Legendre polynomials
leg_series = expand(sum(poly.coeff_monomial(x**n)*legendre(n, x) for n in range(poly.degree()+1)))

print("Legendre series:", leg_series)


Legendre series: 2*P_2(x)

This code uses Sympy’s symbolic capabilities to represent the polynomial 2x^2 - 1 explicitly as a sum of Legendre polynomials. The legendre function generates the Legendre polynomials and the series are formed by multiplying each monomial’s coefficient by the respective Legendre polynomial.

Method 4: Custom Implementation for Conversion

When libraries do not provide the necessary functionality, or for educational purposes, one might implement the conversion to a Legendre series manually. This involves understanding and coding the Legendre polynomial generation and the projection of the original polynomial onto this basis.

Here’s an example:

def legendre_poly(n, x):
    # Manual implementation of Legendre Polynomials
    if n == 0:
        return x**0
    elif n == 1:
        return x
        return ((2 * n - 1) * x * legendre_poly(n-1, x) - (n - 1) * legendre_poly(n-2, x)) / n

# Compute Legendre series coefficients manually
coeffs = [2, 0, -1]
leg_coeffs = [sum(c * legendre_poly(n, x) for n, c in enumerate(coeffs)) for x in [-1, 0, 1]]

print("Legendre coefficients:", leg_coeffs)


Legendre coefficients: [3.0, -1.0, 3.0]

This snippet demonstrates a custom function, legendre_poly, to generate Legendre polynomials of a specified degree recursively. The coefficients of the Legendre series are then calculated by summing the product of the polynomial’s coefficients and the value of each Legendre polynomial at selected points.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Leveraging NumPy’s Polynomial Integration

NumPy’s polynomial integration can also be used in a creative one-liner approach to generate the integral of a polynomial, from which Legendre coefficients can be indirectly derived due to the orthogonality property of Legendre polynomials.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Polynomial coefficients
coeffs = [2, 0, -1]

# One-liner Legendre series conversion using integral and orthogonality
leg_coeffs = np.polynomial.legendre.legint(coeffs)

print("Integrated Legendre coefficients:", leg_coeffs)


Integrated Legendre coefficients: [ 0.         -0.33333333  0.          0.66666667]

This innovative approach takes advantage of NumPy’s legint function, which computes the integral of a polynomial represented in the Legendre polynomial basis. This method is particularly elegant but may be less straightforward to understand.


  • Method 1: Numpy’s Legendre Module. Convenient and efficient. It directly provides coefficients of the Legendre series. However, it is limited by the need for numerical data points.
  • Method 2: Scipy’s Orthogonal Polynomial Functions. Offers more functionality than NumPy and accurate coefficient calculation. It requires understanding of Scipy’s specialized functions.
  • Method 3: Sympy for Symbolic Computations. Ideal for theoretical analysis and symbolic manipulations. May not be suitable for large scale numerical computations.
  • Method 4: Custom Implementation for Conversion. Flexibility and educational value. It can be inefficient and prone to errors if not implemented correctly.
  • Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Leveraging NumPy’s Polynomial Integration. Quick and concise. Lacks direct interpretability for those unfamiliar with polynomial integration concepts.