5 Best Ways to Convert a Python List of Bytes to a Buffer

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with file I/O, networking, or interfacing with binary data in Python, it’s often necessary to convert a list of byte objects into a continuous buffer. For example, you might have a list like [b'hello', b' ', b'world'] and want to combine these bytes into a single buffer object that can be processed or transmitted as one contiguous block of data. The desired output in this case would be akin to b'hello world'.

Method 1: Using the bytes Constructor

The bytes constructor can be called with an iterable of integers, which are the byte values, to create a new bytes object. When you have a list of bytes objects, you can use a generator expression to yield all the integers from each byte object in sequence and pass this to the bytes constructor to create your buffer.

Here’s an example:

byte_list = [b'Python', b' ', b'rocks!']
buffer = bytes(b for bytes_obj in byte_list for b in bytes_obj)


b'Python rocks!'

This code snippet creates a flat generator expression that iterates through each byte object in the list, then through each byte in those objects, effectively flattening the list into a sequence of integers. These integers are fed into the bytes constructor which then creates the desired buffer.

Method 2: Using the join Method

The join method can concatenate an iterable of byte objects into a single bytes object. This method is particularly efficient because it is specifically designed for string and bytes concatenation in Python.

Here’s an example:

byte_list = [b'Join', b',', b'mix', b',', b'blend!']
buffer = b''.join(byte_list)



In this snippet, we create a new bytes object that is the concatenation of all the byte objects in the list using the join method with an empty bytes object as the separator. This method is both simple and efficient.

Method 3: Using bytearray and extend

bytearray is a mutable sequence of integers in the range 0 ≤ x < 256. You can create an empty bytearray and then sequentially extend it with each bytes object in a list.

Here’s an example:

byte_list = [b'Byte', b'array', b' ', b'FTW!']
buffer = bytearray()
for bytes_obj in byte_list:


bytearray(b'Bytearray FTW!')

This snippet initializes an empty bytearray; then it iterates over the list of bytes objects, extending the bytearray with each one. The result is a single mutable buffer of byte data.

Method 4: Using reduce with operator.concat

The reduce function can be used to apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of an iterable. When combined with operator.concat, it can concatenate a list of bytes objects into a single buffer.

Here’s an example:

from functools import reduce
import operator

byte_list = [b'Science', b' ', b'is', b' ', b'fun!']
buffer = reduce(operator.concat, byte_list)


b'Science is fun!'

We import reduce from the functools module and operator.concat. Then, we use reduce to continuously concatenate the bytes objects in the list. This creates one seamless buffer.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehension with bytes.join

A list comprehension offers a concise way to apply the join method and produce the buffer in one line, leveraging the readability and succinctness of list comprehensions in Python.

Here’s an example:

byte_list = [b'Clear', b',', b'Concise', b',', b'Code.']
buffer = b''.join(byte for bytes_obj in byte_list for byte in bytes_obj)



This one-liner expands on the join method from Method 2, using a list comprehension to flatten the list of bytes objects before joining, achieving the end result in a compact form.


  • Method 1: Using the bytes Constructor. Efficient for creating immutable buffers. Possibly slower for larger lists due to the generator expression.
  • Method 2: Using the join Method. Most efficient and Pythonic for concatenating bytes. Requires that the iterable contains bytes objects.
  • Method 3: Using bytearray and extend. Mutable buffer result, great for subsequent modifications. Slower than join for just creating a buffer.
  • Method 4: Using reduce with operator.concat. Functional programming approach. Less readable and potentially slower than join.
  • Bonus Method 5: One-Liner List Comprehension. Concise and readable for those comfortable with list comprehensions. Potentially slower than the join method.