5 Best Ways to Convert a Python Set of Strings to a NumPy Array

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python, it’s common to possess a set of strings, and you may find yourself needing to convert this set into a NumPy array for various reasons such as performance gains, to utilize array operations, or for compatibility with libraries that expect NumPy arrays as input. For instance, given a set {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}, the desired output is a NumPy array containing these strings.

Method 1: Using NumPy’s array() Function

The NumPy library’s array() function is typically used to convert Python sequences into NumPy arrays. It supports the direct conversion of a set of strings to a NumPy array by passing the set as an argument to the function.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

fruit_set = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
fruit_array = np.array(list(fruit_set))



['apple' 'banana' 'cherry']

This code snippet first imports NumPy. It converts the set fruit_set to a list, as NumPy’s array() function requires a sequence, and then the array function is used to create the NumPy array fruit_array.

Method 2: Using the fromiter() Function

NumPy’s fromiter() function is designed to create an array from an iterable. For a set of strings, this function can be efficient as it doesn’t require an intermediate conversion to a list.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

color_set = {"red", "green", "blue"}
color_array = np.fromiter(color_set, dtype='U')



['red' 'green' 'blue']

After importing NumPy, the code uses fromiter() to create a NumPy array from color_set. The dtype parameter ‘U’ indicates a Unicode string. This avoids temporary list creation and efficiently converts the set to an array.

Method 3: Using the asarray() Function

The asarray() function in NumPy converts input data, such as a list or tuple, to an array. To use this function with a set, the set must first be converted to a list or tuple.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

animal_set = {"cat", "dog", "elephant"}
animal_array = np.asarray(list(animal_set))



['cat' 'dog' 'elephant']

This code converts the animal_set to a list, and then the asarray() function converts this list into a NumPy array animal_array. This is similar to array(), but asarray() will not copy data if the input is already an array.

Method 4: Using a for Loop

A traditional for loop can be used to iterate over a set and append each element to a NumPy array. This method provides granular control but is not the most efficient or pythonic approach.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

word_set = {"hello", "world", "python"}
word_array = np.array([word for word in word_set])



['hello' 'world' 'python']

The code creates a NumPy array word_array using a list comprehension that iterates through word_set. This method explicitly iterates each element but essentially does the same job as Method 1 internally.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using map Function with array()

Combining Python’s map() function with NumPy’s array() makes for a concise one-liner. The map applies a function to every item of an iterable and returns a list in Python 2 or a map object in Python 3. Feeding this into array() yields the desired NumPy array.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

shape_set = {"circle", "square", "triangle"}
shape_array = np.array(list(map(str, shape_set)))



['circle' 'square' 'triangle']

This one-liner code uses map() to iterate over shape_set, ensuring each element is a string (which is redundant here but useful for type conversion), then converts it to a list and finally a NumPy array shape_array.


  • Method 1: Using array(). Straightforward use of NumPy’s built-in function. Intermediary list creation might be less memory efficient for large sets.
  • Method 2: Using fromiter(). Directly creates an array without an intermediary list, making it suitable for large sets. Requires the definition of data type.
  • Method 3: Using asarray(). Similar to Method 1 but potentially avoids duplicating data. Still requires intermediary list creation.
  • Method 4: Using a for Loop. Provides control and clarity, but is typically slower and less efficient than vectorized operations.
  • Method 5: Using map Function. One-liner and elegant, but map may be less intuitive for beginners and its use is somewhat redundant in the context of sets of strings.