5 Best Ways to Convert Nested Dictionaries to MultiIndex DataFrames Using Python Pandas

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with data in Python, developers often encounter the need to convert nested dictionaries into a structured MultiIndex DataFrame using Pandas. This conversion enables more sophisticated data manipulation and analysis. The input is a nested dictionary with potential multiple levels of keys, where each lowest-level key corresponds to a value. The desired output is a Pandas DataFrame with a MultiIndex (hierarchical index), where indices are derived from the nested keys, and DataFrame cells hold the corresponding values.

Method 1: Using the DataFrame.from_dict() Function

One of the most straightforward methods to convert a nested dictionary to a MultiIndex DataFrame is utilizing the DataFrame.from_dict() function provided by Pandas. This function takes the dictionary as input and, with the argument orient='index', understands that the keys should be treated as row indices, enabling you to specify the desired levels of indexing.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

nested_dict = {
    'Math': {'John': 75, 'Maria': 88},
    'Science': {'John': 95, 'Maria': 90}

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(nested_dict, orient='index')
df = df.stack().to_frame(name='Scores').reset_index()
df.columns = ['Subject', 'Student', 'Scores']
df.set_index(['Subject', 'Student'], inplace=True)


The output of this code snippet will be:

Subject Student          
Math    John           75
        Maria          88
Science John           95
        Maria          90

This code snippet starts by importing the Pandas library. A nested dictionary nested_dict is defined, which contains grades for students across different subjects. Using DataFrame.from_dict(), we create an initial DataFrame object. We then stack and reshape the DataFrame, assign column names, and set the appropriate index to create the MultiIndex DataFrame.

Method 2: Manual Construction Using pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples()

If you require more control over your MultiIndex creation or have a more complex hierarchical structure, manually constructing your MultiIndex with pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples() might be the way to go. This function allows explicit creation of multi-level indexes by provision of a list of tuples, where each tuple represents a single index key combo across levels.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

nested_dict = {
    ('First Semester', 'Math'): {'John': 75, 'Maria': 88},
    ('First Semester', 'Science'): {'John': 95, 'Maria': 90},
    ('Second Semester', 'Math'): {'John': 65, 'Maria': 82},
    ('Second Semester', 'Science'): {'John': 85, 'Maria': 88}

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(nested_dict.keys(), names=['Semester', 'Subject'])
df = pd.DataFrame(list(nested_dict.values()), index=index).T


The output will be:

Semester        First Semester      Second Semester     
Subject                  Math Science            Math Science
John                      75     95              65      85
Maria                     88     90              82      88

In this code snippet, we have a nested dictionary with tuples as keys. Each tuple consists of the semester and the subject. Using pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(), we extract the keys to create an index. We then transform the dictionary values to a list and use it to construct the DataFrame, with the new MultiIndex as row indice. The final DataFrame is transposed for better readability.

Method 3: Using json_normalize() for Deeply Nested Dictionaries

Deeply nested dictionaries can be a challenge to convert directly into a usable DataFrame. However, Pandas provides json_normalize(), which can flatten the nested data structure into a standard flat table. We can then pivot this table to create a MultiIndex DataFrame. This method is particularly effective for JSON-like hierarchical data with nested lists or dictionaries.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize

nested_dict = {
    'First Semester': {
        'Math': {'John': 75, 'Maria': 88},
        'Science': {'John': 95, 'Maria': 90}
    'Second Semester': {
        'Math': {'John': 65, 'Maria': 82},
        'Science': {'John': 85, 'Maria': 88}

df = json_normalize(nested_dict, sep='_')
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([tuple(c.split('_')) for c in df.columns])
df = df.stack([0, 1]).unstack()


The output is shown below:

                 John  Maria
First Semester  Math      75     88
                Science   95     90
Second Semester Math      65     82
                Science   85     88

Here, we have a more deeply nested dictionary organized by semester and subject. The json_normalize() function flattens the dictionary. We then restructure the column names into a MultiIndex, using stack() and unstack() to pivot the DataFrame into the desired structure.

Method 4: Concatenating DataFrames for Different Dictionary Levels

If each level of the nested dictionary contains data that could be represented as its own DataFrame, we can build each level separately and then concatenate these into a MultiIndex DataFrame. This approach gives you the flexibility to deal with varying data structures and formats within the nested dictionary.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

nested_dict = {
    'First Semester': {
        'Math': pd.DataFrame({'Scores': {'John': 75, 'Maria': 88}}),
        'Science': pd.DataFrame({'Scores': {'John': 95, 'Maria': 90}})
    'Second Semester': {
        'Math': pd.DataFrame({'Scores': {'John': 65, 'Maria': 82}}),
        'Science': pd.DataFrame({'Scores': {'John': 85, 'Maria': 88}})

frames = []

for semester, subjects in nested_dict.items():
    for subject, df in subjects.items():
        df['Subject'] = subject
        df['Semester'] = semester

df_final = pd.concat(frames).set_index(['Semester', 'Subject'])


The output of the previous snippet is:

Semester        Subject        
First Semester  Math          75
                Math          88
                Science       95
                Science       90
Second Semester Math          65
                Math          82
                Science       85
                Science       88

In this code snippet, the nested dictionary contains Pandas DataFrames as its values. We iterate through the dictionary, assigning semester and subject labels within each DataFrame. After creating a list of these modified DataFrames, we concatenate them together and set a MultiIndex based on the ‘Semester’ and ‘Subject’ labels.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Dictionary Comprehension with pd.concat()

For a swift and elegant one-liner solution, we can use dictionary comprehension along with pd.concat() to quickly build and concatenate single-level DataFrames into a MultiIndex DataFrame. This is a condensed and Pythonic approach that’s great for less complex nested dictionaries.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

nested_dict = {
    'Math': {'John': 75, 'Maria': 88},
    'Science': {'John': 95, 'Maria': 90}

df = pd.concat({key: pd.Series(value) for key, value in nested_dict.items()}, names=['Subject']).to_frame('Scores')


This produces the following output:

Subject Student          
Math    John           75
        Maria          88
Science John           95
        Maria          90

This one-liner utilizes dictionary comprehension to create a Series for each subject. Then, using pd.concat(), it concatenates these Series into one DataFrame with a MultiIndex consisting of the subjects and students. We subsequently rename the resulting column to ‘Scores’.


  • Method 1: Using DataFrame.from_dict(). This method is simple and concise, ideal for basic nested dictionaries where keys represent the indexes directly. However, it may require additional reshaping depending on the dictionary structure.
  • Method 2: Manual MultiIndex Construction. Offers high control for complex index structures but requires manual handling and can be verbose for very nested data.
  • Method 3: With json_normalize(). Best suited for deeply nested or JSON-like data structures. Potentially heavy on data manipulation post-flattening to achieve the desired MultiIndex format.
  • Method 4: Concatenating Separate DataFrames. Provides maximum flexibility, especially with varying data formats within the dictionary. It’s a bit more complicated and manual but very powerful for heterogenous data.
  • Bonus Method 5: Dictionary Comprehension and pd.concat(). It’s a quick and elegant solution for simpler nested dictionaries; however, it may not scale well with complex nested structures.