5 Best Ways to Convert Python Bytearray to Image

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In the world of programming, it is common to encounter the task of converting data between different formats. Specifically, in Python, there might be a need to convert a bytearrayβ€”a sequence of bytes representing binary dataβ€”into an image file that can be viewed or further processed. This article explains five practical methods to convert a Python bytearray, which might represent image data, into a usable image file. For instance, if we have a bytearray of pixel data received from a network, we want to turn this into a PNG or JPEG image.

Method 1: Using Pillow (PIL Fork)

Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by Alex Clark and Contributors. PIL, the Python Imaging Library, adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. The library supports a wide variety of image file formats. By using Pillow, you can read from a bytearray and save the data to a file directly using the Image module to create and save an image object.

Here’s an example:

from PIL import Image
import io

image_byte_array = bytearray(b'...')  # your byte data here
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_byte_array))

The output will be a file named ‘output.png’ that contains the image generated from the bytearray.

In this approach, we’ve taken a bytearray and wrapped it in a BytesIO object so that it can be processed by Pillow’s Image.open function as if it was a file. Afterward, the image is saved to a file in the desired format.

Method 2: Using OpenCV

OpenCV is a vast open-source computer vision and machine learning software library. If you’re dealing with images, especially in the context of computer vision, converting a bytearray to an image using OpenCV can be a practical choice. This method also allows additional image processing steps to be easily integrated.

Here’s an example:

import cv2
import numpy as np

image_byte_array = bytearray(b'...')  # your byte data here
np_array = np.asarray(image_byte_array, dtype=np.uint8)
image = cv2.imdecode(np_array, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
cv2.imwrite('output.jpg', image)

The output will be ‘output.jpg.’, a JPEG image file converted from the bytearray.

This snippet involves creating a NumPy array from the bytearray, which is then decoded into an image using OpenCV. The image is then written to a file directly with cv2.imwrite().

Method 3: Using ImageIO

ImageIO is a Python library that provides an easy interface to read and write a wide range of image data, including animated images, volumetric data, and scientific formats. It is a convenient method when you need to work with various image formats.

Here’s an example:

import imageio

image_byte_array = bytearray(b'...')  # your byte data here
image = imageio.imread(image_byte_array)
imageio.imwrite('output.gif', image)

The output is ‘output.gif.’ an image file saved from the bytearray.

The example demonstrates the simplicity of the ImageIO library for reading from a bytearray directly and then writing out the image data to a file, all done with functions that closely mirror the built-in open function.

Method 4: Using Python Standard Library

If you don’t want to use third-party libraries, Python’s standard library also provides the tools to convert a bytearray into an image file, using the built-in io and base64 modules. This method might involve slightly more work but keeps your project light on dependencies.

Here’s an example:

import io
import base64

def save_image(byte_array, file_name):
    image_data = base64.b64encode(byte_array)
    image_data = bytes("data:image/jpg;base64,", encoding='utf-8') + image_data
    with open(file_name, "wb") as file:

image_byte_array = bytearray(b'...')  # your byte data here
save_image(image_byte_array, 'output_image.jpg')

This method will result in ‘output_image.jpg,’ an encoded image stored from the bytearray.

This code demonstrates how to encode a bytearray into a base64 string and then prepend the appropriate data URL scheme, creating an image file from binary data. However, it should be noted that this method creates a text-based image representation, which needs further processing to be viewed as a standard image file.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Direct File Writing

If the bytearray is already in the correct format for an image file (like a PNG or JPEG), you can simply write it directly to a binary file without using any external libraries.

Here’s an example:

image_byte_array = bytearray(b'...')  # your byte data here
with open('output_direct_write.png', 'wb') as image_file:

The output is ‘output_direct_write.png,’ an image saved from the bytearray.

This code snippet demonstrates the most straightforward way to convert a bytearray to an image file, assuming the bytearray is properly formatted. It writes the bytes directly to a file opened in binary mode.


  • Method 1: Pillow. Strengths: Native image processing support, easy integration, wide format compatibility. Weaknesses: Third-party dependency, not always installed by default.
  • Method 2: OpenCV. Strengths: Optimal for computer vision tasks, robust image processing capabilities. Weaknesses: Larger library might be overkill for simple tasks.
  • Method 3: ImageIO. Strengths: Simple API, supports a broad set of image formats. Weaknesses: Still a third-party dependency, could be an overkill for simple image formats.
  • Method 4: Python Standard Library. Strengths: No extra dependencies required, built-in functions only. Weaknesses: More complex, requires additional base64 encoding.
  • Method 5: Direct File Writing. Strengths: Simple and quick, no dependencies. Weaknesses: The bytearray must already be in the correct image file format.