5 Best Ways to Convert Python Bytes Object to Base64

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Converting bytes objects to Base64 is a common task in Python when dealing with binary data that needs to be safely transported or stored in a text format. For instance, a file read in binary mode (b'file content') needs to be encoded to Base64 string ('ZmlsZSBjb250ZW50') that can be easily embedded in JSON or transmitted over networks that handle text data.

Method 1: Using base64 Library

The base64 standard library in Python contains functions for encoding and decoding data in Base64. To encode a bytes object, use the base64.b64encode() function. This method is straightforward and the de facto standard for performing such conversions in Python.

Here’s an example:

import base64

data = b'hello world'
encoded_data = base64.b64encode(data)

Output: b'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ='

This code snippet first imports the base64 module and then creates a bytes object containing the string “hello world”. It then calls the base64.b64encode() function to convert the bytes object to a Base64 encoded bytes object, which is printed to the console.

Method 2: Using binascii Module

In addition to the base64 library, Python offers the binascii module which provides tools for converting between binary and various ASCII-encoded binary representations. For Base64 encoding, the binascii.b2a_base64() function can be used.

Here’s an example:

import binascii

data = b'python bytes'
encoded_data = binascii.b2a_base64(data)

Output: b'cHl0aG9uIGJ5dGVz\n'

This snippet demonstrates how to use the binascii module for Base64 encoding. After importing the module, a bytes object is created and passed to binascii.b2a_base64(), which returns the Base64 encoded version of the bytes.

Method 3: Using codecs Module

The codecs module in Python provides a more abstract access to the encoding and decoding of data, including Base64. To encode a bytes object to Base64, you can use the codecs.encode() method with the ‘base64’ encoding type specified.

Here’s an example:

import codecs

data = b'data to encode'
encoded_data = codecs.encode(data, 'base64')

Output: b'ZGF0YSB0byBlbmNvZGU=\n'

In this example, the codecs module is used. After creating the bytes object, the codecs.encode() method is called with the data and ‘base64’ specified as the encoding type. The resulting Base64 encoded data includes a newline character at the end, following the traditional MIME Format.

Method 4: Using urllib.parse’s quote_plus

For a URL-safe Base64 encoded string, Python provides the quote_plus function in the urllib.parse module. Although not directly encoding in Base64, it’s suitable for encoding data in a manner that’s safe to include in URLs, where standard Base64 might fail due to the inclusion of ‘+’, ‘/’ or ‘=’ characters.

Here’s an example:

from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import base64

data = b'url safe data'
encoded_data = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data)
safe_encoded_data = quote_plus(encoded_data)

Output: b'dXJsIHNhZmUgZGF0YQ=='

By combining base64.urlsafe_b64encode() with quote_plus(), this code snippet generates a URL-safe Base64 encoded string from a bytes object, making it suitable for use in HTTP requests and other URL-sensitive environments.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using List Comprehension and the Format Method

This creative approach uses a list comprehension combined with the format method to produce a Base64 encoded string in one line. Although less readable and efficient than standard library methods, it showcases Python’s flexibility for unusual but concise solutions.

Here’s an example:

import base64

data = b'compact example'
encoded_data = base64.b64encode(data).decode()
one_liner = ''.join([encoded_data[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(encoded_data), 2)])

Output: aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=

The example is a compact, if somewhat impractical, method to encode bytes to Base64. It encodes the data with base64.b64encode(), decodes it to a string, and joins pairs of characters. This is more of a fun, trivial demonstration than a recommended practice for any real-world application.


  • Method 1: base64 Library. Most straightforward and commonly used method. It’s a reliable and simple choice with the support of the Python standard library.
  • Method 2: binascii Module. An alternative library typically used for more general binary-to-ASCII conversions. It’s less intuitive than the base64 module but still an effective method.
  • Method 3: codecs Module. Offers a consistent encoding interface for various encoding types, including Base64. It’s slightly less efficient than the base64 library for this specific task.
  • Method 4: urllib.parse’s quote_plus. Best for URL-safe Base64 encoding, although it adds an extra step to the process, it ensures compatibility with URL transmission requirements.
  • Bonus Method 5: List Comprehension and Format Method. Least practical, it’s complex and less efficient. Primarily a fun example of Python’s syntactical flexibility rather than a method to use in production code.