5 Best Ways to Convert Python Bytes to ASCII Hex

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation:

In various programming scenarios involving data processing, cryptography, and network communication, developers often need to convert bytes – the binary data type in Python – to a human-readable ASCII hex representation. For instance, you might have a bytes object b'\x61\x62\x63' that you need to represent as the ASCII hex string '616263'. This article will guide you through five effective methods to achieve this conversion in Python.

Method 1: Using binascii.hexlify() Function

The first method involves Python’s built-in binascii module, which contains a function called hexlify(). This function is specifically designed to convert binary data into a lower-case hexademical representation. The output is a bytes object which can then be decoded to obtain a string.

Here’s an example:

import binascii

bytes_to_convert = b'Python Bytes'
hex_representation = binascii.hexlify(bytes_to_convert).decode('ascii')




This code snippet imports the binascii module and then uses hexlify() to convert the bytes object bytes_to_convert to its hex representation. The .decode('ascii') method converts the resulting bytes object to a string.

Method 2: Using bytes.hex() Method

Starting from Python 3.5, the bytes data type provides a method called hex() that directly returns a string containing the hexadecimal representation of the bytes object.

Here’s an example:

bytes_to_convert = b'Sample Bytes'
hex_representation = bytes_to_convert.hex()




This snippet uses the .hex() method provided by the bytes object bytes_to_convert to get the hex representation and then prints it out. It’s straightforward and requires no additional imports.

Method 3: Using format() Function with a Generator Expression

This method applies a generator expression, which iterates over each byte in the bytes object, converting each one to its corresponding ASCII hex value using the format() function. It’s more manual but doesn’t require external modules.

Here’s an example:

bytes_to_convert = b'Binary Data'
hex_representation = ''.join(format(byte, '02x') for byte in bytes_to_convert)




This code converts each byte to a two-character hex string using format() with the ’02x’ format specifier, meaning it pads the output with zeros to ensure two digits. The generator expression is joined into a single string with no delimiter.

Method 4: Using codecs.encode() Function

Another Pythonic approach is to use the codecs module, which provides the encode() function that can encode the bytes into ASCII hex format when provided with the ‘hex’ argument.

Here’s an example:

import codecs

bytes_to_convert = b'Encode Bytes'
hex_representation = codecs.encode(bytes_to_convert, 'hex').decode('ascii')




By importing the codecs module, you have the encode() function, which accepts the bytes object and the encoding type ‘hex’. Converting it back to an ASCII string requires the .decode('ascii') method.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using Comprehension and Join

The fifth method simplifies the conversion process to a single line by using a list comprehension in combination with the join() method to concatenate the result into a string.

Here’s an example:

bytes_to_convert = b'Quick Bytes'
hex_representation = ''.join(['{:02x}'.format(b) for b in bytes_to_convert])




Here, a list comprehension is used to apply the format operation '{:02x}'.format(b) to each byte in the input, resulting in a list of hex strings. These are then concatenated into a final string with the join() operation.


  • Method 1: Using binascii.hexlify(). Easy to use. Requires importing an additional module. Offers quickly readable and clean code.
  • Method 2: Using bytes.hex(). The most concise and straightforward way without the need for additional imports. Available only in Python 3.5 and later.
  • Method 3: Using format() Function with a Generator Expression. More manual approach. No external dependencies. Easily customizable but slightly more verbose.
  • Method 4: Using codecs.encode(). Provides a versatile approach to encoding. Requires importing codecs module. It might be less commonly used for this specific task.
  • Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using Comprehension and Join. Offers simplicity and conciseness in one line. May be less clear to beginners compared to other methods.