5 Best Ways to Convert Python Complex Numbers to NumPy Arrays

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with complex numbers in Python, it’s often necessary to convert them into NumPy arrays for efficient numerical computation. This article addresses the conversion of Python complex number objects (e.g., z = 3 + 4j) into a NumPy array format that can accurately represent complex numbers as array elements. The desired output is a NumPy array showcasing the complex numbers in a structured and efficient form ready for computation.

Method 1: Using NumPy array() Function

NumPy’s array() function can be utilized to convert a list of Python complex numbers directly into a NumPy array with a complex data type. It automatically recognizes the complex numbers within the list and formats the resulting array accordingly.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

complex_list = [3 + 4j, 5 + 7j, -2 - 1j]
np_array = np.array(complex_list)



[ 3.+4.j  5.+7.j -2.-1.j]

This code snippet first imports the NumPy library, then creates a list of complex numbers. The np.array() function is called with this list as an argument, resulting in a NumPy array with complex number elements.

Method 2: Using NumPy asarray() Function

The np.asarray() function is similar to np.array(), but it has the added benefit of not copying the array if the input is already a NumPy array. This function is beneficial if there’s a chance that the input might already be a NumPy array of complex numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

complex_list = [1 + 2j, 0 - 3j, 4 + 4j]
np_array = np.asarray(complex_list)



[1.+2.j 0.-3.j 4.+4.j]

This snippet uses the np.asarray() function to convert a list of complex numbers into a NumPy array. If the input is already an array with a complex data type, it won’t create a new copy, thus saving on memory.

Method 3: Specifying the Data Type

If you want to guarantee that the NumPy array has a specific complex data type, such as np.complex64 or np.complex128, you can specify it directly in the array() or asarray() function call.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

complex_list = [3 + 4j, 0 - 3j]
np_array = np.array(complex_list, dtype=np.complex128)



[ 3.+4.j  0.-3.j]

By including dtype=np.complex128 as an argument in the array() function, the resultant NumPy array is ensured to be of the complex data type specified, complex128 in this case.

Method 4: Creating an Empty Array and Filling It

This method involves first creating an empty NumPy array with a specific complex data type and then filling it with complex numbers. It’s useful when you know the size of the array beforehand and wish to allocate memory accordingly.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

size = 3  # Predefined size of array.
np_array = np.empty(size, dtype=np.complex64)

# Fill the array with complex numbers.
np_array[0] = 3 + 4j
np_array[1] = 0 - 3j
np_array[2] = 5 + 5j



[3.+4.j 0.-3.j 5.+5.j]

The empty NumPy array is instantiated with the np.empty() function, specifying the size and data type. The array is then filled with complex numbers in a subsequent operation.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy vectorize()

The np.vectorize() function takes a Python function that operates on scalars and turns it into a vectorized function that operates on arrays. Applying this to a list of complex numbers can quickly convert them to a NumPy array of the desired type.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Define a list of complex numbers.
complex_list = [3j, 4 - 4j, 7 + 0j]

# Use np.vectorize to convert the list to a NumPy array.
np_array = np.vectorize(complex)(complex_list)



[0.+3.j 4.-4.j 7.+0.j]

In this instance, np.vectorize(complex) quickly creates a vectorized version of the built-in complex function, which we then apply to a list to produce the desired NumPy array.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy array() Function. Straightforward and concise. Very efficient for simple lists. Does not allow for specific data type control.
  • Method 2: Using NumPy asarray() Function. Similar to the array() function with the added benefit of handling inputs that are already NumPy arrays without duplicating them. Not necessary if you’re sure the input is a list.
  • Method 3: Specifying the Data Type. Provides control over the data type of the complex numbers in the resulting NumPy array. It’s a bit more verbose but helpful for scientific computations that require specific precision.
  • Method 4: Creating an Empty Array and Filling It. Grants full control over array initialization and is memory-efficient for large arrays. However, it might be overcomplicated for simple or small conversions.
  • Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy vectorize(). A one-liner that’s powerful but potentially less intuitive. Good for situations that require applying a custom complex operation on an iterable.