5 Best Ways to Convert Python Dict Keys to String

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python, dictionaries are a collection of key-value pairs. Sometimes, there’s a need to convert all the keys in a dictionary to string representations, especially when dealing with JSON data structures or when keys are non-string types. For example, if we start with {"a": 1, 2: "b", (3,4): "c"}, we’re looking for a way to convert this dictionary to {"a": 1, "2": "b", "(3,4)": "c"}.

Method 1: Using a For Loop

The for loop method iterates over the keys in the dictionary and builds a new dictionary with string keys. This approach is simple, explicit, and easy for beginners to understand.

Here’s an example:

my_dict = {"a": 1, 2: "b", (3,4): "c"}
str_dict = {str(key): value for key, value in my_dict.items()}



{"a": 1, "2": "b", "(3,4)": "c"}

This code uses a dictionary comprehension to iterate through my_dict.items(), which gives us key-value pairs. For each pair, the key is converted to a string with the built-in function str() and preserved with its associated value in the new dictionary str_dict.

Method 2: Using the map() Function

The map() function applies a given function to each item of an iterable and returns a list of the results. When applied to dictionary keys, it can efficiently convert them to strings, and can be combined with dict() to construct the new dictionary.

Here’s an example:

my_dict = {"a": 1, 2: "b", (3,4): "c"}
str_dict = dict(zip(map(str, my_dict.keys()), my_dict.values()))



{"a": 1, "2": "b", "(3,4)": "c"}

This snippet uses map() to apply the str function to each key in my_dict.keys(). The zip() function then combines these string keys with my_dict.values(), and dict() constructs the new dictionary from these paired elements.

Method 3: Using a Function with update()

The update() method can also be used to convert the keys to strings by passing a function that changes the keys and keeping the values the same. This approach may be more readable for those familiar with object-oriented concepts.

Here’s an example:

my_dict = {"a": 1, 2: "b", (3,4): "c"}

def keys_to_strings(d):
    return {str(key): value for key, value in d.items()}



{"a": 1, "2": "b", "(3,4)": "c"}

In this example, the function keys_to_strings() creates a new dictionary with string keys. The update() method then updates my_dict with the new key-value pairs, resulting in a dictionary with all keys as strings.

Method 4: Using Lambda Functions in Dictionary Comprehension

Similar to using a for loop, this method uses dictionary comprehension. However, it utilizes a lambda function to convert the keys to strings inline, providing a more concise syntax.

Here’s an example:

my_dict = {"a": 1, 2: "b", (3,4): "c"}
str_dict = {(lambda k: str(k))(k): v for k, v in my_dict.items()}



{"a": 1, "2": "b", "(3,4)": "c"}

In this case, a lambda function is called immediately for each key in the dictionary comprehension to convert it to a string. This method can be less readable due to the inline lambda but showcases an interesting use of lambda functions.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using json.dumps()

Assuming all keys can be serialized by JSON, the json.dumps() method can be used to convert a dictionary to a JSON string and back to a dictionary, ensuring all keys are now strings.

Here’s an example:

import json
my_dict = {"a": 1, 2: "b", (3,4): "c"}
str_dict = json.loads(json.dumps(my_dict, default=str))



{"a": 1, "2": "b", "(3,4)": "c"}

With this approach, the json.dumps() function converts the dictionary to a JSON-formatted string, and the json.loads() function parses the JSON string back to a dictionary. This relies on all the keys being valid JSON which may not be true for all Python objects (like tuples).


  • Method 1: Using a For Loop. Straightforward and easy to understand. Could be slower for very large dictionaries.
  • Method 2: Using the map() Function. Efficient and concise. May be less readable to those unfamiliar with map().
  • Method 3: Using a Function with update(). Separates the conversion logic into a function. Less Pythonic as it modifies the original dictionary.
  • Method 4: Using Lambda Functions in Dictionary Comprehension. Compact code. Potentially less readable due to lambda syntax.
  • Method 5: Using json.dumps(). Good for JSON-serializable keys. Not suitable for all key types and adds overhead with JSON conversion.