5 Best Ways to Convert Python Dict to SimpleNamespace

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Developers frequently need to convert dictionaries into SimpleNamespace objects in Python for enhanced attribute-style access. Suppose you have input {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 30} and wish to access the values with dot notation like user.name or user.age. This article explores five effective methods to achieve this conversion.

Method 1: Using the types.SimpleNamespace

SimpleNamespace, from Python’s types module, offers an easy way to convert a dictionary to an object allowing attribute access. The function takes a dictionary and returns a namespace object with keys as attributes.

Here’s an example:

from types import SimpleNamespace

def dict_to_simplenamespace(d):
    return SimpleNamespace(**d)

user_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 30}
user = dict_to_simplenamespace(user_dict)


<namespace name='Alice' age=30>

This code defines a function dict_to_simplenamespace that accepts a dictionary and converts it to SimpleNamespace using argument unpacking. The resulting user object allows for dot notation access on dictionary keys.

Method 2: Using Object Hook in JSON Parsing

You can utilize the JSON module’s object hook feature to convert a JSON string to a SimpleNamespace directly. This method’s particularly handy when dealing with JSON data that you wish to access as an object.

Here’s an example:

import json
from types import SimpleNamespace

user_json = '{"name": "Alice", "age": 30}'
user = json.loads(user_json, object_hook=lambda d: SimpleNamespace(**d))


<namespace name='Alice' age=30>

The code snippet deserializes a JSON string into a SimpleNamespace by passing a lambda function that applies the SimpleNamespace constructor to the dictionary, which the json.loads function yields.

Method 3: Subclassing SimpleNamespace

Creating a subclass of SimpleNamespace allows for extending its functionality or adding custom behavior. It’s a robust way to create objects from dictionaries while potentially adding methods and properties.

Here’s an example:

from types import SimpleNamespace

class User(SimpleNamespace):
    def greet(self):
        return f"Hello, my name is {self.name}!"

user_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 30}
user = User(**user_dict)


Hello, my name is Alice!

This snippet shows how to create a User subclass of SimpleNamespace, add a custom method, and then instantiate it with a dictionary. The user can now also call the greet method.

Method 4: Using a Conversion Function

Defining a conversion function that iterates over dictionary items is a more manual but transparent way of achieving the dictionary to SimpleNamespace conversion.

Here’s an example:

from types import SimpleNamespace

def manual_conversion(d):
    namespace = SimpleNamespace()
    for key, value in d.items():
        setattr(namespace, key, value)
    return namespace

user_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 30}
user = manual_conversion(user_dict)


<namespace name='Alice' age=30>

In this approach, manual_conversion function constructs a SimpleNamespace and assigns each dictionary key and value as an attribute. This is an explicit, verbose method but gives full control over the process.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Generator Expression

This compact one-liner uses a generator expression to achieve the conversion and may be suitable for simple inline conversions or lambda functions.

Here’s an example:

from types import SimpleNamespace

user_dict = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 30}
user = SimpleNamespace(**user_dict)


<namespace name='Alice' age=30>

This snippet directly constructs a SimpleNamespace object, passing the dictionary items as arguments. It’s the most straightforward and concise method to convert a dictionary to SimpleNamespace using argument unpacking.


  • Method 1: Using types.SimpleNamespace. Very straightforward. Best for simplicity and direct conversions.
  • Method 2: Using Object Hook in JSON Parsing. Ideal for JSON deserialization. Offers seamless object creation from JSON data.
  • Method 3: Subclassing SimpleNamespace. Offers customization and added functionality. Best when the SimpleNamespace object needs additional methods.
  • Method 4: Using a Conversion Function. Gives complete control. Best for scenarios requiring detailed conversion logic.
  • Bonus Method 5: One-Liner with Generator Expression. The quickest and least verbose. Ideal for concise and readable code.