5 Best Ways to Convert Python Dict to Variables

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: This article addresses the challenge of extracting values from a Python dictionary and assigning them to individual variables. The input is a dictionary object, say, {'name': 'John', 'age': 30, 'city': 'New York'}, and the desired output is to have variables like name = 'John', age = 30, and city = 'New York' that can be used independently in the code.

Method 1: Direct Assignment

This method involves assigning each value from the dictionary to a variable manually. It’s straightforward and does not require any additional functions or loops. However, it is not scalable for dictionaries with a large number of keys.

Here’s an example:

person = {'name': 'John', 'age': 30, 'city': 'New York'}
name = person['name']
age = person['age']
city = person['city']
print(name, age, city)

Output: John 30 New York

This code snippet manually assigns the values of the keys from the person dictionary to respective variables. It is simple and easy to understand but becomes impractical when dealing with dictionaries with many keys.

Method 2: Variable Unpacking

Unpacking a dictionary directly into variables is a clean and concise way to assign values. This method requires that the variables have the same names as the dictionary keys.

Here’s an example:

person = {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25, 'city': 'Los Angeles'}
name, age, city = person.values()
print(name, age, city)

Output: Alice 25 Los Angeles

Using .values() on the person dictionary, we unpack the values directly into variables. It’s important to ensure that the number of variables matches the number of values in the dictionary.

Method 3: Using the ** Operator

The ** or “double star” operator is used in Python to unpack dictionaries. Combined with a function that has matching argument names, it is an effective way to convert dictionaries to variables.

Here’s an example:

def assign_variables(name, age, city):
    print(name, age, city)

person = {'name': 'Emma', 'age': 29, 'city': 'Chicago'}

Output: Emma 29 Chicago

The **person in the function call unpacks the dictionary into keyword arguments, which the function uses to assign values to variables. This method is particularly useful when working with functions.

Method 4: Exec Function

The exec() function in Python can also be used to execute the string version of Python commands dynamically. However, it should be used with caution as it poses security risks when used with untrusted input.

Here’s an example:

person = {'name': 'David', 'age': 35, 'city': 'Miami'}
for key in person:
    exec(f"{key} = person['{key}']")

print(name, age, city)

Output: David 35 Miami

By using a for-loop over the keys of the person dictionary and the exec() function, each key-value pair is transformed into a variable assignment. Despite its power, the exec function should be used sparingly and carefully.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: The locals() Update

A quick one-liner that updates the local symbol table (which should be done with understanding of the risks and potential side effects).

Here’s an example:

person = {'name': 'Sophia', 'age': 22, 'city': 'Boston'}
print(name, age, city)

Output: Sophia 22 Boston

With locals().update(person), the local symbol table is updated with the key-value pairs from the person dictionary, effectively creating variables.


  • Method 1: Direct Assignment. Simple and explicit. Not scalable for dictionaries with numerous keys.
  • Method 2: Variable Unpacking. Clean syntax. Requires variable names to match dictionary keys and the same number of variables as dictionary values.
  • Method 3: Using the ** Operator. Elegant when using functions. Requires function parameter names to match dictionary keys.
  • Method 4: Exec Function. Very flexible. Not recommended for untrusted or dynamic input due to security risks.
  • Bonus Method 5: The locals() Update. Convenient one-liner. Can cause hard-to-debug side effects and should be used with care.