5 Best Ways to Convert Python Dictionaries to Binary Data

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation:

Converting a Python dictionary to binary data is a common requirement in scenarios where data serialization and transmission over networks are needed. For instance, you might want to send a Python dictionary from a server to a client in a binary format. The input would be a Python dictionary, say {'key': 'value'}, and the desired output would be a sequence of bytes that represents the serialized version of the dictionary.

Method 1: Using the pickle Module

The pickle module in Python is a standard tool for serializing and deserializing objects. It can convert a Python dictionary into a binary stream, allowing easy storage or transmission of data. This module is simple and straightforward, but it should not be used for untrusted data due to security risks.

Here’s an example:

import pickle

my_dict = {'key': 'value'}
binary_data = pickle.dumps(my_dict)




The pickle.dumps() function takes a Python object and returns its binary representation. Here, it is used to serialize a dictionary into bytes, which is printed as a sequence of escaped characters representing binary data.

Method 2: Using the json Module with Encoding

The json module can be used to convert a dictionary to a JSON string, which in turn can be encoded to binary using string’s encode() method. This method is safer than pickle and yields a text-based format which is also human-readable.

Here’s an example:

import json

my_dict = {'key': 'value'}
json_data = json.dumps(my_dict)
binary_data = json_data.encode('utf-8')



b'{"key": "value"}'

The json.dumps() function is used to convert the dictionary to a JSON formatted string. The resulting string is then encoded to binary data, resulting in a bytes object ready for transmission or storage.

Method 3: Using the marshal Module

The marshal module provides functions to read and write Python values in a binary format. It is specifically designed for Python bytecode, so it may not be as versatile as pickle, but it’s quicker and produces smaller binaries for simple data types.

Here’s an example:

import marshal

my_dict = {'key': 'value'}
binary_data = marshal.dumps(my_dict)




The marshal.dumps() function is utilized to serialize the dictionary. The result is a compact binary representation of the dictionary, which can then be written to a file or sent over a network.

Method 4: Using the struct Module for Fixed-Type Dictionaries

The struct module performs conversions between Python values and C structs represented as Python byte strings. This is suitable for dictionaries with predictable structures and simple data types.

Here’s an example:

import struct

my_dict = {'key': 12345}
binary_data = struct.pack('5sI', my_dict['key'].encode('utf-8'), 12345)




In this code, struct.pack() creates a binary representation of the dictionary with a predefined structure. The format string ‘5sI’ tells struct that the data consists of a 5-byte string followed by an unsigned integer.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using Comprehension and bytes()

For a dictionary with all string values, you can use dictionary comprehension along with the bytes() constructor for a quick one-liner conversion, which is elegant but has very specific use cases.

Here’s an example:

my_dict = {'hello': 'world'}
binary_data = bytes(''.join(f'{k}:{v},' for k, v in my_dict.items()), 'utf-8')




The dictionary is converted into a comma-separated string with each key-value pair and then encoded to bytes using the bytes() function. This method is very direct but lacks the versatility and reliability of the previous methods.


  • Method 1: Pickle. Great for complex objects. Not secure for untrusted sources. Not compatible with non-Python systems.
  • Method 2: JSON with Encoding. Human-readable. Fairly secure and language agnostic. Not as compact as binary formats.
  • Method 3: Marshal. Fast and produces compact binaries. Mainly for internal Python use. Not suitable for long-term storage or non-Python applications.
  • Method 4: Struct. Ideal for fixed and simple structures. Requires knowledge of C struct formats. Not flexible for dynamic or complex data.
  • Method 5: Comprehension with bytes(). Quick for string-only dictionaries. Inefficient and impractical for varied or complex data types.