5 Best Ways to Convert Python Time to a File Name

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When automating tasks that involve file generation, it is often useful to timestamp files for organization and version control. This article explores how to convert the current time or a given datetime object in Python into a sanitized string format suitable for file naming. An example input could be the current time, with the desired output being a string like “2021-08-10_15-30-00”.

Method 1: Using datetime.strftime

One effective approach to convert time to a file name is by using the datetime module’s strftime method, which formats a datetime object into a string. This method allows you to specify the exact format in which you want to represent the time, making it both powerful and flexible to suit various file naming conventions.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime

file_time_stamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
file_name = f"report_{file_time_stamp}.txt"


Output: report_2021-08-10_15-30-00.txt

This code first imports the datetime module and utilizes the datetime.now() function to get the current date and time. It then formats the datetime object to a string that can be safely used as a file name using the strftime function with the appropriate format code. The output is a timestamped string that can be appended to the base file name.

Method 2: Using time.strftime

Alternatively, you can employ the time module along with its strftime function, which works similarly to datetime.strftime but is based directly on the system time. This approach is slightly less flexible than the datetime module, as it deals with time rather than datetime objects, but it is still quite useful for generating file names.

Here’s an example:

import time

file_time_stamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
file_name = "log_{}.txt".format(file_time_stamp)


Output: log_2021-08-10_15-30-00.txt

This code snippet uses the time.strftime() function to format the current system time into the desired string format. The resulting string is then used to create a file name with a timestamp, which can be useful for log files or other time-specific records.

Method 3: Using datetime and timedelta for Custom Timestamps

If you need your timestamp to represent a time other than the current one, you can use the datetime module in combination with timedelta objects. This method offers the capability to generate file names for dates and times in the future or past relative to the current moment.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Let's assume we want the timestamp for one day in the future
future_time = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
file_time_stamp = future_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
file_name = f"future_report_{file_time_stamp}.txt"


Output: future_report_2021-08-11_15-30-00.txt

This code creates a datetime object for one day in the future by adding a timedelta object to the current time. This future datetime object is then formatted as a safe string for a file name which includes a custom prefix for clarity.

Method 4: Using third-party libraries for more complex scenarios

For more complex time-to-file-name conversions that might involve time zones or localization, third-party libraries like arrow or dateutil can be invaluable. These libraries offer enhanced functionality for date and time operations, including file name generation.

Here’s an example:

import arrow

utc = arrow.utcnow()
local = utc.to('US/Pacific')
file_time_stamp = local.format('YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss')
file_name = f"data_backup_{file_time_stamp}.sql"


Output: data_backup_2021-08-10_08-30-00.sql

This example demonstrates the use of the arrow library to generate a timestamp for a file name in the specific time zone ‘US/Pacific’. This is particularly useful when dealing with applications spread across different geographic locations.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using lambda for on-the-fly formatting

For a quick and efficient one-liner suitable for inline operations, you can use a lambda function that wraps around the strftime function to immediately return a timestamp string.

Here’s an example:

from datetime import datetime

file_name = lambda prefix, dt: f"{prefix}_{dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')}.txt"

print(file_name("daily_backup", datetime.now()))

Output: daily_backup_2021-08-10_15-30-00.txt

This code snippet provides a compact and flexible on-the-fly formatting function for file naming, which can be reused with different prefixes and datetime objects. It is especially handy when the file naming process is a repeated task in your script.


  • Method 1: datetime.strftime. Strengths: Highly customizable, uses native Python libraries. Weaknesses: Requires current date and time, not best for historical/future timestamps.
  • Method 2: time.strftime. Strengths: Simple and fast, uses system time. Weaknesses: Only deals with the current time, no direct support for datetime objects.
  • Method 3: Custom Timestamps with timedelta. Strengths: Offers time customization, good for scheduling. Weaknesses: A bit more complex to implement.
  • Method 4: Third-party libraries like arrow. Strengths: Powerful features for complex scenarios. Weaknesses: Requires external dependencies.
  • Bonus Method 5: Lambda function. Strengths: Quick and inline, great for repetitive tasks. Weaknesses: Less readability and not as obvious for beginners.