5 Best Ways to Convert to Integer Scalar Array in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python, there may be scenarios where you need to convert different data types into a uniform integer scalar array. For example, you might have a list of strings representing numbers [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’] and need to convert it to an array of integers [1, 2, 3] to perform numerical operations. This article explores various methods to accomplish this conversion efficiently.

Method 1: Using Built-in int() Function and List Comprehension

This method involves iterating over each element of the input data structure (like a list or tuple), converting each item to an integer using the built-in int() function, and collecting the results in a list or array. List comprehension is a concise way to apply this conversion.

Here’s an example:

input_list = ['1', '2', '3']
integer_array = [int(item) for item in input_list]

Output: [1, 2, 3]

In the example, each string in input_list is converted to an integer. The list comprehension creates a new list, integer_array, containing the integer equivalents of the string numbers. This method is straightforward and Pythonic, perfect for single-lined transformations without additional libraries.

Method 2: Using map() Function

The map() function offers a way to apply a function to every item of an iterable, such as a list. In this context, we pass the int() function as the first argument to map, which converts each element in the iterable to an integer.

Here’s an example:

input_list = ['4', '5', '6']
integer_array = list(map(int, input_list))

Output: [4, 5, 6]

The map() function applies int() to each item of input_list, and the result is cast to a list to get integer_array. This method efficiently handles the conversion and is suitable for functional programming styles.

Method 3: Using a For Loop

For those who prefer a more explicit approach, a for loop can be used to iterate through an iterable, convert each element to an integer, and append it to a new list. This method is very clear and allows for additional processing during conversion if needed.

Here’s an example:

input_list = ['7', '8', '9']
integer_array = []
for item in input_list:

Output: [7, 8, 9]

This snippet demonstrates the fundamental method of iterating through each element, converting it, and then appending it to the result list, integer_array. While not as concise as list comprehension or map(), this approach is very transparent and easy to modify for complex cases.

Method 4: Using NumPy’s astype() Method

If you work with numerical data, using NumPy’s astype() method can be a highly efficient way to convert a list or array to a specified datatype. Here, we convert a list to a NumPy array of integers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
input_list = ['10', '11', '12']
integer_array = np.array(input_list).astype(int)

Output: array([10, 11, 12])

This code first creates a NumPy array from the input_list and then converts its elements to integers using the astype() method. This method is very efficient and particularly beneficial when dealing with large datasets and numerical computations.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy’s fromiter() method

For a bonus one-liner, NumPy’s fromiter() method allows you to create an array directly from an iterable, specifying the desired data type during the creation process. This can be particularly concise when working with iterators and generators.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
input_list = ['13', '14', '15']
integer_array = np.fromiter(input_list, dtype=int)

Output: array([13, 14, 15])

The fromiter() method takes input_list as an iterable and dtype=int to specify that we want an array of integers. This approach is a compact and efficient way to create arrays, particularly for converting iterator-generated sequences.


  • Method 1: List Comprehension. This method is Pythonic and concise. However, it might not be as efficient for very large datasets due to its creation of an intermediate list.
  • Method 2: Using map() Function. It is suitable for functional programming approaches and may have performance benefits over list comprehension. But it requires an extra step to convert the map object into a list.
  • Method 3: Using a For Loop. This method is the most explicit and ideal for beginners or for more complex transformations. However, it could lead to slightly verbose code compared to other methods.
  • Method 4: Using NumPy’s astype(). This method is very efficient with vectorized operations on numerical data but requires NumPy, which may add overhead if not already being used in the project.
  • Method 5: Using NumPy’s fromiter(). It directly creates a NumPy array from an iterable with the desired data type, offering high performance, especially with generators. However, it’s less known and also requires the NumPy library.