5 Best Ways to Create a Count Plot with Seaborn, Python & Pandas

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Data visualization is integral for analyzing trends and patterns effectively in datasets. In Python, utilizing libraries like Seaborn and Pandas, one common requirement is the generation of count plotsβ€”a visual interpretation depicting the frequency of occurrences for categorical data. This article demonstrates how to create such plots, assuming the input is a Pandas DataFrame and the output is a Seaborn count plot visualizing the distribution of a specific categorical variable.

Method 1: Basic Count Plot

Seaborn’s basic count plot can be constructed using the countplot() function. It’s designed to show the counts of observations in each categorical bin using bars. The method requires specifying the DataFrame and the categorical column for which the count plot is desired.

Here’s an example:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame
data = pd.DataFrame({'Category': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'A']})

# Create the count plot
sns.countplot(x='Category', data=data)

The output is a bar plot with the frequency of each category along the x-axis and the count along the y-axis.

This example demonstrates the essential use of a count plot, where ‘Category’ is plotted on the x-axis. The bars represent the number of times each category appears in the DataFrame, succinctly visualizing the distribution.

Method 2: Horizontal Count Plot

One might want a horizontal count plot for better comparison or to accommodate long category names. Utilizing the countplot() function from Seaborn with the y parameter instead of x can accomplish this.

Here’s an example:

# Create a horizontal count plot
sns.countplot(y='Category', data=data)

This output is similar to Method 1, except the categories are placed along the y-axis, laying out the plot horizontally.

This code snippet switches the orientation of the count plot, showing categories on the y-axis. It’s particularly useful when dealing with a large number of categories or long category names that would be difficult to fit on the x-axis.

Method 3: Count Plot with Order Specification

Ordering categories by frequency can reveal patterns more discernibly. Seaborn’s countplot() provides the order parameter, allowing for custom sorting of the displayed categories based on their count.

Here’s an example:

# Specify the order of categories
order = data['Category'].value_counts().index
sns.countplot(x='Category', data=data, order=order)

The resulting plot displays categories sorted by their counts, from highest to lowest.

This approach defines the order in which categories are displayed on the count plot. It uses the value_counts() method to determine the frequency, sorting the categories from most frequent to least before plotting.

Method 4: Styled Count Plot

Presentation matters in data visualization. Customizing the palette and adding a title can make a count plot more informative and visually appealing. Seaborn allows for customization with parameters like palette and methods like set_title().

Here’s an example:

# Customized count plot
sns.countplot(x='Category', data=data, palette='viridis')
plt.title('Custom Styled Count Plot')

The output is a styled bar plot with a unique color palette and a title.

The code illustrates how to apply a specific color palette to the count plot and set a title for the plot. A well-styled plot not only conveys information but also engages the viewer visually.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Count Plot with hue for Data Segregation

Seaborn allows differentiating data categories further using the hue parameter to introduce an additional categorical separation within the existing bars. This is helpful for a more granular analysis of sub-categories.

Here’s an example:

# Extended DataFrame with an additional 'Subcategory' column
data['Subcategory'] = ['X', 'Y', 'X', 'Z', 'Y', 'Y', 'Z', 'X', 'Z', 'X']

# Create a count plot with hue
sns.countplot(x='Category', hue='Subcategory', data=data)

The result is a count plot with subdivided bars, each segment representing a subcategory within the main category.

This code snippet introduces an additional categorical variable into the plot, allowing for a comparison of sub-category distributions within each primary category, adding depth to the original count plot.


  • Method 1: Basic Count Plot. Strengths include simplicity and direct display of category frequencies. Weaknesses may involve limitations in handling a large number of categories with long names.
  • Method 2: Horizontal Count Plot. The advantage lies in its ease of reading long category names and comparing a larger number of categories. It may, however, become less effective when there are too many categories to fit even vertically.
  • Method 3: Ordered Count Plot. Ordering categories by count can instantly highlight major categories. However, this method may be less illustrative for revealing the order or hierarchy inherent in the data.
  • Method 4: Styled Count Plot. Custom styling enhances the plot’s visual appeal and interpretation. A potential downside is the additional complexity in choosing an appropriate design that doesn’t obscure data interpretation.
  • Method 5: Count Plot with hue. Incorporating the hue parameter provides multi-variable analysis which enriches the plot. The weakness of this method is that it may introduce visual clutter, particularly when there are many sub-categories to display.