5 Best Ways to Create a Word Dictionary Using Python Tkinter

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Python developers often need to build applications with a GUI component for better user interaction. One common task might involve creating a word dictionary where users can input a word and receive a definition. This article provides methods using Python’s Tkinter library to create such functionality, from a simple text input with a button to more advanced searchable lists. Expected input would be a word (e.g., “Python”), and the desired output would be its definition.

Method 1: Basic Entry with Text Widget

Create a basic dictionary application using Tkinter’s Entry and Text widgets. This method implements a simple GUI where users can enter a word into the Entry widget, click a ‘Search’ button, and the definition appears in a Text widget.

Here’s an example:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

# Simple word dictionary
word_dict = {'Python': 'A large, heavy-bodied nonvenomous constrictor snake.', 'Java': 'A programming language.'}

def search_word():
    word = entry.get()
    definition = word_dict.get(word, "Word not found.")
    result_text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
    result_text.insert('1.0', definition)

root = tk.Tk()
entry = tk.Entry(root)
search_button = tk.Button(root, text="Search", command=search_word)
result_text = tk.Text(root, height=4, width=50)


Output: A GUI window with an Entry widget and a Text widget showing the definition after ‘Search’ is clicked.

When ‘Search’ is clicked, this code initiates a search within a predefined Python dictionary for the user-input word. The result is displayed in a Text widget. If the word doesn’t exist in our dictionary, “Word not found.” is shown.

Method 2: Using the Tkinter Listbox for Suggestions

Enhance user experience by adding a Listbox that displays word suggestions as the user types. This method utilizes the Listbox widget in Tkinter, updating its contents with a list of possible words that match the user input.

Here’s an example:

import tkinter as tk

word_dict = {'Python': 'A serpent.', 'Java': 'Coffee.'}

def on_keyrelease(event):
    value = event.widget.get().strip().lower()
    value = value.replace(' ', '')

    data = []
    if value == '':
        data = word_dict.keys()
        for item in word_dict.keys():
            if value in item.lower():


def update(data):
    listbox.delete(0, 'end')

    for item in data:
        listbox.insert('end', item)

root = tk.Tk()

entry = tk.Entry(root)
entry.bind('<KeyRelease>', on_keyrelease)

listbox = tk.Listbox(root)


Output: A GUI with an Entry widget and a Listbox displaying word suggestions based on user input.

The Listbox’s contents dynamically change to reflect the user’s Entry content, suggesting words from the provided dictionary. Useful for providing autocomplete-like functionality.

Method 3: Search Button with Message Pop-up

Streamline user experience with a pop-up message box that displays the definition upon clicking a ‘Search’ button. This method uses Tkinter’s messagebox to show the word definition, avoiding the use of additional labels or Text widgets.

Here’s an example:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

word_dict = {'Python': 'A reptile.', 'Java': 'An island.'}

def show_definition():
    word = entry.get()
    definition = word_dict.get(word, "Word not found.")
    messagebox.showinfo("Definition", definition)

root = tk.Tk()
entry = tk.Entry(root)
search_button = tk.Button(root, text="Search", command=show_definition)


Output: A message box displaying either the word definition or “Word not found.”

This snippet realizes a minimalistic GUI, retrieving the input word’s definition and displaying it in a messagebox upon ‘Search’ button activation.

Method 4: Adding Offline Dictionary API

Create a more extensive dictionary program by incorporating an offline dictionary API to gain access to a vast word database. This method relies on external Python libraries such as PyDictionary to fetch definitions.

Here’s an example:

from tkinter import *
from PyDictionary import PyDictionary


def get_meaning():
    word = entry.get()
    meanings = dictionary.meaning(word)
    text.delete("1.0", END)
    if meanings:
        for key in meanings:
            text.insert(END, f"{key}: {', '.join(meanings[key])}\n")
        text.insert(END, "No definition found.")

root = Tk()

entry = Entry(root)
search_button = Button(root, text="Search", command=get_meaning)
text = Text(root)


Output: A larger GUI containing Entry, Button, and Text widgets, displaying comprehensive definitions fetched by PyDictionary.

This code demonstrates a more advanced GUI application capable of fetching definitions using an offline dictionary API. This expands the word database beyond what is manually entered.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Command-Line Interface (CLI) Dictionary

For those preferring a non-GUI approach or seeking a simpler implementation, a one-liner in the terminal can serve as a ‘dictionary’.

Here’s an example:

python -c "import sys; from PyDictionary import PyDictionary; print(PyDictionary().meaning(sys.argv[1]))" "Python"

Output: The definition of the word ‘Python’ printed in the terminal.

In this example, Python’s command-line interface is employed to print a word’s definition using PyDictionary when executed with the word as an argument.


  • Method 1: Basic Entry with Text Widget. Simple and straightforward. Limited by static dataset.
  • Method 2: Using the Tkinter Listbox for Suggestions. Interactive and user-friendly. May slow with large datasets.
  • Method 3: Search Button with Message Pop-up. Minimal design keeps the UI clean. Pop-ups can be intrusive for some users.
  • Method 4: Adding Offline Dictionary API. Extensive word database. Requires external libraries and a network connection.
  • Bonus Method 5: Command-Line Interface (CLI) Dictionary. Quick and easy for developers. Not suitable for GUI applications.