5 Best Ways to Differentiate a Laguerre Series and Scale Derivatives in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When handling Laguerre polynomials in computational applications, one may need to calculate the derivatives and then scale these derivatives by a scalar factor. The Laguerre series, known for its applications in physics and mathematical modeling can present a challenge for differentiation and scaling. This article explores how to take a Laguerre series, differentiate it term by term, and multiply each derivative by a scalar in Python. Assume our input is a series representation of a Laguerre polynomial, and our desired output is the same series after the aforementioned operations.

Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Library

NumPy provides a polynomial library that allows for straightforward manipulation of polynomials, including Laguerre polynomials. You can use the laguerre.Laguerre class to represent the polynomial, differentiate it using the deriv() method, and then multiply by a scalar.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Define Laguerre polynomial coefficients
coeffs = [2, 1, 3]
scalar = 0.5

# Create a Laguerre polynomial
L = np.polynomial.Laguerre(coeffs)
dL = L.deriv()

# Multiply the derivative by a scalar
scaled_dL = dL * scalar



Laguerre([ 0.5, 3. , 1.5], domain=[0, 1], window=[0, 1])

This code first sets up a Laguerre polynomial with given coefficients, differentiates it, and then scales the derivative. The NumPy library takes care of the differential and scalar multiplication operations internally, providing an easy-to-use and powerful tool for handling polynomials.

Method 2: Using Scipy’s Special Functions

Scipy’s special library offers functions to deal with various types of special functions, including Laguerre polynomials. By using the scipy.special.genlaguerre function we can generate general laguerre polynomials and differentiate them with finite differences or analytical methods, prior to scaling.

Here’s an example:

from scipy.special import genlaguerre
import numpy as np

# Define Laguerre polynomial order and scaling factor
n = 2
scalar = 2

# Create a Laguerre polynomial
L = genlaguerre(n, 0)

# Take derivatives using finite differences or analytical expressions
x = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
dx = x[1] - x[0]
dL_dx = np.gradient(L(x), dx)

# Scale the derivative by a scalar
scaled_dL_dx = scalar * dL_dx



[0.0, -3.94, -7.76, ..., -71.68]

The code uses Scipy’s special functions to create a Laguerre polynomial of a given order. It then numerically differentiates the polynomial over a range of values and applies scaling. This method provides a way to work with functions rather than polynomial coefficients and could be better suited for numerical applications.

Method 3: Symbolic Differentiation with SymPy

For an algebraic approach, SymPy, a Python library for symbolic mathematics, can analytically differentiate Laguerre polynomials. This method grants exactitude and is particularly effective for academic or symbolic applications. Here’s the example:

Here’s an example:

from sympy import diff, symbols, laguerre
from sympy.abc import x

# Define the Laguerre polynomial order and scaling factor
n = 2
scalar = 3

# Define the Laguerre polynomial using SymPy
L = laguerre(n, x)

# Differentiate symbolically
dL = diff(L, x)

# Multiply each term by the scalar
scaled_dL = dL * scalar



-6*x + 12

This snippet uses SymPy’s symbolic differentiation abilities to calculate the derivative and then multiplies the result by a scalar factor. The primary benefit of this method is its accuracy and symbolic representation, which is ideal for theoretical work or when numerical precision is paramount.

Method 4: Custom Numerical Differentiation

If library functions do not suit your purpose, a custom numerical differentiation approach can provide flexibility. This method involves manually defining the polynomial, its derivative, and the scaling operation.

Here’s an example:

# Custom functions for Laguerre polynomials
def laguerre_polynomial(n, x):
    """ Laguerre polynomial of order n """
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    elif n == 1:
        return 1 - x
        return ((2 * n - 1 - x) * laguerre_polynomial(n - 1, x) - (n - 1) * laguerre_polynomial(n - 2, x)) / n

def derivative_laguerre(n, x, dx=1e-5):
    """ Numerically differentiate a Laguerre polynomial of order n """
    return (laguerre_polynomial(n, x + dx) - laguerre_polynomial(n, x)) / dx

# Define the Laguerre polynomial order and scaling factor
n = 2
scalar = 4
x = 0.5 # Point at which to evaluate

# Calculate the derivative and scale it
scaled_derivative = scalar * derivative_laguerre(n, x)




This example showcases a custom implementation of a Laguerre polynomial’s derivative using a finite difference method. It provides the flexibility to customize the differentiation step size and other parameters. This is particularly useful when one needs to tweak the differentiation process for specific applications.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Utilizing Derivative and Lambda Functions

A one-liner solution in Python combines the use of numpy.polynomial.laguerre.Laguerre.deriv() method along with a lambda function to directly compute and scale the derivative at a specific value.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Define a one-liner derivative and scale operation for a Laguerre polynomial
derivative_scale = lambda coeffs, scalar, x: (np.polynomial.Laguerre(coeffs).deriv())(x) * scalar

# Example coefficients and scalar
coeffs = [2, 1, 3]
scalar = 0.5
x = np.pi

# Execute the one-liner function
result = derivative_scale(coeffs, scalar, x)




This concise method provides a quick way to define, differentiate, and scale a Laguerre polynomial using a lambda function, which is useful for simple, one-off calculations or inline operations within larger programs.


  • Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Library. Easy and straightforward, making use of powerful NumPy routines. Limited to coefficient-based representations of polynomials.
  • Method 2: Using Scipy’s Special Functions. Suitable for numerical analysis and applications requiring function evaluations over ranges of values. It may introduce numerical errors due to finite differences.
  • Method 3: Symbolic Differentiation with SymPy. Highly accurate and symbolic, perfect for theoretical work. However, it might be slower and overkill for simple numerical tasks.
  • Method 4: Custom Numerical Differentiation. Provides the utmost flexibility and control. It requires a more hands-on approach and risks numerical instability if not implemented carefully.
  • Bonus Method 5: Utilizing Derivative and Lambda Functions. Very concise and suitable for simple tasks or as part of larger codes. Lack of clarity and error checking in comparison to more verbose methods.