5 Best Ways to Display the ‘stop’ Parameter of a Pandas RangeIndex

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with pandas in Python, one commonly encountered scenario is the need to display the ‘stop’ parameter of a RangeIndex. This parameter represents the end (exclusive) boundary of the RangeIndex, and it’s helpful to be able to retrieve it efficiently. For example, given a DataFrame with a default integer index, we may wish to know the ‘stop’ value of this RangeIndex to understand the length of the DataFrame or to perform index-based operations.

Method 1: Using RangeIndex Attribute

This method gets the ‘stop’ parameter directly from the RangeIndex object associated with a DataFrame. RangeIndex is a memory-saving special case of Index for sequences of integers, and it comes with attributes namely ‘start’, ‘stop’, and ‘step’. The ‘stop’ attribute holds the value where the index ends.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Creating a simple DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3]})

# Accessing the stop parameter
stop_value = df.index.stop


Output: 3

This code snippet introduces a pandas DataFrame with a default integer index. We access the ‘stop’ attribute of the DataFrame’s index, which is a RangeIndex, and print the value. The output is ‘3’, indicating the DataFrame has three rows.

Method 2: Using len() Function

Another way to identify the ‘stop’ parameter of the RangeIndex of a DataFrame is by using Python’s built-in len() function. As a DataFrame’s default RangeIndex ends where the number of rows ends, simply calling len() with the DataFrame as an argument gives you the ‘stop’ value.

Here’s an example:

# Given the above DataFrame 'df'

# Calculating the stop value
stop_value = len(df)


Output: 3

In this snippet, we exploit the fact that the ‘stop’ value of a DataFrame’s RangeIndex is equal to the total number of rows. Thus, passing the DataFrame to the len() function gives us the ‘stop’ value, which is ‘3’ in this case.

Method 3: Using iloc Indexing

The iloc property of pandas DataFrames allows integer-location based indexing. It can also be used to detect the last index of the DataFrame to infer the ‘stop’ parameter by selecting the last element’s index plus one.

Here’s an example:

# Given the above DataFrame 'df'

# Using iloc to determine the last index plus one
stop_value = df.iloc[-1:].index.item() + 1


Output: 3

The example uses iloc to select the last row of the DataFrame. It then retrieves the RangeIndex object for this row, gets the value using the item() method, and adds one to reflect the ‘stop’ parameter. It prints out ‘3’ as expected.

Method 4: Through the DataFrame’s Tail

Similar to the iloc method, you can use the tail() method to grab the last row of the DataFrame. The index of this last row, incremented by one, gives us the ‘stop’ value.

Here’s an example:

# Given the above DataFrame 'df'

# Finding the 'stop' parameter via the tail method
stop_value = df.tail(1).index.item() + 1


Output: 3

Here, the tail() method serves as a convenient way to get the last elements of the DataFrame. We retrieve the index of this last element, increment it by one, and output the ‘stop’ parameter which, for our sample DataFrame, is ‘3’.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using max() on Index

You can take advantage of Python’s max() function to get the maximum index value and add one to determine the ‘stop’ value with a one-liner.

Here’s an example:

# Given the above DataFrame 'df'

# One-liner to get the stop parameter
stop_value = max(df.index) + 1


Output: 3

This one-liner is straightforward: it applies the max() function to the DataFrame’s index to obtain the highest index value. Adding one to this value gives the ‘stop’ parameter, which is ‘3’ in this case.


  • Method 1: Using RangeIndex Attribute. Strengths: Direct and semantic. Weaknesses: Requires understanding of RangeIndex.
  • Method 2: Using len() Function. Strengths: Simple and Pythonic. Weaknesses: Less explicit than method 1.
  • Method 3: Using iloc Indexing. Strengths: Explicit and versatile. Weaknesses: More verbose, may require additional handling for empty DataFrames.
  • Method 4: Through the DataFrame’s Tail. Strengths: Intuitive for those familiar with tail(). Weaknesses: Can be inefficient with very large DataFrames.
  • Method 5: Using max() on Index. Strengths: Quick one-liner. Weaknesses: Slightly less clear in intent.