5 Best Ways to Download Images with Selenium Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with Selenium in Python, a common task is to download images from webpages. This article will demonstrate how to efficiently grab image files through various methods using the Selenium WebDriver. For instance, you may need to download a logo from a website’s homepage, and the output would be the logo image saved to your local file system.

Method 1: Using Selenium WebDriver to retrieve image URLs followed by Python requests

This method involves two steps: first, using Selenium to find the image element and retrieve its source URL, and then using the Python requests library to download the image. It is a straightforward combination that leverages Selenium for browser automation and Requests for efficient downloading.

Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver
import requests

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

image_element = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('img')
image_url = image_element.get_attribute('src')

response = requests.get(image_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
    with open('image.png', 'wb') as file:


The output will be a file named ‘image.png’ in the current working directory, containing the downloaded image.

This snippet first opens a webpage using Selenium WebDriver, then finds an image element and retrieves its source URL. The requests library is then used to perform a GET request to download the image, which is saved to the local file system.

Method 2: Saving screenshots of elements

Selenium WebDriver has a functionality to take a screenshot of the page, or even of a specific element. This method focuses on the latter, allowing you to capture an image as it appears on the site, which includes styling done by CSS.

Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

image_element = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('img')


The output is ‘image_element.png’ saved locally, showing the image element as it appears on the web page.

By locating the desired image element with Selenium, the screenshot() method captures it as-rendered and saves it directly to a file, bypassing the need for a separate download step. This method can be especially useful when the image URL is not directly accessible or when the image is generated by scripts.

Method 3: Using Selenium with a headless browser

Headless browser configurations with Selenium are optimal for automation scripts that don’t require a GUI. When combined with the techniques from Method 1, image downloading can occur in the background, utilizing less system resources and allowing for better performance and automation on servers.

Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver
import requests
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options

options = Options()
options.headless = True
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)


image_element = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('img')
image_url = image_element.get_attribute('src')

response = requests.get(image_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
    with open('image_headless.png', 'wb') as file:


The output is ‘image_headless.png’, which contains the downloaded image while using a headless browser.

This code snippet demonstrates the method of downloading images using Selenium in a headless mode. The snippet configures Chrome to run headlessly and performs the operations to grab the image URL and use the requests library to download it just like in Method 1, but without the overhead of a visible browser window.

Method 4: Extracting image data from page source

In some cases, the image you want to download may be encoded in base64 within the page source. This method allows you to directly extract image data without making additional HTTP requests. It is convenient for images embedded directly within HTML using data URIs.

Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver
import base64

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

image_element = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('img')
image_data = image_element.get_attribute('src').split(',')[1]

with open("image_from_source.png", "wb") as fh:


The output is ‘image_from_source.png’, which stores the image after decoding it from base64.

The code obtains the src attribute from the image element and decodes the base64 data to retrieve the image. This method skips downloading the image from a URL by decoding the base64 encoded string within the HTML source itself, and directly writing it to a file.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Selenium One-Liner with WebDriver

For the power users who want the ultimate shortcut, this one-liner makes use of Python’s ability to chain commands together. This method is a quick and dirty way of grabbing an image if you know the exact ID or a unique identifier of the image element.

Here’s an example:


The output is ‘image_oneliner.png’ representing the downloaded image via the one-liner command.

This one-liner initiates the WebDriver, navigates to the URL, finds the image by its unique ID, and takes a screenshot of it all in a single chain of commands. However, the disadvantage here is that it doesn’t properly close the WebDriver, which can leave resources hanging in your program.


  • Method 1: Retrieve image URLs with Selenium and download with requests. Strengths: Simple and versatile. Weaknesses: Requires additional requests library and makes an extra HTTP request.
  • Method 2: Saving screenshots of elements. Strengths: Downloads images as rendered, including CSS styling. Weaknesses: File size can be larger, and it’s not suitable for images rendered by JavaScript after page load.
  • Method 3: Using Selenium with a headless browser. Strengths: More efficient for automation and server use. Weaknesses: No visual feedback during the process, which may complicate debugging.
  • Method 4: Extracting image data from page source. Strengths: No need for additional HTTP requests, and fast for images encoded in the page. Weaknesses: Limited to images embedded in base64 within source code.
  • Method 5: Using a one-liner with Selenium. Strengths: Quick and concise. Weaknesses: Poor resource management and lack of flexibility.