5 Best Ways to Drop NaN Values from MultiIndex Levels in Python Pandas

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with multi-level indexed DataFrames in Pandas, we may encounter scenarios where one or more levels contain NaN values. To ensure data integrity and facilitate proper analysis, we might need to remove rows that have any level with a NaN. Given a DataFrame with a MultiIndex, where indices might include NaNs, how do we efficiently drop all rows that contain a NaN in any level of the index? We want to go from a DataFrame with mixed NaN and non-NaN multi-level indices to one which is entirely NaN-free at the index level.

Method 1: Using dropna() with MultiIndex

This method involves leveraging Pandas’ dropna() function to filter out rows with NaN values at any level in the MultiIndex. The function is effectively applied on the index level by specifying the level parameter. This is useful for straightforward cases where NaN values are not embedded within the rest of your DataFrame’s data.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

multi_indexed_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'data': range(6)
}).set_index([['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], [1, 2, 3, None, 5, 6]])

cleaned_df = multi_indexed_df.dropna(axis='index', level=1)

The output will be:

a 1       0
b 2       1
a 3       2
a 5       4
b 6       5

This code snippet creates a DataFrame with a two-level index that includes NaN values. By calling dropna() with axis='index' and specifying the level parameter (in this case level=1), Pandas removes any rows where level 1 of the index contains NaN values.

Method 2: Using Boolean Indexing

An alternative method to handle NaN values in a MultiIndex involves using boolean indexing to select only the rows that do not contain NaNs. This provides greater control and flexibility, which can be useful in more complex scenarios where multiple conditions are necessary for row selection.

Here’s an example:

nan_free_index = ~(multi_indexed_df.index.isna().any(level='both'))
cleaned_df = multi_indexed_df[nan_free_index]

The output will be:

a 1       0
b 2       1
a 3       2
a 5       4
b 6       5

In this code snippet, ~(multi_indexed_df.index.isna().any(level='both')) creates a boolean mask where rows with any NaN values in the MultiIndex are marked False. By applying this mask to the DataFrame, only the rows with fully populated indices are selected.

Method 3: Resetting the Index

Resetting the index converts the MultiIndex to columns, which can then be effectively filtered using the dropna() method. This is particularly useful when NaN values may also be present in the DataFrame’s data and not just in the MultiIndex.

Here’s an example:

reset_df = multi_indexed_df.reset_index()
cleaned_df = reset_df.dropna(subset=['level_1']).set_index(['level_0', 'level_1'])

The output will be:

level_0 level_1     
a       1.0         0
b       2.0         1
a       3.0         2
a       5.0         4
b       6.0         5

By resetting the index, the MultiIndex levels become individual columns named level_0, level_1, etc. We then use dropna() to filter out the rows with NaN values and subsequently reinstate the original indexing structure with set_index().

Method 4: Using Query with MultiIndex

The query() method, which allows string expression filtering, can be used for dropping rows with NaN in a MultiIndex by querying the index levels directly. It simplifies complex filtering logic that can be hard to express using standard indexing techniques.

Here’s an example:

multi_indexed_df.index.names = ['level_0', 'level_1']
cleaned_df = multi_indexed_df.query('level_1 == level_1')

The output will be:

level_0 level_1     
a       1         0
b       2         1
a       3         2
a       5         4
b       6         5

This code renames the index levels and utilizes query() to filter out rows. Because a NaN does not equal itself, the condition 'level_1 == level_1' effectively excludes rows where level_1 is NaN.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using index.dropna()

For a clean and concise approach, using index.dropna() directly removes rows with NaN in the index. It’s extremely straightforward and performs inline index-based NaN removal.

Here’s an example:

cleaned_df = multi_indexed_df.loc[multi_indexed_df.index.dropna()]

The output will be:

a 1       0
b 2       1
a 3       2
a 5       4
b 6       5

The loc[] indexer is used to select rows based on the condition specified. Here, multi_indexed_df.index.dropna() immediately discards any indices with NaN values, and only rows with complete indices are retained.


  • Method 1: Using dropna() with MultiIndex. Straightforward and concise. Does not work as well if NaN values also need to be considered within the DataFrame’s data.
  • Method 2: Using Boolean Indexing. Offers fine-grained control. Can be slightly more verbose and less readable.
  • Method 3: Resetting the Index. Converts MultiIndex to columns for filtration. Effective, but involves additional steps of resetting and setting the index, which could affect performance.
  • Method 4: Using Query with MultiIndex. Simplifies complex boolean logic. Requires understanding of query syntax, and might not be as performant with very large DataFrames.
  • Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using index.dropna(). Very clean and easy to write. Limited to index-based filtration.