5 Best Ways to Encode Multiple Strings with Equal Length Using TensorFlow and Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In machine learning tasks, we often face the need to convert strings into a numerical format that models can interpret. When handling multiple strings of the same length, efficient encoding becomes crucial. If given a list of strings such as ["tensor", "python", "encode"], the objective is to encode these strings into a numerical format suitable for TensorFlow models. The desired output varies based on the encoding technique but generally consists of an array or tensor representing each string numerically.

Method 1: Character-Level One-Hot Encoding

Character-level one-hot encoding transforms each character in a string into a binary vector corresponding to an alphabet index. The entire string is represented as a 2D tensor. TensorFlow’s tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.StringLookup layer can be employed for building an index of characters and tf.one_hot for the one-hot encoding.

Here’s an example:

import tensorflow as tf

# Define a list of strings
strings = ["tensor", "python", "encode"]

# Create a StringLookup layer to map characters to numerical indices
lookup_layer = tf.keras.layers.StringLookup(output_mode='one_hot')

# Prepare the character dataset
chars = tf.strings.unicode_split(strings, 'UTF-8')

# Perform one-hot encoding
encoded = lookup_layer(chars)



  [[0. 0. 1. ...], [1. 0. 0. ...], ...]
  [[0. 1. 0. ...], [1. 0. 0. ...], ...]

This code first creates a vocabulary index for all characters found in our strings, then splits each string into characters and applies one-hot encoding. The result is a tensor where each string is represented as a sequence of one-hot encoded vectors, one for each character.

Method 2: Integer Encoding

Integer encoding assigns a unique integer to each character. This is simpler than one-hot encoding and requires less memory. TensorFlow’s StringLookup layer is again useful here, set to its default output mode which is integer encoding.

Here’s an example:

import tensorflow as tf

strings = ["tensor", "python", "encode"]

# Create a StringLookup layer
lookup_layer = tf.keras.layers.StringLookup()

chars = tf.strings.unicode_split(strings, 'UTF-8')

# Perform integer encoding
encoded = lookup_layer(chars)



  [3, 10, 5, ...]
  [12, 3, 9, ...]

This method converts each character to its corresponding integer index based on frequency. The StringLookup layer builds the mapping, and each string is converted into a sequence of integers representing its characters.

Method 3: Word-Level Embedding Encoding

Word-level embedding creates a dense vector for each unique word, capturing semantic meaning. TensorFlow offers tf.keras.layers.Embedding to perform this operation, which is particularly useful for encoding strings with a meaningful vocabulary.

Here’s an example:

import tensorflow as tf

strings = ["tensor", "python", "encode"]

# Create a TextVectorization layer to tokenize and vectorize the strings
vectorize_layer = tf.keras.layers.TextVectorization(output_mode='int')

# Create an Embedding layer
embedding_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=len(vectorize_layer.get_vocabulary()), output_dim=8)

# Vectorize then embed the strings
embedded = embedding_layer(vectorize_layer(strings))



  [[0.1, -0.2, ...], [-0.3, 0.4, ...], ...],
  [[-0.5, 0.6, ...], [0.7, -0.8, ...], ...],

This snippet first tokenizes and vectorizes the strings using a TextVectorization layer, then passes the result into an Embedding layer to obtain a dense vector representation that reflects the semantic meaning of each word as a whole.

Method 4: Binary Encoding

Binary encoding is a compact form of representation where each character is encoded as a binary value. It is more space-efficient than one-hot encoding but requires a predefined character set.

Here’s an example:

import tensorflow as tf

strings = ["tensor", "python", "encode"]

# Define character set and max string length
charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
max_length = len(strings[0])

# Function to convert characters to binary representation
def char_to_bin(char):
    return tf.strings.to_hash_bucket_strong(char, num_buckets=len(charset), key=[0, 1])

# Vectorize the function and apply to each character
binary_encoded = tf.vectorized_map(lambda x: char_to_bin(x), tf.strings.bytes_split(strings))



  [3, 10, 5, ...]
  [12, 3, 9, ...]

This method uses the TensorFlow function tf.strings.to_hash_bucket_strong to assign a unique bucket for each character which roughly corresponds to a binary encoding. The function is vectorized for efficiency when applying to the entire list of strings.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Hash Encoding

Hash encoding uses hashing to encode characters or words into integers. It’s a straightforward one-liner with TensorFlow utilizing tf.strings.to_hash_bucket and is useful for large datasets.

Here’s an example:

import tensorflow as tf

strings = ["tensor", "python", "encode"]

# Perform hash encoding in one line
hash_encoded = tf.strings.to_hash_bucket(strings, num_buckets=1000)




This one-liner converts each complete string into a unique hash id within the specified range of buckets. It is extremely efficient, though it can produce collisions where different strings yield the same hash id.


  • Method 1: Character-Level One-Hot Encoding. Creates exhaustive binary vectors. Good for models needing explicit character representation. Potentially wasteful on memory for large vocabularies.
  • Method 2: Integer Encoding. Assigns integers to characters. More space-efficient than one-hot encoding. Loses information on character relationships compared to embeddings.
  • Method 3: Word-Level Embedding Encoding. Creates semantic-rich dense vectors. Optimal for NLP tasks. Requires adequate training data to form meaningful embeddings.
  • Method 4: Binary Encoding. Offers a compact binary representation. Efficient space usage. May require custom character set definitions and is less interpretable.
  • Bonus Method 5: Hash Encoding. Simplicity is key, making it suitable for large datasets. Prone to hash collisions which can decrease performance if the number of buckets is not large enough.