5 Best Ways to Filter Tuples in Python Where Product is Greater Than K

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: We need to find an efficient way to filter a list of tuples where the product of the numbers in each tuple is greater than a certain threshold value, k. For instance, given the list [(2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7)] and a threshold k=20, the desired output would be [(4, 5), (6, 7)] because these tuples have products 20 and 42 respectively, both greater than the threshold k.

Method 1: Using a For-Loop

This method uses a classic for-loop to iterate over each tuple in the list. For each tuple, we calculate the product of the tuple’s elements and check if it meets the condition. If it does, we append it to a new list. This is straightforward and easy to understand, making it an ideal solution for beginners.

Here’s an example:

input_list = [(2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7)]
k = 20
result = []

for t in input_list:
    if t[0] * t[1] > k:



[(4, 5), (6, 7)]

In the code snippet above, we start with an empty list called result and iterate through the given input_list. We multiply the tuple elements and if the product is greater than k, the tuple is added to result. After the loop executes, result contains all the tuples meeting the condition.

Method 2: Using List Comprehensions

Python’s list comprehensions provide a more compact and idiomatic way to create lists. We use the same logic as the for-loop but in a single line, providing a solution that is often faster and definitely more concise. It’s a go-to for Python developers seeking clean and Pythonic code.

Here’s an example:

input_list = [(2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7)]
k = 20

result = [t for t in input_list if t[0] * t[1] > k]



[(4, 5), (6, 7)]

The list comprehension iterates through each tuple t in input_list, and includes t in the new list result only if the product of its elements is greater than k. This is done in a single, readable line of code.

Method 3: Using the filter() Function

Python’s built-in filter() function is used to construct an iterator from elements of an iterable for which a function returns true. In this case, we’ll use a lambda function to define the condition for filtering. This method is best for those who prefer functional programming paradigms.

Here’s an example:

input_list = [(2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7)]
k = 20

result = list(filter(lambda t: t[0] * t[1] > k, input_list))



[(4, 5), (6, 7)]

We convert the iterator returned by filter() into a list to get the filtered tuples. The lambda function checks if the product of elements in each tuple is greater than k, and filter() only retains those that satisfy this condition.

Method 4: Using itertools.filterfalse

The filterfalse() function from Python’s itertools module returns an iterator containing the elements of an iterable for which a predicate is false. This can be useful for inverting the condition when that approach is more convenient. The function provides capabilities similar to filter(), but with the inverted condition.

Here’s an example:

from itertools import filterfalse

input_list = [(2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7)]
k = 20

# Predicate function
def less_than_or_equal_to_k(t):
    return t[0] * t[1] <= k

result = list(filterfalse(less_than_or_equal_to_k, input_list))



[(4, 5), (6, 7)]

The function less_than_or_equal_to_k determines if the product of a tuple is less than or equal to k. We then use filterfalse() to get all tuples for which this predicate is false, which inherently means their product is greater than k. The resulting iterator is then converted to a list to reveal the filtered tuples.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Generator Expression

A generator expression is similar to a list comprehension, but instead of creating a list it creates a generator. This can be more memory-efficient as items are produced lazily. When you only need to iterate over the filtered results once, this is typically the best option.

Here’s an example:

input_list = [(2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7)]
k = 20

result = (t for t in input_list if t[0] * t[1] > k)

for item in result:


(4, 5)
(6, 7)

The generator expression is defined and then iterated over using a for-loop. Each item is generated one at a time and printed, which can reduce memory usage on large datasets compared to building an entire list.


  • Method 1: Using a For-Loop. Simple and straightforward. Ideal for beginners but could be verbose for larger lists or complex conditions.
  • Method 2: Using List Comprehensions. Concise and Pythonic. Provides readable and efficient code but can lead to readability issues for more complex conditions.
  • Method 3: Using the filter() Function. Leveraging functional programming. Clean and effective for fans of lambda functions but can be difficult to read for people unfamiliar with functional programming concepts.
  • Method 4: Using itertools.filterfalse. Functional and capable of inverting conditions. It can be convenient for certain use cases, but requires an extra step of defining the predicate function.
  • Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Generator Expression. Memory efficient and lazy evaluation. Ideal for single-pass iteration over large datasets but not suitable if you need to access the filtered results multiple times.