5 Best Ways to Find Common Elements at a Specific Index in List of Lists with Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Consider you’re handling multiple lists stored within a greater list, and you need to identify which elements are common across all the inner lists at a specified index. For instance, given lists [1, 2, 3], [4, 2, 6], and [7, 2, 8], at index 1 (0-based), the common element is 2. This article explores different methods to achieve this in Python.

Method 1: Using a Simple Loop

This method iterates through each sublist and checks if the element at the specified index is the same across all lists. It’s easy to understand and is great for beginners to learn basic iteration and comparison in Python.

Here’s an example:

def common_at_index(list_of_lists, index):
    if not list_of_lists:
        return None
    common_element = list_of_lists[0][index]
    for sublist in list_of_lists:
        if sublist[index] != common_element:
            return None
    return common_element

lists = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 2, 6], [7, 2, 9]]
print(common_at_index(lists, 1))



This snippet defines a function common_at_index() that takes a list of lists and an index as arguments. It compares the element at the specified index in each sublist to see if there’s a common element. If a discrepancy is found, it returns None; otherwise, it returns the common element.

Method 2: Using Set Intersection

Set intersection is a powerful tool that can be used to find common elements. When the list elements are hashable (e.g., integers, strings), you can convert each sublist’s element at the specified index into sets and apply the intersection operator.

Here’s an example:

def common_element_intersection(list_of_lists, index):
    common_set = set(sublist[index] for sublist in list_of_lists)
    if len(common_set) == 1:
        return common_set.pop()
    return None

lists = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 2, 6], [7, 2, 9]]
print(common_element_intersection(lists, 1))



The function common_element_intersection() iterates through each sublist, collecting the element at the specified index into a set. As sets cannot have duplicate values, a common element will result in a single-element set. If that is the case, pop() is used to retrieve the element.

Method 3: Using List Comprehension and All

This method is compact and uses the all-encompassing nature of list comprehensions in Python. The all() function helps in checking if all elements fulfill a certain condition, making it a suitable candidate for this task.

Here’s an example:

def common_element_all(list_of_lists, index):
    return list_of_lists[0][index] if all(sublist[index] == list_of_lists[0][index] for sublist in list_of_lists) else None

lists = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 2, 6], [7, 2, 9]]
print(common_element_all(lists, 1))



The function common_element_all() uses list comprehension along with all() to check if each sublist has the same element at a given index. It’s a concise and readable way to achieve the same result as the loop method.

Method 4: Using Dictionary Comprehension

Dictionary comprehension allows for creating a frequency map of elements at a certain index. This can then be used to detect a common element, if it exists.

Here’s an example:

def common_element_dict(list_of_lists, index):
    freq_map = {sublist[index]: freq_map.get(sublist[index], 0) + 1 for sublist in list_of_lists}
    for element, count in freq_map.items():
        if count == len(list_of_lists):
            return element
    return None

lists = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 2, 6], [7, 2, 9]]
print(common_element_dict(lists, 1))



This code defines common_element_dict(), which creates a frequency map of elements occurring at a specified index using dictionary comprehension. It then checks the map to find an element with a frequency equal to the number of sublists, indicating a common element.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using Generator Expression and Next

This one-liner Python trick uses a generator expression alongside the next() function to find the first element satisfying our condition of being common across all sublists at a specified index.

Here’s an example:

lists = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 2, 6], [7, 2, 9]]
common = next((element for element in {l[1] for l in lists} if all(l[1] == element for l in lists)), None)



The one-liner uses a set to find unique elements and a generator expression to iterate through these elements, checking if they are common across all sublists at the index. The next() function returns the first match or None if there’s no common element.


  • Method 1: Simple Loop. Easy to understand. Not elegant for Python standards.
  • Method 2: Set Intersection. Fast and concise. Requires elements to be hashable.
  • Method 3: List Comprehension and All. Readable and Pythonic. Compact, but can be confusing for new Python users.
  • Method 4: Dictionary Comprehension. Useful for additional element frequency analysis. Slightly more complex.
  • Method 5: Generator Expression and Next. Extremely concise. Potentially less readable due to compactness.