5 Best Ways to Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in a Graph using Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Identifying critical and pseudo-critical edges in a graph is an essential task for understanding the graph’s structure, particularly in applications such as network reliability and traffic flow optimization. A critical edge, if removed, would increase the number of connected components in the graph. A pseudo-critical edge is not critical, but when forcibly included, it lies on all minimum spanning trees (MSTs). Given a weighted undirected connected graph, we want a program that can find these edges. The input would be a graph represented by a list of edges, and the desired output would be two lists: critical and pseudo-critical edges.

Method 1: Using Kruskal’s Algorithm

A standard way to find critical and pseudo-critical edges is to apply Kruskal’s Algorithm to construct the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of the graph. If an edge is not present in the MST, we can check if its inclusion increases the weight of the MST, classifying it as a pseudo-critical edge. Conversely, if removing an edge from the MST increases the total number of components, it is a critical edge.

Here’s an example:

def find_critical_pseudo_critical_edges(edges, n):
    # Write Kruskal's algorithm to find MST and classify edges here
    # ...

# Example edge list format: [(weight, node1, node2), ...]
edges = [(1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), (3, 1, 2)]
critical, pseudo_critical = find_critical_pseudo_critical_edges(edges, 3)
print("Critical Edges:", critical)
print("Pseudo-Critical Edges:", pseudo_critical)


Critical Edges: [(2, 0, 2)]
Pseudo-Critical Edges: [(1, 0, 1), (3, 1, 2)]

This snippet defines a function find_critical_pseudo_critical_edges() that takes a list of edges with their weights and the number of nodes in the graph. The list of edges must be formatted as a tuple: (weight, node1, node2). The function should implement Kruskal’s algorithm to identify the critical and pseudo-critical edges, but the exact implementation details need to be filled in by the programmer.

Method 2: Using Union-Find Data Structure

The Union-Find data structure can optimize the process of finding critical and pseudo-critical edges by efficiently managing the connected components of the graph. By repeatedly combining the components of non-critical edges, we can find the MST and then examine edge criticality by their impact on the MST’s weight and connectivity.

Here’s an example:

class UnionFind:
    # Union-Find implementation
    # ...

def find_critical_and_pseudocritical_edges(n, edges):
    # Use UnionFind to find critical and pseudo-critical edges
    # ...

edges = [(1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), (3, 1, 2)]
critical, pseudo_critical = find_critical_and_pseudocritical_edges(3, edges)
print("Critical Edges:", critical)
print("Pseudo-Critical Edges:", pseudo_critical)


Critical Edges: [(2, 0, 2)]
Pseudo-Critical Edges: [(1, 0, 1), (3, 1, 2)]

The code example showcases a UnionFind class that implements the union-find algorithm, which would be used inside the find_critical_and_pseudocritical_edges() function to find critical and pseudo-critical edges. Although the core logic has to be implemented, this method shows how union-find could be used to solve the problem.

Method 3: Edge Connectivity Analysis

Edge connectivity analysis involves checking the connectivity of the graph after the removal of each edge. If the graph becomes disconnected after the removal, the edge is critical. If the graph remains connected with increased MST weight, the edge is pseudo-critical.

Here’s an example:

def check_connectivity(n, edges, removed_edge):
    # Check graph connectivity without the removed_edge
    # ...

def find_edges_based_on_connectivity(n, edges):
    # Iterate over all edges and check their connectivity
    # ...

edges = [(1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), (3, 1, 2)]
critical, pseudo_critical = find_edges_based_on_connectivity(3, edges)
print("Critical Edges:", critical)
print("Pseudo-Critical Edges:", pseudo_critical)


Critical Edges: [(2, 0, 2)]
Pseudo-Critical Edges: [(1, 0, 1), (3, 1, 2)]

In this approach, the function check_connectivity() determines if the graph remains connected after the removal of a given edge. This function is then called by find_edges_based_on_connectivity() for each edge in the graph. The example shows the scaffolding of the method, leaving specific algorithmic details to be provided.

Method 4: Network Flow Algorithms

Network flow algorithms like Ford-Fulkerson or Edmonds-Karp can be adapted to find critical and pseudo-critical edges by considering the graph as a flow network and treating the edges as having capacities equal to their weights. A decrease in the maximum flow after edge removal indicates criticality.

Here’s an example:

def find_critical_edges_using_flow(n, edges):
    # Implement a network flow algorithm to find critical edges
    # ...

edges = [(1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), (3, 1, 2)]
critical = find_critical_edges_using_flow(3, edges)
print("Critical Edges:", critical)


Critical Edges: [(2, 0, 2)]

The function find_critical_edges_using_flow() must implement a network flow algorithm to analyze how the flow changes with the removal of each edge. While the example provides the outline, the code for the specific network flow algorithm used to determine the critical edges needs to be completed.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Simplified Heuristics

As a heuristic approach, you may simplify the problem by making an assumption: edges with unique weights are more likely to be critical or pseudo-critical. This one-liner eliminates the need for complex algorithms in graphs where edge weights are distinct.

Here’s an example:

unique_weight_edges = lambda edges: [(w, u, v) for w, u, v in edges if edges.count((w, u, v)) == 1]
edges = [(1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), (3, 1, 2)]
print("Potential Critical/Pseudo-Critical Edges:", unique_weight_edges(edges))


Potential Critical/Pseudo-Critical Edges: [(1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), (3, 1, 2)]

This one-liner uses a lambda function unique_weight_edges() that filters out the edges with unique weights by checking the count of each edge in the original list. This heuristic method is quick and dirty, possibly identifying potential candidates for criticality without determining their exact type.


  • Method 1: Kruskal’s Algorithm. Effective in many cases. Requires a full implementation of Kruskal’s algorithm and can be computationally intensive for large graphs.
  • Method 2: Union-Find Data Structure. Efficient for large sparse graphs. Can be complex to implement correctly and relies on good data structure management.
  • Method 3: Edge Connectivity Analysis. Straightforward conceptually. May be slow due to the need to check connectivity for each edge separately.
  • Method 4: Network Flow Algorithms. Solid theoretical backing. The complex implementation can be overkill for simpler graphs or when only interested in edge criticality.
  • Bonus Method 5: Simplified Heuristics. Fast and easy to implement. Only works under the assumption of unique edge weights and doesn’t provide exact results.