5 Best Ways to Find the Expected Value of an Equation for Random Numbers in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Calculating the expected value of a given equation when its variables derive their values from a random distribution is a classic problem in statistics and programming. Imagine you have an equation, such as y = 3x + 7, and you want to find the expected value of y when x is a random number with a known distribution. The objective is to implement a program that will simulate this scenario and output the expected value of y.

Method 1: Using a for loop with random samples

This method utilizes a simple for loop to generate a large number of random samples using Python’s random library. The average of the computed values using the given equation for all generated samples approximates the expected value.

Here’s an example:

import random

def expected_value(num_samples):
    total = 0
    for _ in range(num_samples):
        x = random.uniform(0, 10)  # Random number between 0 and 10
        y = 3 * x + 7
        total += y
    return total / num_samples


Output (this will vary due to the random nature):


This code snippet simulates random variables according to a uniform distribution between 0 and 10, computes the result of the equation for each value, and then calculates the mean of all results to estimate the expected value. The more samples used, the closer the estimate will be to the true expected value.

Method 2: Using NumPy library

NumPy is a powerful mathematical library in Python that provides functionalities for operations on large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices. This method takes advantage of its capability to handle vectorized operations for efficient computations over an array of random numbers.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

def expected_value(num_samples):
    x = np.random.uniform(0, 10, num_samples)  # Random numbers array
    y = 3 * x + 7
    return np.mean(y)


Output (again, this varies):


The presented code generates an array of num_samples random variables using NumPy’s np.random.uniform. It calculates the equation’s result in a single line leveraging NumPy’s capability to apply operations to every element in the array without explicit Python loops, which is more efficient for large sample sizes.

Method 3: Using SciPy’s stats module

SciPy’s stats module encompasses a vast collection of probability distributions and statistical functions. This method calculates the expected value analytically if the random variable’s probability distribution is known.

Here’s an example:

from scipy import stats

# Define random variable with uniform distribution between 0 and 10
rv = stats.uniform(0, 10)
mean, var = rv.stats(moments='mv')
expected_y = 3 * mean + 7




This code defines a random variable as having a uniform distribution between 0 and 10 and uses the stats() method to get the mean and variance. The expected value of y is then calculated using the analytical expression of the equation based on the mean of x.

Method 4: Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo simulations involve using repeated random sampling to compute their results. This method is particularly useful when dealing with integrals and distributions that are difficult to solve analytically.

Here’s an example:

import random

def monte_carlo_expected_value(num_samples):
    samples = [3 * random.uniform(0, 10) + 7 for _ in range(num_samples)]
    return sum(samples) / num_samples


Output (subject to random variation):


The Monte Carlo method code snippet produces an array of computed y values based on the equation, using list comprehension for brevity. It relies on the Law of Large Numbers to estimate the expected value by averaging these computed values.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Use functools and operator

This method leverages Python’s functools module for higher-order functions and mathematical operation functions from the operator module to create a one-liner that computes the expected value.

Here’s an example:

import random
from functools import reduce
from operator import add

# Calculate expected value in one line
print(reduce(add, (3 * random.uniform(0, 10) + 7 for _ in range(10000))) / 10000)

Output (varies with randomness):


Here we’ve combined the utility of generator expressions with functools.reduce and operator.add to condense the calculation of the expected value into a one-liner. This method computes the summed total and divides by the number of samples to find the expected value.


  • Method 1: For loop with random samples. Easy to understand. May be slow for a very large number of samples.
  • Method 2: Using NumPy library. Highly efficient with large data due to vectorization. Requires knowledge of NumPy.
  • Method 3: Using SciPy’s stats module. Provides an analytical solution. Assumes knowledge of random variable’s distribution.
  • Method 4: Monte Carlo Simulation. Robust and powerful for complex problems. Overkill for simple problems or known distributions.
  • Method 5: Using functools and operator. Concise one-liner. May be less readable for beginners.