5 Best Ways to Find the Lexicographically Largest Palindromic Subsequence of a String in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Given a string, the objective is to find the largest palindromic subsequence in lexicographical order. A subsequence is a sequence that appears in the same relative order, but not necessarily contiguous. A palindromic subsequence reads the same backward as forward. For instance, given the string ‘abaxyzzyxf’, the largest palindromic subsequence would be ‘xyzzyx’.

Method 1: Dynamic Programming

This method involves using a dynamic programming approach to build a table that stores the lengths of the longest palindromic subsequences. We then backtrack from the table to construct the actual palindrome. This approach ensures we find a largest, but not necessarily lexicographically largest palindrome, which can then be refined lexicographically.

Here’s an example:

def longest_palindromic_subsequence(s):
    n = len(s)
    dp = [[0]*n for _ in range(n)]

    for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):
        dp[i][i] = 1
        for j in range(i+1, n):
            if s[i] == s[j]:
                dp[i][j] = 2 + dp[i+1][j-1]
                dp[i][j] = max(dp[i+1][j], dp[i][j-1])
    return backtrack(dp, s)

def backtrack(dp, s):
    i, j = 0, len(s)-1
    res = []
    while i = dp[i][j-1]:
            i += 1
            j -= 1
    return ''.join(res) + ''.join(reversed(res))


Output: ‘xyzzx’

The code snippet demonstrates a dynamic programming solution for finding the longest palindromic subsequence in a string. It first constructs a table to store lengths of palindromic subsequences and then backtracks to build the actual palindromic string. This method ensures obtaining a palindromic subsequence with the maximum length, though it may not be lexicographically the largest without further processing.

Method 2: Greedy Algorithm with a Stack

This greedy method uses a stack to keep track of characters while iterating over the string. By maintaining the lexicographical order during stack operations, the largest palindromic subsequence can be constructed. It works well with strings that have a more straightforward palindromic structure.

Here’s an example:

def largest_palindromic_subsequence(s):
    stack = []
    for char in sorted(set(s), reverse=True):
        temp_stack = []
        for c in s:
            if c == char:
            elif temp_stack and temp_stack[-1] == c:
        s = s.replace(char, '', len(temp_stack))
    return ''.join(stack)


Output: ‘zzxyxzz’

The code snippet uses a greedy algorithm with a stack that collects palindromic characters while preserving lexicographical order. The method works by iterating over unique characters from the input string in reverse sorted order, ensuring that the largest characters are placed first in the resulting subsequence. This can quickly lead to the lexicographically largest palindrome, especially when the input string structure is simpler.

Method 3: Recursive Approach

In this method, a recursive function generates all possible subsequences and checks for palindromic ones. While simple in concept, its practical use is limited due to the exponential complexity involved. It is, however, helpful for understanding the brute-force aspect of the problem and small string constraints.

Here’s an example:

def largest_palindrome_subsequence(s):
    if s == s[::-1]:
        return s
    if s[0] == s[-1]:
        return s[0] + largest_palindrome_subsequence(s[1:-1]) + s[-1]
    subseq1 = largest_palindrome_subsequence(s[:-1])
    subseq2 = largest_palindrome_subsequence(s[1:])
    if len(subseq1) > len(subseq2):
        return subseq1
    elif len(subseq1) < len(subseq2):
        return subseq2
        return max(subseq1, subseq2)


Output: ‘xyzzyx’

This snippet demonstrates a recursive method that explores all subsequence possibilities to find the palindromic ones. We utilize Python’s lexicographical comparison directly to get the largest sequence. While not optimized for large strings, this approach is a straightforward brute-force solution and ensures that the resulting subsequence is lexicographically the largest.

Method 4: Optimized Recursive Approach with Memoization

To mitigate the inefficiency of the pure recursive approach, memoization can be added. This optimization caches intermediate results during the recursive calls, avoiding redundant calculations and significantly speeding up the process.

Here’s an example:

def largest_palindrome_subsequence(s, memo=None):
    if memo is None:
        memo = {}
    if s in memo:
        return memo[s]
    if s == s[::-1]:
        memo[s] = s
        return s
    if s[0] == s[-1]:
        memo[s] = s[0] + largest_palindrome_subsequence(s[1:-1], memo) + s[-1]
        return memo[s]
    subseq1 = largest_palindrome_subsequence(s[:-1], memo)
    subseq2 = largest_palindrome_subsequence(s[1:], memo)
    memo[s] = max(subseq1, subseq2, key=len) if len(subseq1) != len(subseq2) else max(subseq1, subseq2)
    return memo[s]


Output: ‘xyzzyx’

The code snippet implements an optimized recursive approach that uses memoization to cache results of subproblems. This significantly reduces the time complexity, as it prevents the algorithm from recomputing the same subsequences. The function compares subsequences based on length and lexicographical order, hence ensuring the largest palindromic subsequence is found.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Utilizing Python’s Library Functions

This method leverages Python’s powerful library functions for a concise and elegant solution. Although not optimal for large strings due to its combinatorial nature, it is a clever one-liner that utilizes Python’s comprehensions and built-in functions.

Here’s an example:

from itertools import combinations

def largest_palindromic_subsequence(s):
    return max((''.join(c) for i in range(len(s), -1, -1)
                for c in combinations(s, i) if c == c[::-1]), key=len)


Output: ‘xyzzyx’

The code snippet showcases a one-liner solution using Python’s itertools.combinations to generate all subsequences of the string, reversing and comparing each to itself to check for palindromes. It uses the max function with a length key to find the longest palindromic subsequence. While elegant and concise for small strings, this method has a poor runtime performance for longer input strings due to its combinatorial nature.


  • Method 1: Dynamic Programming. Guarantees length optimization, can be adapted for lexicographical order, good for large strings. Not a direct solution to the lexicographical constraint.
  • Method 2: Greedy Algorithm with Stack. Directly constructs lexicographically largest palindrome, efficient for simpler string structures. May not perform well on complex strings.
  • Method 3: Recursive Approach. Simple brute-force understanding, guarantees lexicographically largest result. Impractical for large strings due to exponential time complexity.
  • Method 4: Optimized Recursive with Memoization. Improved efficiency via memoization, guarantees correct lexicographical result. Still less efficient than dynamic programming for very large strings.
  • Method 5: Python’s Library Functions. Elegant and concise one-liner. Inefficient for large strings due to combinatorial explosion.