5 Best Ways to Find the Number of Distinct Pairs of Vertices With Exact Distance k in a Tree Using Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In graph theory, a common problem is to determine the number of unique pairs of vertices in a tree that are separated by a specific distance, ‘k’. Given a tree represented as a set of edges and a non-negative integer ‘k’, the task is to compute the number of distinct pairs of vertices (u, v) such that the shortest path between u and v is exactly k edges long. For instance, with an input tree having edges [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4)], and k=2, the desired output would be 1, representing the pair (3, 4).

Method 1: Depth-First Search (DFS) with Hashing

The depth-first search algorithm can be employed to explore the tree and count pairs at distance ‘k’. One approach is to use DFS to compute the number of vertices at distance ‘k’ from each vertex and store these counts in a hash table. Summing these counts yields the total number of pairs.

Here’s an example:

def dfs(node, parent, depth, tree, depth_count):
    depth_count[depth] += 1
    for neighbor in tree[node]:
        if neighbor != parent:
            dfs(neighbor, node, depth + 1, tree, depth_count)

def count_pairs_k_distance(tree_edges, k):
    tree = defaultdict(list)
    for u, v in tree_edges:
    result = 0
    for node in tree:
        depth_count = defaultdict(int)
        dfs(node, None, 0, tree, depth_count)
        result += depth_count[k]
    return result // 2  # Each pair is counted twice

# Example usage:
edges = [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4)]
print(count_pairs_k_distance(edges, 2))



In this code snippet, a DFS function dfs() is defined to explore the tree and count vertices at distances incrementally. It uses depth_count to store the number of vertices at each depth from the current node. The count_pairs_k_distance() function constructs the adjacency list representation of the tree and calls the DFS for each node, accumulating the counts of vertices at distance ‘k’. Finally, it returns the half of the accumulated result because each pair is counted twice.

Method 2: Dynamic Programming on Trees

Dynamic Programming (DP) can be used on trees to solve this problem by considering subproblems of counting pairs within subtrees. Starting at the leaves and moving towards the root, we can keep track of the number of vertices at each distance up to ‘k’ and calculate the pairs using these counts.

Here’s an example:

def dfs(node, parent, tree, dp, k):
    dp[node][0] = 1
    for neighbor in tree[node]:
        if neighbor == parent:
        dfs(neighbor, node, tree, dp, k)
        for i in range(k):
            dp[node][i+1] += dp[neighbor][i]

def count_pairs(dp, k):
    return sum(dp[node][k] for node in dp) // 2

def count_pairs_k_distance(tree_edges, k):
    tree = defaultdict(list)
    dp = defaultdict(lambda: [0]*(k+1))
    for u, v in tree_edges:
    dfs(1, None, tree, dp, k)
    return count_pairs(dp, k)

# Example usage:
edges = [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4)]
print(count_pairs_k_distance(edges, 2))



This code snippet employs dynamic programming to elegantly solve the problem. The dfs() function updates the DP table storing the number of descendants at each distance from the current node. It uses post-order traversal to ensure that all the information from the children is gathered before processing the current node. The count_pairs() function then sums the counts of descendants at distance ‘k’ for all nodes and returns half the sum since each pair is counted twice.

Method 3: Pairing Heap Minimalization

Though not a conventional method, pairing heaps can also solve this problem by maintaining a min-heap of distances for each vertex. After performing a DFS from each vertex, the count of distances equal to ‘k’ in the heap would be the answer. However, due to the pairing heap’s complexity, this method is more theoretical and less practical for most cases.

Here’s an example:

# Pairing heap implementation is omitted for brevity, just a conceptual example.
from pairing_heap import PairingHeap

def count_pairs_k_distance(tree_edges, k):
    # Assume PairingHeap is already implemented with necessary methods
    # The actual code would involve setting up the pairing heap and iterating over the nodes

# Example usage not provided due to the hypothetical nature of PairingHeap


# Not applicable

The example provided is purely conceptual since the pairing heap data structure is complex and less used in practice for tree problems. The idea here is more theoretical, illustrating one could use a min-heap to keep track of distances; still, typical heap implementations wouldn’t be the best tool for this specific problem due to their runtime complexities.

Method 4: Euler Tour Technique

The Euler Tour Technique can be applied to convert the tree problem into a range query problem. By performing an Euler tour of the tree, you maintain entry and exit times for each node. Afterwards, finding the distance between nodes converts to querying for the least common ancestor (LCA) and calculating distance based on their depths.

Here’s an example:

# Euler Tour and LCA computation are omitted for brevity, just a conceptual example.
def calculate_distances(tree, euler_tour, lca):
    # Compute distances between pairs using LCA and depths from euler tour

def count_pairs_k_distance(tree_edges, k):
    # Set up the euler tour and LCA structures, then use calculate_distances

# Example usage not provided due to the hypothetical nature of the setup


# Not applicable

This method hinges on setting up an Euler tour and LCA queries, which are not trivial and are omitted here for brevity. The concept is elegant but requires a solid understanding of advanced tree techniques and data structures, making it less suitable for a quick solution or for those unfamiliar with these concepts.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Iterative Pairing

In a less orthodox approach, an iterative method can be devised that attempts brute force pairing of nodes and checks their distance by traversal. While this is not efficient, Python’s concise syntax can create a one-liner that captures the brute force essence.

Here’s an example:

count_pairs_k_distance = lambda edges, k: "Omitted for brevity, not practical."


"Omitted for brevity, not practical."

While a one-liner approach could theoretically be written to iterate over all possible pairs and check their distance, it is neither practical nor efficient due to the O(n^2) complexity and has thus been omitted. In practice, it is not recommended to use such an approach for this problem.


  • Method 1: DFS with Hashing. Efficient. Handles large trees well. The added complexity of handling hash structures and avoiding double-counting.
  • Method 2: Dynamic Programming. Elegant. Well-suited for programmers familiar with DP on trees. Requires understanding of advanced tree traversal and DP.
  • Method 3: Pairing Heap Minimalization. Theoretical. Demonstrates the flexibility of heap data structures. Overkill for the problem and impractical in most real-world cases.
  • Method 4: Euler Tour Technique. Sophisticated. Great for range queries on trees. Not beginner-friendly and requires in-depth knowledge of Euler tours and LCA.
  • Method 5: Iterative Pairing. Not viable. Illustrates brute force approach. Inefficient and not recommended due to its high time complexity.