5 Best Ways to Generate a Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix Using Python Scikit-Learn

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Generating a symmetric positive definite matrix is essential for certain statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and simulations. For example, in covariance matrix estimation, a symmetric positive definite matrix is pivotal. This article demonstrates using Python’s scikit-learn library to create such matrices, where the input specifies matrix dimensions and the output is a symmetric positive definite matrix.

Method 1: Using make_spd_matrix from Scikit-Learn

This method leverages the make_spd_matrix function from scikit-learn’s datasets module. The function generates a random symmetric positive definite matrix which is useful for simulating datasets with a covariance matrix. The matrix dimensions are specified by the n_dim parameter.

Here’s an example:

from sklearn.datasets import make_spd_matrix
spd_matrix = make_spd_matrix(n_dim=4)


[[ 1.45987573  0.86914417 -0.08106376  0.27216545]
 [ 0.86914417  1.34616902  0.11311762  0.67552457]
 [-0.08106376  0.11311762  0.55456987  0.4497971 ]
 [ 0.27216545  0.67552457  0.4497971   1.55317858]]

The output matrix is random but will always be symmetric and positive definite. The diagonal elements are guaranteed to be positive. This function is highly convenient for generating mock covariance matrices.

Method 2: Eigenvalue Decomposition

To ensure a matrix is positive definite, you can construct it using its eigenvalue decomposition. Start with a diagonal matrix of positive values (eigenvalues) and a random orthogonal matrix (eigenvectors). By multiplying the orthogonal matrix, diagonal matrix, and the transpose of the orthogonal matrix together, a symmetric positive definite matrix is obtained.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import ortho_group

# Generate a random orthogonal matrix
n_dim = 4
orthogonal_matrix = ortho_group.rvs(dim=n_dim)

# Create a diagonal matrix of positive values
diagonal_matrix = np.diag(np.abs(np.random.randn(n_dim)))

# Multiply the matrices to get a SPD matrix
spd_matrix = orthogonal_matrix @ diagonal_matrix @ orthogonal_matrix.T


[[ 2.41563816  0.70708471 -1.01933481 -0.47234427]
 [ 0.70708471  1.07543281 -0.19540011 -0.05937004]
 [-1.01933481 -0.19540011  1.76479088  0.70523266]
 [-0.47234427 -0.05937004  0.70523266  0.99397696]]

This code snippet multiplies three matrices to create a symmetric positive definite matrix from eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors. It is useful when specific eigenvalues are required for the matrix.

Method 3: Cholesky Decomposition

Cholesky Decomposition is a matrix factorization technique that decomposes a symmetric positive definite matrix into the product of a lower triangular matrix and its conjugate transpose. Starting with any positive definite matrix, you can use the Cholesky decomposition and then recombine the factors to ensure the matrix remains positive definite.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Generate a random matrix
n_dim = 4
A = np.random.rand(n_dim, n_dim)

# Make the matrix symmetric positive definite
A = A @ A.T

# Cholesky Decomposition
L = np.linalg.cholesky(A)

# Verify by computing the product LL^T
spd_matrix = L @ L.T


[[2.48825582 2.01203028 1.32168355 1.51013214]
 [2.01203028 2.40594457 1.50947197 1.66001352]
 [1.32168355 1.50947197 1.53300928 1.18598808]
 [1.51013214 1.66001352 1.18598808 1.63746848]]

The output from this process is a symmetric positive definite matrix which was created by generating a random matrix A, symmetrizing it by computing A @ A.T, and then recombining the Cholesky factors.

Method 4: Using a Covariance Matrix

A covariance matrix is by definition symmetric and positive semi-definite, however, it can be tweaked to be positive definite. We can use scikit-learn’s make_sparse_spd_matrix to generate a sparse symmetric positive definite matrix and adjust its eigenvalues if necessary to ensure they are all positive.

Here’s an example:

from sklearn.datasets import make_sparse_spd_matrix

n_dim = 4
sparse_spd_matrix = make_sparse_spd_matrix(dim=n_dim)


[[ 1.19340968 -0.11168357  0.          0.        ]
 [-0.11168357  0.95713278  0.141542   -0.0452485 ]
 [ 0.          0.141542    0.90138922  0.10043412]
 [ 0.         -0.0452485   0.10043412  1.1789413 ]]

The generated matrix is sparse, symmetric, and positive definite. It gives us insight into how certain machine learning algorithms handle large sparse datasets effectively.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Symmetry Through Addition and Transposition

By generating a random matrix and adding it to its transpose, you can achieve symmetry. To ensure it is also positive definite, simply add n_dim times the identity matrix times an arbitrary factor to the sum to shift its eigenvalues away from zero.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

n_dim = 4
A = np.random.rand(n_dim, n_dim)
spd_matrix = A + A.T + n_dim * np.eye(n_dim)


[[5.43764846 1.27656351 1.4006899  0.89413713]
 [1.27656351 5.28404494 0.92689469 1.26105527]
 [1.4006899  0.92689469 5.53908621 1.8867587 ]
 [0.89413713 1.26105527 1.8867587  5.8133542 ]]

This concise approach adds the original matrix and its transpose to ensure symmetry, while the identity matrix scaled by the matrix size and an arbitrary constant ensures positive definiteness.


  • Method 1: make_spd_matrix. Straightforward and simple. Best for quickly generating a SPD matrix. Less control over specific properties of the matrix.
  • Method 2: Eigenvalue Decomposition. Precise control over the eigenvalues. A bit more complex and theoretically involved than other methods.
  • Method 3: Cholesky Decomposition. Mathematically elegant and assures a SPD matrix. The initial matrix must be positive definite to begin with.
  • Method 4: Covariance Matrix. Useful for more realistic data simulation. Sparse, best for large-dimension matrices. Only semi-definite if not adjusted properly.
  • Bonus Method 5: Symmetry Through Addition and Transposition. Simple and quick, but the level of positive-definiteness depends on the scale of the identity matrix added.