5 Best Ways to Get a Space Padded String with the Original String Right Justified in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: You’re working with strings in Python and need to format them so that they are right-justified within a wider field, padded by spaces on the left. Essentially, you want to transform your original string, let’s say ‘data’, into a string with a fixed width, for example, 10 characters, resulting in ‘ data’ with the text aligned to the right.

Method 1: Using the rjust() String Method

The rjust() method in Python is a string method that returns a new string of a given width, with the original string right-justified and spaces added on the left. If the specified width is less than or equal to the length of the string, the original string is returned.

Here’s an example:

original_str = 'data'
padded_str = original_str.rjust(10)



This code snippet assigns ‘data’ to original_str, then uses rjust(10) to right-align it within a 10-character-wide field, padding it with spaces. The resulting string, assigned to padded_str, contains six spaces followed by ‘data’.

Method 2: Using the format() Function

The format() function can be used to create formatted strings with right-justification and space-padding. This is done by specifying the alignment and width within the format braces {}.

Here’s an example:

original_str = 'data'
padded_str = '{:>10}'.format(original_str)



The format string '{:>10}' indicates that the inserted argument should be right-aligned with a width of 10 characters. The format() method is then called on this string, with original_str as the argument, producing a right-justified, space-padded string.

Method 3: Using f-Strings

Python 3.6 introduced ‘f-strings’ for string formatting, which allows embedding expressions inside string literals. Right-justification and space-padding can be achieved directly within an f-string by specifying the alignment and width.

Here’s an example:

original_str = 'data'
padded_str = f'{original_str:>10}'



The f-string f'{original_str:>10}' contains a replacement field where original_str is to be formatted with right justification and a width of 10. When the string is printed, it displays ‘data’ with six leading spaces.

Method 4: Using the % Operator

Python also supports a printf-style string formatting using the % operator. A format specification can be used to right-justify and space pad a string by specifying the width and the alignment character.

Here’s an example:

original_str = 'data'
padded_str = '%10s' % original_str



The format specifier '%10s' indicates a string with a minimum width of 10 characters, right-aligned. The % operator then replaces %s with original_str, resulting in a space-padded, right-justified string.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using str.ljust() in a Lambda

A lambda function combined with the ljust() string method can also be used for right-justification by inversely padding a reversed string and then reversing it back.

Here’s an example:

original_str = 'data'
padded_str = (lambda s, w: s[::-1].ljust(w).[::-1])(original_str, 10)



In this one-liner, a lambda function is defined to take a string s and a width w, reverse s, left-justify it using ljust(), and then reverse it back. This effectively right-justifies the original string with space padding.


  • Method 1: rjust(): Direct and straightforward. Can only pad with spaces or another specified character. No template literals involved.
  • Method 2: format(): Flexible and powerful, allows for complex formatting beyond right-justification. May be overkill for simple padding needs.
  • Method 3: f-Strings: Concise and easy to read. Limited to Python β‰₯ 3.6. Excellent for embedding expressions and variables within strings.
  • Method 4: % Operator: Old-style formatting, less readable. Not recommended in modern Python code, but still used for backward compatibility.
  • Bonus Method 5: Lambda with ljust(): Clever and concise one-liner. This is a trickier approach and less readable, primarily used to impress in code golf.