5 Best Ways to Get Location for a Label or Tuple of Labels in a MultiIndex with Pandas

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with pandas DataFrames that have a MultiIndex (hierarchical index), it can be crucial to efficiently find the location of specific labels. Suppose we have a DataFrame with a MultiIndex constructed from a combination of ‘Year’ and ‘Quarter’ and want to retrieve the integer location of the label (‘2020’, ‘Q1’). This article provides solutions for locating such labels or tuples of labels within a MultiIndex.

Method 1: Using the get_loc() Method

The Index.get_loc() method retrieves the location of a label or a tuple of labels within a MultiIndex. The function returns an integer if a single label is passed or a slice if a tuple corresponding to a MultiIndex level is provided.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

# Creating a MultiIndex DataFrame
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('2020', 'Q1'), ('2020', 'Q2'), ('2021', 'Q1')])
data = pd.DataFrame({'Value': [100, 150, 200]}, index=index)

# Finding the location
location = data.index.get_loc(('2020', 'Q1'))

Output: 0

This snippet constructs a MultiIndex DataFrame with ‘Year’ and ‘Quarter’ levels, and then get_loc() is used to find the row location of the tuple (‘2020’, ‘Q1’), which is at index 0 in the DataFrame.

Method 2: Using the index property and the get_level_values() Method

By accessing the index property of the DataFrame and employing the get_level_values() method, one can extract label arrays for specific MultiIndex levels and search for the desired label index.

Here’s an example:

# Searching for a specific quarter 'Q1' across all years
locations = data.index.get_level_values(1) == 'Q1'
result = [i for i, x in enumerate(locations) if x]

Output: [0, 2]

In this approach, we extract indices where ‘Q1’ appears across all years. The get_level_values() method gives us the values for the Quarter level, and we find all matching indices manually.

Method 3: Using the Index.slice_locs() Method

The Index.slice_locs() method can be used to get the start and end location for a given slice within a MultiIndex. It is useful for getting the range of rows that match certain criteria.

Here’s an example:

# Using slice_locs to find the range of '2020'
start_loc, end_loc = data.index.slice_locs(('2020',), ('2021',))
print(f"Start: {start_loc}, End: {end_loc}")

Output: Start: 0, End: 2

This piece of code demonstrates finding the starting and ending location of the year 2020 using slice_locs(). The result gives us the slice that includes all quarters of 2020 in the DataFrame.

Method 4: Using the loc Property

The loc property facilitates label-based indexing in pandas. When dealing with a MultiIndex, you can use loc[] to get the row or a slice of the DataFrame that matches your label query.

Here’s an example:

# Using loc to retrieve all 'Q1' across years
q1_data = data.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, 'Q1'], :]


2020 Q1    100
2021 Q1    200

With this example, loc and pd.IndexSlice are used to select all rows that match ‘Q1’ across all years. IndexSlice helps to build a slice object for the MultiIndex.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using Boolean Indexing with query()

A concise way to filter rows based on MultiIndex labels using a query string is provided by the DataFrame.query() method.

Here’s an example:

# Filtering rows where 'Year' is '2020' and 'Quarter' is 'Q2'
filtered_data = data.query('ilevel_0 == "2020" & ilevel_1 == "Q2"')


2020 Q2    150

This code snippet demonstrates using query() with index level names (ilevel_0 and ilevel_1) to query rows where the Year is ‘2020’ and the Quarter is ‘Q2’.


  • Method 1: get_loc(). Provides precise location for a label or tuple. It’s direct but limited to finding unique label locations.
  • Method 2: get_level_values() with list comprehension. Good for custom searches but it can be verbose and requires manual handling.
  • Method 3: slice_locs(). Ideal for finding ranges but not for single exact positions.
  • Method 4: loc with IndexSlice. Great for selecting ranges based on label criteria but it returns data, not locations.
  • Method 5: query(). Very succinct and readable, but can be slower than other methods and requires knowledge of query syntax.