5 Best Ways to Group by a Python List of Tuples

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Python developers often need to group elements in a list of tuples based on a common key or index to aggregate, organize, or process data efficiently. For instance, given a list of tuples representing students and their respective scores, one may want to group these records by student to analyze individual performance. Desired output would be a data structure that associates each student with a list of their scores.

Method 1: Using DefaultDict from Collections

DefaultDict is a subclass of the dictionary class that provides all methods provided by a dictionary but takes a first argument (default_factory) as a default data type for the dictionary. Using DefaultDict can be an ideal way to group elements by a key since it handles missing keys elegantly, creating a new list for each new key automatically.

Here’s an example:

from collections import defaultdict

tuples_list = [('Alice', 90), ('Bob', 78), ('Alice', 88), ('Bob', 92)]
grouped = defaultdict(list)

for key, value in tuples_list:



defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'Alice': [90, 88], 'Bob': [78, 92]})

This code snippet creates a defaultdict with lists as the default factory. It iterates over each tuple in the list, grouping the scores under the respective student’s name. This method is straightforward and automatically handles the grouping for keys not previously seen.

Method 2: Using itertools.groupby()

The itertools.groupby() function is a powerful tool in Python for grouping iterable data. This function requires the input to be sorted by the key upon which you are grouping. It’s a sleek option for grouping data without having to manually check for and store keys.

Here’s an example:

from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

tuples_list = [('Alice', 90), ('Alice', 88), ('Bob', 78), ('Bob', 92)]
grouped = {key: list(group) for key, group in groupby(tuples_list, key=itemgetter(0))}



{'Alice': [('Alice', 90), ('Alice', 88)], 'Bob': [('Bob', 78), ('Bob', 92)]}

After sorting the list of tuples by student name, the groupby() function groups the records, and a dictionary comprehension is used to create a dictionary that maps each student to their corresponding list of records. This method is compact but requires the list to be sorted first.

Method 3: Using a Simple Dictionary

A basic Python dictionary can be used to group items in a list of tuples. This method involves manually checking for the key and appending the values to the list associated with the key. It’s straightforward and does not require any additional imports.

Here’s an example:

tuples_list = [('Alice', 90), ('Bob', 78), ('Alice', 88), ('Bob', 92)]
grouped = {}

for key, value in tuples_list:
  if key not in grouped:
    grouped[key] = []



{'Alice': [90, 88], 'Bob': [78, 92]}

This code snippet demonstrates a traditional approach to grouping data with a dictionary. It’s a manual process that checks each key and creates a new list if the key is encountered for the first time. It’s a basic method but requires manual key management.

Method 4: Using pandas DataFrame

For those dealing with larger datasets or requiring more advanced data manipulation, Python’s pandas library provides a DataFrame object that can streamline grouping operations with its built-in groupby() method. It is an overkill for small datasets but powerful and flexible for larger data manipulation.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

tuples_list = [('Alice', 90), ('Bob', 78), ('Alice', 88), ('Bob', 92)]
df = pd.DataFrame(tuples_list, columns=['Name', 'Score'])
grouped = df.groupby('Name')['Score'].apply(list)



Alice    [90, 88]
Bob      [78, 92]
Name: Score, dtype: object

This snippet converts the list of tuples into a pandas DataFrame, specifying column names. We then apply the groupby() method to group the ‘Score’ values by ‘Name’ and transform the result into a list. This method is efficient for large datasets and offers numerous built-in functionalities.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Dictionary Comprehension and setdefault

Dictionary comprehensions in Python can be paired with the dict.setdefault() method for a concise one-liner solution. This approach is similar to defaultdict but uses standard Python dictionaries, making it a suitable option for quick scripting without imports.

Here’s an example:

tuples_list = [('Alice', 90), ('Bob', 78), ('Alice', 88), ('Bob', 92)]
grouped = {}

{grouped.setdefault(key, []).append(value) for key, value in tuples_list}



{'Alice': [90, 88], 'Bob': [78, 92]}

This one-liner employs a set comprehension to iterate over the list of tuples. For each tuple, it sets the default value of the key in the dictionary to an empty list (if not already set) and then appends the value. This method cleverly uses setdefault to reduce boilerplate code found in traditional grouping.


  • Method 1: Using DefaultDict from Collections. It’s elegant and handles missing keys automatically. However, it requires importing collections.
  • Method 2: Using itertools.groupby(). This is efficient and concise for large sorted data. But, the requirement to sort the data first can be a disadvantage.
  • Method 3: Using a Simple Dictionary. It’s basic and doesn’t require any imports but requires more lines of code and manual key management.
  • Method 4: Using pandas DataFrame. Very powerful for big data and offers numerous functionalities. On the flip side, it introduces dependencies and might be overkill for small tasks.
  • Bonus Method 5: Using a Dictionary Comprehension and setdefault. It’s a succinct one-liner that’s handy for scripting but can be less readable to those unfamiliar with dictionary comprehensions.