5 Best Ways to Insert a JPEG Image into a Python Tkinter Window

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python’s Tkinter GUI library, displaying images can be nontrivial, especially for beginners. Users may struggle to figure out how to integrate JPEG images into their Tkinter applications. This article aims to showcase multiple methods for inserting JPEG images into a Tkinter window, starting from a path to the image file and resulting in a visibly rendered image within the GUI.

Method 1: Using PhotoImage with PIL (Pillow)

This method involves utilizing the Python Imaging Library (PIL), now known as Pillow, which is an external library that extends Tkinter’s capabilities for image processing. The PhotoImage class in Tkinter is used in conjunction with PIL.Image to open and convert images to a format that Tkinter can use.

Here’s an example:

from tkinter import Tk, Label
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

root = Tk()
img = Image.open("example.jpg")
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
label = Label(root, image=photo)

Output: A Tkinter window displaying the JPEG image ‘example.jpg’.

Here, the code begins by importing the relevant classes from tkinter and PIL. It then opens the JPEG image and uses the ImageTk.PhotoImage class to convert it to a Tkinter-friendly format. Finally, it creates a label with the image and packs it into the root window, which is then displayed in a GUI window.

Method 2: Using Canvas Graphics

The canvas widget in Tkinter allows for more graphics control and is suitable for applications that require drawing images along with other graphics. A JPEG image can be added to a canvas where it can be positioned using coordinates.

Here’s an example:

from tkinter import Tk, Canvas
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

root = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(root, width=500, height=500)
img = Image.open("example.jpg")
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
canvas.create_image(250, 250, image=photo)

Output: A Tkinter window with a canvas displaying the JPEG image ‘example.jpg’ centered in the window.

The code creates a canvas within the Tkinter window with specified dimensions. The JPEG image is opened, converted to a PhotoImage, and then added to the canvas at the specified coordinates. The midpoint of the canvas (250, 250) is typically used to center the image.

Method 3: Converting Image to Bitmap for Tkinter Compatibility

While this method is not commonly recommended due to its limitations in color and resolution, it can still be used when working with very simplistic images or when the application environment is constrained. JPEG images must first be converted to bitmap format.

Here’s an example:

from tkinter import Tk, BitmapImage, Label

root = Tk()
img = BitmapImage(file="example.xbm")
label = Label(root, image=img)

Output: A Tkinter window displaying a bitmap version of the original JPEG image.

This code snippet relies on the JPEG image being pre-converted to an X BitMap (XBM). Once converted, Tkinter can use the BitmapImage to directly create and display the image. However, this method comes with significant loss of resolution and color degradation.

Method 4: Embedding Base64 Encoded Images

Base64 encoding is a technique that converts binary data to ASCII string format. A JPEG image can be encoded to Base64 and directly embedded into a Tkinter application, which can be advantageous for small icon-sized images where you want to avoid external dependencies.

Here’s an example:

import base64
from tkinter import Tk, PhotoImage, Label
root = Tk()
b64_data = '''/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQ...''' # This should be the base64 string
img = PhotoImage(data=b64_data)
label = Label(root, image=img)

Output: A Tkinter window displaying the Base64-encoded JPEG image.

This code snippet demonstrates how a base64-encoded string (representing the JPEG image) can be directly used in a Tkinter application to create a photo image. The string is passed to the PhotoImage constructor using the ‘data’ keyword. The image is then displayed in a label widget.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using PhotoImage Directly with External Tools

Using external tools to preprocess the JPEG image into a format directly compatible with Tkinter’s PhotoImage class allows for a simple one-line insertion in a script. Note, this method requires that the image has been pre-processed accordingly.

Here’s an example:

from tkinter import Tk, Label, PhotoImage
root = Tk()
Label(root, image=PhotoImage(file="example.ppm")).pack()

Output: A Tkinter window displaying the ppm image ‘example.ppm’.

In this example, the JPEG image must be pre-converted to a Portable Pixmap (PPM) format outside of the script. Then Tkinter’s PhotoImage class is used to create and pack the image into a label in one line.


  • Method 1: PIL (Pillow). Provides robust functionality and supports numerous image formats. Requires an external library.
  • Method 2: Canvas Graphics. Offers flexibility for drawing graphics. More complex setup compared to other methods.
  • Method 3: Bitmap Conversion. Simplistic, no dependencies. Limited to black and white images with low resolution.
  • Method 4: Base64 Encoding. Encapsulates image data within code. Not suitable for large or multiple images due to increased code size.
  • Method 5: One-Liner with External Tools. Extremely concise in-code usage. Requires image preprocessing and format compatibility.