5 Best Ways to Integrate a Legendre Series and Set the Integration Constant in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: You’re working with Legendre polynomials in Python and need to calculate their integrals along with setting an integration constant. Suppose you have a Legendre series expressed as a sum of polynomial terms. Your task is to find the antiderivative of the series and apply an integration constant. This article will explore various methods using Python to perform this task efficiently.

Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Integration

NumPy provides a convenient polynomial integration function that allows you to integrate polynomial sequences, including Legendre polynomial series. It returns the antiderivative of the polynomial, to which the integration constant can be added manually.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Define the Legendre polynomial coefficients
coeffs = [1, 0, -1/2]  # Representing P_2(x)

# Create a polynomial object
leg_poly = np.polynomial.Legendre(coeffs)

# Integrate the polynomial
integral_poly = leg_poly.integ()

# Set the integration constant to 1
integral_poly = integral_poly + 1



Legendre([ 1. ,  0. , -0.16666667,  0.33333333], domain=[-1,  1], window=[-1,  1])

This code defines the second Legendre polynomial using its coefficients and then integrates it using NumPy’s integ() method. The integration constant is added afterwards by simply adding the constant to the resulting polynomial object.

Method 2: Using scipy.integrate.quad

Scipy’s quad function provides numerical integration which can be used for Legendre polynomials. Although more commonly used for definite integrals, you can integrate a function over an interval and add a constant manually to the result.

Here’s an example:

from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.special import legendre

# Define the Legendre function of degree 2
leg_func = legendre(2)

# Define the function to integrate (including the constant)
def integrand(x):
    return leg_func(x) + 1  # Integration constant set in the function

# Perform the numerical integration
integral, _ = quad(integrand, -1, 1)




This snippet defines the second Legendre polynomial as a function and integrates it over the interval [-1, 1]. The function integrand() includes the polynomial plus the constant, which is then used in the quad() function to calculate the integral.

Method 3: Symbolic Integration with SymPy

SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It can perform exact symbolic integration for Legendre polynomials, and you can easily add an integration constant within the same expression.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import integrate, symbols, legendre
from sympy.abc import x

# Define the Legendre polynomial of degree 2
leg_poly = legendre(2, x)

# Symbolically integrate the polynomial and add constant
integral = integrate(leg_poly, x) + 1  # Constant added directly



x**3/2 - 3*x/2 + 1

This code uses SymPy’s integrate() function to find the exact antiderivative of the second Legendre polynomial. The integration constant is added immediately to the symbolic expression representing the integral.

Method 4: Manual Integration with Custom Function

If you want full control over the integration process, write a custom Python function to manually integrate a given Legendre polynomial term by term, then add the constant to the final result.

Here’s an example:

def legendre_integral(coeffs, constant):
    integral_coeffs = []
    for i, coeff in enumerate(coeffs):
        # Integrate term by term based on power rule
        integral_coeffs.append(coeff / (i + 1))
    # Add the integration constant to the constant term
    integral_coeffs.insert(0, constant)
    return integral_coeffs

# Legendre polynomial coefficients for P_2(x)
coeffs = [1, 0, -1/2]

# Integrate with a constant of 1
integral_coeffs = legendre_integral(coeffs, 1)



[1, 1.0, 0.0, -0.16666666666666666]

The custom legendre_integral() function integrates a polynomial represented by its coefficients and adds the integration constant. The integration uses the power rule, adding the result to an array that represents the polynomial’s coefficients.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Direct Integration

For simple cases, you can directly integrate a Legendre polynomial and add the constant in one line using a lambda function and the integrate method.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

# Integrate P_2(x) and add a constant of 1 in one line
integral = (lambda p: np.polynomial.Legendre(p).integ())((1, 0, -1/2)) + 1



Legendre([ 1. ,  0. , -0.16666667,  0.33333333], domain=[-1,  1], window=[-1,  1])

This one-liner uses a lambda function to create an integrator that receives the polynomial coefficients, integrates them into a Legendre polynomial object using NumPy, and adds the integration constant.


  • Method 1: NumPy Polynomial Integration. Convenient for polynomials with known coefficients. May not be suitable for indefinite integrals without bounds.
  • Method 2: scipy.integrate.quad. Good for numerical integration. Requires bounds and might be overkill for simple polynomial integrations.
  • Method 3: SymPy Symbolic Integration. Provides exact symbolic results. Can be computationally intensive for high-degree polynomials.
  • Method 4: Manual Integration with Custom Function. Offers full manual control. May be error-prone and less efficient than library functions.
  • Method 5: Direct Integration One-Liner. Quick and easy for small-scale problems. Lacks the robustness for complex integration tasks.