5 Best Ways to Integrate a Legendre Series Over Axis 0 in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with Legendre series in Python, there are instances where integration over a specific axis is required. This can be particularly challenging when dealing with axis 0, as it typically represents the rows in a multi-dimensional dataset or a polynomial’s degrees. Here we explore methods to integrate a Legendre series over axis 0, taking a series of Legendre polynomial coefficients as input and providing their integral as output.

Method 1: Using NumPy’s Polynomial Legendre Class

NumPy’s polynomial.legendre module offers a convenient set of tools for working with Legendre polynomials. The Legendre class provides an integ() method that performs integration. When working with this module, you can create a Legendre series object and call integ(), specifying the axis as an argument.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Legendre as L

# Legendre series coefficients
c = [1, 2, 3]
# Create the Legendre series
leg_series = L(c)
# Integrate the series over axis 0
integral = leg_series.integ()



leg([ 0.          1.          1.         0.33333333])

This snippet takes a list of coefficients that define a Legendre series, uses the Legendre class to create a corresponding object, and then calls integ() on it to integrate the series. The output is a new Legendre series representing the integrated polynomial.

Method 2: Manual Integration Using Legendre Polynomial Properties

If you’re dealing with Legendre polynomials symbolically, SciPy’s integrate function can manually integrate a polynomial by explicitly computing the result using known properties of Legendre polynomials. This method is particularly useful when numerical methods cannot apply, such as theoretical work or when needing exact algebraic results.

Here’s an example:

from scipy.special import legendre
from scipy.integrate import quad

# Define the nth Legendre polynomial
n = 2
Pn = legendre(n)

# Define the integration function
def integrate_Pn(x):
    return Pn(x)

# Integrate over the interval [-1, 1]
result, _ = quad(integrate_Pn, -1, 1)




This code uses SciPy’s legendre function to create a second-degree Legendre polynomial. Then, it defines another function for integration and uses SciPy’s quad function to perform the actual integration over the standard interval for Legendre polynomials, which is [-1, 1]. The result is the integral of the second-degree Legendre polynomial over the specified interval.

Method 3: Simpson’s Rule for Numerical Integration

For numerical integration of Legendre polynomials over a grid of points, Simpson’s rule can be leveraged for approximation. SciPy provides the simpson function in the integrate module, which applies Simpson’s rule to a set of discrete sample points.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import eval_legendre
from scipy.integrate import simpson

# Evaluate the 2nd degree Legendre polynomial over a range of points
points = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
values = eval_legendre(2, points)

# Perform integration using Simpson's rule
integral = simpson(values, points)




By evaluating a second-degree Legendre polynomial at 100 points over the range [-1, 1], this code creates an array of values. It then integrates these values with respect to the points using the simpson function, yielding a numerical approximation of the integral.

Method 4: NumPy’s Trapz for Numerical Integration

NumPy’s trapz function approximates the integral of a function using the trapezoidal rule. This method is straightforward and suitable for cases with sample data available or when it is easy to evaluate the polynomial at a series of points.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import eval_legendre

# Evaluate the 2nd degree Legendre polynomial over a range of points
points = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
values = eval_legendre(2, points)

# Approximate the integral using the trapezoidal rule
integral = np.trapz(values, points)




This code samples the Legendre polynomial at uniformly spaced points and computes the integral using NumPy’s trapz, providing a numerical estimate of the area under the curve delineated by the values array.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Integration

SymPy, a Python library for symbolic mathematics, enables the straightforward integration of Legendre polynomials analytically. It requires only a single line of code using the integrate function along with SymPy’s Legendre functions.

Here’s an example:

from sympy import legendre, integrate, Symbol

# Define the variable and the Legendre polynomial
x = Symbol('x')
P2 = legendre(2, x)

# Integrate the Legendre polynomial
integral = integrate(P2, x)



x**3/2 - 3*x/2

This snippet demonstrates how to declare a symbolic variable and define a Legendre polynomial using that variable. It then integrates the polynomial with respect to the variable, representing the exact antiderivative of the Legendre polynomial.


  • Method 1: NumPy’s Polynomial Legendre Class. Robust and suitable for numerical computations. Requires the installation of NumPy.
  • Method 2: Manual Integration Using Legendre Polynomial Properties. Gives exact analytical results, but more complex and less straightforward than numerical methods.
  • Method 3: Simpson’s Rule for Numerical Integration. Good for numerical approximations when sample points are available. Less accurate than symbolic methods.
  • Method 4: NumPy’s Trapz for Numerical Integration. Simple and effective for numerical integration over discrete data, but less accurate than symbolic approaches.
  • Method 5: Leveraging SymPy for Symbolic Integration. Provides exact answers in an analytical form. Ideal for theoretical studies but may not be suitable for all numerical applications.