5 Best Ways to Program to Check If We Can Eat Favorite Candy on Our Favorite Day in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: Imagine having a program dynamic enough to decide if we can indulge in our favorite candy on our favorite day. Such a utility can intertwine calendars, dietary plans, and personal preferences to yield a simple yes or no. For instance, if our favorite day is “Saturday” and we have a green light to eat candy on weekends, the output should be “Yes.” Conversely, if it’s “Monday,” the answer should be “No.”

Method 1: Using Basic Conditional Statements

This method employs the simplest of Python’s features: the if-else statement. We will set the conditions based on the day of the week and our allowance to eat candy on that particular day. For instance, the function specifies that candy can only be eaten on weekends.

Here’s an example:

  def can_eat_candy(day):
      favorite_candy_days = ['Saturday', 'Sunday']
      return 'Yes' if day in favorite_candy_days else 'No'


Output: Yes

This code snippet defines a function can_eat_candy() that takes a day as input and returns ‘Yes’ if that day is within the list favorite_candy_days, otherwise ‘No’. It is straightforward, providing an immediate and easy-to-understand logic.

Method 2: Using a Dictionary

A more scalable and dynamic approach might involve a dictionary, where each day is a key, and the value is a boolean representing whether one can eat candy on that day. It provides a clear structure for possible expansion into a more extensive dietary tracking program.

Here’s an example:

  def can_eat_candy(day):
      candy_schedule = {'Monday': False, 'Tuesday': False, 'Wednesday': False, 'Thursday': False, 'Friday': True, 'Saturday': True, 'Sunday': True}
      return 'Yes' if candy_schedule.get(day, False) else 'No'


Output: Yes

In the example, we have a dictionary candy_schedule that binds days to booleans. The function can_eat_candy() checks the dictionary and returns ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ accordingly, making the function more adaptable.

Method 3: Using List Comprehension and datetime

By utilizing Python’s datetime module and list comprehension, we can extend our checker to be aware of the current day, enhancing user convenience by removing the need for manual day input.

Here’s an example:

  from datetime import datetime

  def can_eat_candy():
      favorite_candy_days = ['Saturday', 'Sunday']
      today = datetime.today().strftime('%A')
      return 'Yes' if today in favorite_candy_days else 'No'


Output: Depends on the current day

The code snippet employs datetime.today().strftime('%A') to retrieve the current weekday name, and then list comprehension logic is used to check if this day is in the favorite_candy_days list for a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ return.

Method 4: Object-Oriented Approach

For those who prefer object-oriented programming (OOP), encapsulating the candy checker within a class brings better organization and extensibility. A class method could be geared for further expansion.

Here’s an example:

  class CandyChecker:
      def __init__(self):
          self.favorite_candy_days = ['Saturday', 'Sunday']

      def can_eat_candy(self, day):
          return 'Yes' if day in self.favorite_candy_days else 'No'

  checker = CandyChecker()

Output: Yes

The CandyChecker class holds the allowed days within an instance variable and defines a method can_eat_candy() to check if we can eat candy on a given day. Such an approach makes it easier to maintain and update the logic in the future.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Lambda Function

For those who love conciseness, lambda functions can reduce our candy checker to a one-liner. This approach favors brevity but might sacrifice some readability for those not familiar with lambdas.

Here’s an example:

  can_eat_candy = lambda day: 'Yes' if day in ['Saturday', 'Sunday'] else 'No'

Output: Yes

The lambda function defined here takes ‘day’ as an argument and returns ‘Yes’ if the day is either ‘Saturday’ or ‘Sunday,’ and ‘No’ otherwise. It’s a succinct way to encode the logic in a single line.


  • Method 1: Basic Conditional Statements. Straightforward, easy to understand. Not very flexible or scalable.
  • Method 2: Using a Dictionary. Increased clarity and scalability. Still requires manual day input.
  • Method 3: Utilizing datetime and List Comprehension. Automates current day retrieval, enhancing user convenience. Needs the datetime module.
  • Method 4: Object-Oriented Approach. Offers organization and extensibility. Somewhat more complex; may be overkill for such a simple task.
  • Method 5: Lambda Function. Highly concise. Potentially obscure to those unfamiliar with the syntax.