5 Best Ways to Python Program to Find the Number of Sets Greater Than a Given Value

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In the context of programming with Python, we often encounter the need to determine the count of sets in a collection where each set’s sum is greater than a specific threshold value. This article addresses the challenge by showcasing five approaches to achieve this with Python programming. For instance, given a list of sets such as [{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {1}, {7, 8, 9}] and a threshold value of 9, the desired output would be 2 since two sets have sums greater than 9.

Method 1: Using a for Loop

This method uses a classic for loop to iterate over each set, summing its elements, and incrementing a counter if the sum is above the given value. It’s simple, straightforward, and very easy to understand for someone who is new to Python.

Here’s an example:

sets = [{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {1}, {7, 8, 9}]
threshold = 9
count = 0

for s in sets:
    if sum(s) > threshold:
        count += 1


Output: 2

In this code snippet, we are iterating over each set in the list named sets, and for each set, calculate its sum using the built-in sum() function. If the sum is greater than the specified threshold, the count variable is incremented. In the end, we print the count which represents the number of sets with sums greater than the threshold.

Method 2: Using List Comprehension

Python’s list comprehension allows for a more concise and expressive way to perform the same operation as a loop. This method is great for Python enthusiasts who prefer readability and Pythonic solutions.

Here’s an example:

sets = [{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {1}, {7, 8, 9}]
threshold = 9

count = len([s for s in sets if sum(s) > threshold])


Output: 2

This code snippet involves a single line that not only computes the sum for each set in sets but also filters those with sums greater than threshold and encapsulates them in a list. The length of this list, which is computed with len(), gives us the desired count directly.

Method 3: Using the filter() Function and lambda

The filter() function in combination with a lambda expression offers a functional programming approach to filter sets greater than a given value. It’s an elegant solution for users comfortable with lambda expressions and higher-order functions.

Here’s an example:

sets = [{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {1}, {7, 8, 9}]
threshold = 9

count = len(list(filter(lambda s: sum(s) > threshold, sets)))


Output: 2

We are using the filter() function to include only those sets whose sum is greater than the threshold. This is achieved with a lambda expression that specifies the condition for filtration. The resultant filtered object is converted to a list to determine its length, which gives us the count of sets fulfilling our criterion.

Method 4: Using functools.reduce()

For those who like to leverage the power of the functools module, reduce() can be used to apply a cumulative operation. In this case, we use it to accumulate the count of sets with sums greater than the predefined value.

Here’s an example:

from functools import reduce

sets = [{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {1}, {7, 8, 9}]
threshold = 9

count = reduce(lambda acc, s: acc + (sum(s) > threshold), sets, 0)


Output: 2

The code utilizes reduce() from functools to apply a cumulative operation defined by a lambda. The lambda takes an accumulator acc, which starts at 0, and adds 1 if a set’s sum exceeds the threshold. This gives us a total count after iterating through all sets.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using generator expression with sum()

Combining a generator expression with the sum() function provides a quick one-liner solution. This Pythonic method is perfect for writing concise scripts.

Here’s an example:

sets = [{1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {1}, {7, 8, 9}]
threshold = 9

count = sum(1 for s in sets if sum(s) > threshold)


Output: 2

The code leverages a generator expression to iterate through the sets, generating a sequence of 1s for each set whose sum is greater than the threshold. The sum() function then simply adds up these 1s to provide the total count of such sets.


  • Method 1: For Loop. Familiar syntax for most programmers. May become verbose for complex operations.
  • Method 2: List Comprehension. Concise and readable. Creates an intermediate list, which could be a memory concern if the original list of sets is large.
  • Method 3: filter() with lambda. Functional approach that’s clean and expressive. Requires conversion to list to count the elements, which also could be inefficient memory-wise.
  • Method 4: functools.reduce(). Powerful and functional. May be less readable to those unfamiliar with the concept of reduction.
  • Method 5: Generator Expression with sum(). Extremely concise one-liner. Efficient memory usage, but readability might suffer for those not used to generator expressions.