5 Best Ways to Remove a Layer from a Keras Model Using Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When working with neural networks in Keras, it might be necessary to remove a specific layer from the model, typically for model refinement or architecture alteration. For instance, in a sequential model with layers A, B, C, and D, one might want to remove layer C, effectively transforming the model’s structure to only contain A, B, and D. This article explores various methods to achieve this layer removal using Python.

Method 1: Reconstructing the Model

This method involves creating a new model by explicitly adding each layer except the one that should be removed. The pop() function cannot be directly used to remove arbitrary layers from models, particularly in the case of Functional API models, making reconstruction a reliable alternative.

Here’s an example:

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Flatten

# Original model
model = Sequential([
    Dense(64, activation='relu', input_shape=(784,)),
    Dense(32, activation='relu'),
    Dense(10, activation='softmax'),

# Reconstruct without the second Dense layer
new_model = Sequential([
    layer for layer in model.layers if layer != model.layers[1]

Output: A new model instance with the specified layer removed.

This code snippet creates a new Sequential model by iterating over the original model’s layers and adding them to the new model except for the one that comes at index 1 (the second layer). This effectively removes the desired layer from the new model structure.

Method 2: Using Model Functional API

With the Functional API, it’s possible to construct a Keras model layer by layer. This allows for the removal of specific layers by reconstructing the model graph and connecting layers manually, bypassing the one that needs to be excluded.

Here’s an example:

from keras.layers import Input, Dense
from keras.models import Model

# Original model creation using functional API
inputs = Input(shape=(784,))
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(inputs)
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(x) # Layer to remove
outputs = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(x)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

# Remove second Dense layer and create new model
new_input = model.input
new_output = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(model.layers[1].output)
new_model = Model(new_input, new_output)

Output: A new Model instance without the unwanted layer.

By reconstructing the model using the Functional API, the undesired Dense layer is bypassed. A new model is created by linking the input to the output of the layer preceding the one that is excluded, effectively removing it.

Method 3: Using the Sequential Model pop() Method

For sequential models, the pop() method can be used to remove the last layer. This method is straightforward but limited to sequential models and can only remove the top (last added) layer.

Here’s an example:

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense

# Original model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(64, activation='relu', input_shape=(784,)))
model.add(Dense(32, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax'))

# Remove the last layer

Output: The model instance with the last layer removed.

After calling pop() on a Sequential model, the last layer added to the stack (the model’s top layer) is removed. This is useful for quickly altering a model during development or experimentation but is not suitable for removing non-top layers.

Method 4: Modify Model Configuration

This method entails altering the model’s configuration by directly manipulating its JSON structure. This can be done for both Sequential and Functional models. However, it requires careful consideration to maintain the integrity of the model.

Here’s an example:

from keras.models import model_from_json

# Original model
model = ...

# Convert model to JSON structure
model_json = model.to_json()
model_config = json.loads(model_json)

# Modify the configuration to remove a layer
del model_config['layers'][1]  # Assuming the layer to remove is at index 1

# Create a new model from the altered configuration
new_model_json = json.dumps(model_config)
new_model = model_from_json(new_model_json)

Output: A new model instance with the desired configuration.

Modifying the model’s configuration is a more technical and powerful method. It allows the removal of any layer by editing the JSON, then reconstructing the model from the updated JSON. However, care must be taken to avoid breaking the model’s architecture.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Layer Exclusion during Model Creation

While technically not a method to remove a layer from an existing model, being selective during the initial creation of the model achieves similar results. This pattern of selective inclusion can be applied to both Sequential and Functional models.

Here’s an example:

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Flatten

exclude_layer = True  # Condition to exclude a layer

# Conditional model creation
model = Sequential([
    Dense(64, activation='relu', input_shape=(784,)),
    Dense(32, activation='relu') if not exclude_layer else None,
    Dense(10, activation='softmax'),

# Filter out any None values from the layer list
model.layers = [layer for layer in model.layers if layer is not None]

Output: A newly constructed Sequential model with certain layers excluded based on conditions.

This code cleverly uses conditional statements within the list of layers to include or exclude layers during model construction. After constructing the model, layers with a value of None (the excluded layers) are filtered out. This provides a somewhat dynamic and cleaner way to define a model’s architecture.


  • Method 1: Reconstructing the Model. Strengths: Works for both Sequential and Functional models; preserves layer weights. Weaknesses: Can be verbose; requires manual specification of all layers.
  • Method 2: Using Model Functional API. Strengths: Offers fine-grained control; preserves connectivity of layers. Weaknesses: Limited to models that can be represented with the Functional API; more complex to implement.
  • Method 3: Using the Sequential Model pop() Method. Strengths: Simple and quick for removing the last layer in Sequential models. Weaknesses: Cannot remove intermediate layers or be used on Functional models.
  • Method 4: Modify Model Configuration. Strengths: Very powerful; can remove any layer. Weaknesses: Risk of breaking the model if not done correctly; requires understanding of model’s JSON structure.
  • Method 5: Layer Exclusion during Model Creation. Strengths: Clean and dynamic architecture definition. Weaknesses: Not a true ‘removal’ method; requires planning ahead.