5 Best Ways to Remove Characters Greater Than K in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python, developers often encounter the need to manipulate strings which includes removing characters that have an ASCII value greater than a certain threshold ‘k’. For instance, if the input is "Hello World! 123" and ‘k’ is 90, the desired output would be "Hello World!" because the ASCII value of numeric characters is greater than 90.

Method 1: Using List Comprehension

When we talk about Python, list comprehension is a concise and efficient way to create lists. This technique can be tailored to remove characters with ASCII values greater than ‘k’ by iterating over the string and including only characters that meet the condition.

Here’s an example:

input_str = "Hello World! 123"
k = 90
output_str = ''.join([character for character in input_str if ord(character) <= k])

Output: Hello World!

This snippet uses list comprehension to iterate through input_str, including only characters with ASCII values less than or equal to ‘k’ in the new list. The ord() function returns the ASCII value of a character. These characters are then joined together to form the resultant string.

Method 2: Using the Filter Function

The filter function enables us to pass an iterable and a function (the latter specifies the condition to filter by). For strings, filter can be used with a lambda function that checks if a character’s ASCII value is within our desired range.

Here’s an example:

input_str = "Example String 456"
k = 100
output_str = ''.join(filter(lambda c: ord(c) <= k, input_str))

Output: Example Sting

This code defines a lambda function that acts as a filter, which checks if the ASCII value of a character is less or equal to ‘k’. Only characters that satisfy this condition are included in the resulting string.

Method 3: Using a for-loop

A for-loop can be used for more granular control when removing characters from a string with ASCII values greater than ‘k’. This traditional approach is straightforward and easily understandable to most Python programmers.

Here’s an example:

input_str = "Python 3.8"
k = 102
output_str = ''
for char in input_str:
    if ord(char) <= k:
        output_str += char

Output: Python

The example iterates over each character in input_str, appending it to output_str only if its ASCII value is less than or equal to ‘k’. The output is effectively the filtered string.

Method 4: Using Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions (regex) provides a powerful way to match patterns in text; a regex pattern that matches characters with an ASCII value greater than ‘k’ can be used to find and substitute such characters with an empty string.

Here’s an example:

import re

input_str = "R2D2 C3PO"
k = 64
regex_pattern = f'[^\x00-{chr(k)}]'
output_str = re.sub(regex_pattern, '', input_str)

Output: RD CPO

The regex pattern used finds all characters with an ASCII value above ‘k’ and the re.sub() function replaces those characters with an empty string. Note that the chr() function converts the ASCII value back to a character, which is used to construct the regex pattern dynamically based on ‘k’.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using bytearray()

Using the bytearray() and bytes() methods allows direct manipulation of the string’s binary representation, efficiently filtering out non-desired characters.

Here’s an example:

input_str = "Fancy Text 7890"
k = 103
output_str = bytes(bytearray([b for b in input_str.encode() if b <= k])).decode()

Output: Fancy Text

This one-liner encodes the input string to bytes, creates a bytearray only with bytes with a value less than or equal to ‘k’, converts back to bytes, and decodes it to a string.


  • Method 1: List Comprehension. Fast and Pythonic. Limited customization.
  • Method 2: Filter Function. Functional programming style. May be less readable to those unfamiliar with lambda functions.
  • Method 3: For-loop. Simple and easy to grasp. Can become verbose.
  • Method 4: Regular Expressions. Extremely powerful and customizable. Can become complex and hard to maintain.
  • Method 5: Bytearray. Efficient one-liner. May be less intuitive and harder to read.