5 Best Ways to Remove Elements Within K Distance of Element N in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python, we often face scenarios where we need to filter out elements from a list based on their ‘distance’ from a particular value. For instance, given a list [10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 7] and we wish to remove all occurrences within 2 ‘distances’ (indices) of the number 3, we should end up with [10, 5, 7]. This article dissects five efficient methods to achieve this in Python.

Method 1: Using List Comprehension

Method 1 involves employing Python’s list comprehension coupled with a conditional statement to filter elements. Using list comprehension, we effectively iterate over the elements while simultaneously checking if their index distance from the target value stays above the defined threshold.

Here’s an example:

def remove_elements_k_distance(arr, n, k):
    return [x for i, x in enumerate(arr) if all(abs(i - j) > k for j, val in enumerate(arr) if val == n)]
example_list = [10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 7]
result = remove_elements_k_distance(example_list, 3, 2)

The output of this code snippet:

[10, 5, 7]

In this snippet, we define a function remove_elements_k_distance that takes a list, a value n, and a distance k. The function uses a list comprehension to build a new list, only including elements where no element n occurs within k indices of the current element’s index.

Method 2: Using a Helper Function

Another approach involves creating a helper function that identifies indices to remove, and then builds a filtered list excluding those indices. This is a two-step process, introducing clarity and modularity to the code.

Here’s an example:

def indices_to_remove(arr, n, k):
    return [i for i in range(len(arr)) if any(arr[j] == n and abs(j-i) <= k for j in range(len(arr)))]

def remove_elements(arr, n, k):
    indices = set(indices_to_remove(arr, n, k))
    return [arr[i] for i in range(len(arr)) if i not in indices]

example_list = [10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 7]
result = remove_elements(example_list, 3, 2)

The output of this code snippet:

[10, 5, 7]

This code example utilizes a helper function indices_to_remove to find all indices that should be removed from the list followed by a simple list comprehension in the remove_elements function that constructs the final list by including only those elements whose indices are not found in the set of indices to remove.

Method 3: In-place Removal with a While Loop

For in-place modification of the list, one can use a while loop to iterate and remove elements on-the-go. This is particularly memory efficient as it avoids creating an additional list for the output.

Here’s an example:

def remove_elements_in_place(arr, n, k):
    i = 0
    while i < len(arr):
        if arr[i] == n:
            del arr[max(i - k, 0):min(i + k + 1, len(arr))]
            i = max(i - k - 1, 0)
            i += 1
    return arr

example_list = [10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 7]
result = remove_elements_in_place(example_list, 3, 2)

The output of this code snippet:

[10, 5, 7]

The remove_elements_in_place function iterates over the list with a while loop. Whenever it encounters the element n, it deletes a slice of the list from k indices before to k indices after that element, compensating for the list’s altered size after deletions.

Method 4: Using Filter with a Custom Function

This method introduces a functional programming style, utilizing Python’s filter function in conjunction with a custom predicate function.

Here’s an example:

def within_distance(index, arr, value, distance):
    return not any(arr[i] == value and abs(i - index) <= distance for i in range(len(arr)))

def remove_elements_with_filter(arr, n, k):
    return list(filter(lambda i: within_distance(i[0], arr, n, k), enumerate(arr)))

example_list = [10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 7]
result = [value for index, value in remove_elements_with_filter(example_list, 3, 2)]

The output of this code snippet:

[10, 5, 7]

Here, the remove_elements_with_filter function uses filter to keep only those elements that are not within the specified distance from the element n. The within_distance helper function helps in determining whether an element should be included or not based on its index and the presence of element n nearby.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a Lambda Function

The one-liner method is a concise, albeit less readable, approach for those who prefer compact code.

Here’s an example:

example_list = [10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 7]
result = [x for i, x in enumerate(example_list) if not any(example_list[j] == 3 and abs(j - i) <= 2 for j in range(len(example_list)))]

The output of this code snippet:

[10, 5, 7]

The given one-liner is a list comprehension that checks for each element in example_list if there is not any element equal to 3 within 2 indices of the element’s position. If so, the element is included in the result list.


  • Method 1: List Comprehension. Strengths: Concise and functional. Weaknesses: Can be less readable and less efficient due to repeated enumeration.
  • Method 2: Helper Function. Strengths: Improved readability, modular design. Weaknesses: Slightly more verbose, potentially less efficient due to two-step process.
  • Method 3: In-place Removal. Strengths: Memory efficient, modifies list directly. Weaknesses: Can be slower and trickier with index management.
  • Method 4: Filter with Custom Function. Strengths: Utilizes functional programming paradigm, clear logic. Weaknesses: Less intuitive for those unfamiliar with functional programming.
  • Method 5: Lambda Function. Strengths: Extremely concise. Weaknesses: Poor readability, can be confusing for maintenance or to newcomers.