5 Best Ways to Replace All Characters in a Python List Except a Specific One

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python programming, one might face a scenario where there is a need to iterate over a list of characters and replace them with a new character, while keeping one specific character intact. For instance, consider the list ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'], and the task is to replace all characters except ‘a’ with ‘-‘, resulting in ['a', '-', '-', 'a', '-', '-']. This article demonstrates various methods to achieve this in Python.

Method 1: Using a for loop

Method 1 revolves around the classic for loop approach, where we iterate through the list and use a conditional statement to check if the character matches the one we want to keep. If it doesn’t match, we replace it with the desired new character. This is a simple and intuitive method suitable for most beginners in Python.

Here’s an example:

char_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']
keep_char = 'a'
new_char = '-'

for i in range(len(char_list)):
    if char_list[i] != keep_char:
        char_list[i] = new_char


The output of this code snippet:

['a', '-', '-', 'a', '-', '-']

This code initiates by defining the list of characters and specifying which character to keep and what new character to use as a replacement. Then, we loop through the list’s indices and, using an if statement, replace elements that don’t match the character we wish to keep.

Method 2: Using list comprehension

Method 2 uses Python’s list comprehension, an elegant and concise way to create or modify lists. It’s similar to the for loop but is written in a single line of code. This method is more pythonic and is recommended for those who prefer readability and brevity.

Here’s an example:

char_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']
keep_char = 'a'
new_char = '-'

char_list = [char if char == keep_char else new_char for char in char_list]


The output of this code snippet:

['a', '-', '-', 'a', '-', '-']

In one line, this snippet achieves what the previous method did with multiple lines. The comprehension iterates through each character in char_list and preserves it if it’s the character to keep or replaces it otherwise.

Method 3: Using a function with map()

Method 3 employs a function alongside the map() function provided by Python. The map() function applies a given function to each item of an iterable (like a list) and returns a map object. It’s useful for applying a transformation to a list efficiently.

Here’s an example:

def replace_except(curr_char, keep_char, new_char):
    return curr_char if curr_char == keep_char else new_char

char_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']
keep_char = 'a'
new_char = '-'

char_list = list(map(lambda char: replace_except(char, keep_char, new_char), char_list))


The output of this code snippet:

['a', '-', '-', 'a', '-', '-']

This code defines a function that takes the current character, the character to keep, and the new character to replace with. Then, map() is used to apply this function across the list, transforming it element by element. The result is cast back into a list and printed.

Method 4: Using the replace() method in a comprehension

Method 4 is a twist on list comprehension which uses the string’s replace() method. It’s an inventive way that treats each element in the list as a single-character string, and uses replace() to change it if it’s not the character that needs to be preserved.

Here’s an example:

char_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']
keep_char = 'a'
new_char = '-'

char_list = [char.replace(char, new_char) if char != keep_char else keep_char for char in char_list]


The output of this code snippet:

['a', '-', '-', 'a', '-', '-']

This snippet uses list comprehension to iterate through char_list and apply the replace() method to each character-string except for the one we want to keep.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using a generator with join()

Method 5 is a one-liner that uses a generator and the string’s join() method to construct a new list. This approach is for those who like to leverage Python’s concise idiomatic patterns and who are comfortable with more advanced features like generators.

Here’s an example:

char_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']
keep_char = 'a'
new_char = '-'

char_list = ''.join(new_char if c != keep_char else keep_char for c in char_list)


The output of this code snippet:

['a', '-', '-', 'a', '-', '-']

This one-liner creates a generator that yields the keep character or the new character for each element in char_list. The join() method then concatenates them into a new string, which is converted back to a list before printing.


  • Method 1: For Loop. Straightforward and easy to understand for beginners. It is not the most Pythonic or concise approach.
  • Method 2: List Comprehension. A more Pythonic approach, offering improved readability and typically faster execution. However, may be less clear for those not familiar with list comprehensions.
  • Method 3: Function with map(). Enables clean separation of the replacement logic into a function, which can improve modularity. However, this method can be less readable due to the additional function overhead.
  • Method 4: Comprehension with replace(). An interesting use of string methods within a list context. However, it is less efficient than necessary because the replace method is generally intended for longer strings.
  • Method 5: Generator with join(). Extremely concise and leverages advanced Python features for an elegant one-liner solution. The downside is it requires understanding of generators and the join method, which may not be suitable for all audiences.