5 Best Ways to Replace NaN with Zero and Fill Positive Infinity for Complex Input Values in Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In data processing and numerical computations, complex numbers often come with the challenge of handling not-a-number (NaN) values and infinite values. It’s crucial for the integrity of the calculations to sanitize these values appropriately. If we have a complex input, for example 3 + NaNi or 1 + infi, we might want to transform it to 3 + 0i or 1 + infi respectively.

Method 1: Using NumPy’s nan_to_num()

NumPy’s nan_to_num() function is suitable for replacing NaN with zero and infinity with a very large number in complex numbers. The function allows the specification of different replacement values for NaN, positive infinity, and negative infinity.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

complex_array = np.array([np.nan + 1j, 1 + np.inf*1j], dtype=complex)
cleaned_array = np.nan_to_num(complex_array, nan=0.0, posinf=np.inf)


[0.+1.j 1.+infj]

This code snippet showcases replacing NaN with 0.0 and positive infinity with the largest possible value within an array of complex numbers. The np.nan_to_num() function automatically takes care of complex input and applies the specified nan and posinf parameters to both the real and imaginary parts.

Method 2: Using NumPy and Python’s math Module

Combining NumPy for complex number support and Python’s math module for math operations can effectively replace NaN with zero and infinities correspondingly. This method is a bit more manual but allows for specific handling of each separate component of the complex number.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np
import math

def clean_complex_number(cn):
    real = 0 if math.isnan(cn.real) else cn.real
    imag = 0 if math.isnan(cn.imag) else cn.imag
    imag = np.inf if math.isinf(cn.imag) and cn.imag > 0 else imag
    return complex(real, imag)

complex_numbers = [complex(np.nan, 1), complex(1, np.inf)]
cleaned_numbers = [clean_complex_number(cn) for cn in complex_numbers]


[(0+1j), (1+infj)]

The clean_complex_number function is where the magic happens, transforming each complex number individually. It checks the real and imaginary parts of the number for NaN and positive infinity using Python’s math library and replaces them with zero or infinity respectively.

Method 3: Using a Custom Function with cmath Module

Python’s cmath module is tailored towards complex number arithmetic. Creating a custom function utilizing cmath can provide explicit control over how NaN and infinity are replaced. This method is preferable if you want your code to work with pure Python without NumPy.

Here’s an example:

import cmath

def sanitize_complex(cn):
    real = 0 if cmath.isnan(cn.real) else cn.real
    imag = 0 if cmath.isnan(cn.imag) else cn.imag
    imag = float('inf') if cmath.isinf(cn.imag) else imag
    return complex(real, imag)

complex_value = complex(np.nan, np.inf)
cleaned_value = sanitize_complex(complex_value)



This approach uses Python’s cmath module, which has functions like isnan() and isinf() that work with complex numbers. The sanitize_complex function replaces NaN with zero or infinity as necessary.

Method 4: Using List Comprehension with Inline Conditions

List comprehension in Python can be used for the concise conditional processing of each element in a collection. This approach applies inline conditions directly on the complex number elements to check for NaN and infinity.

Here’s an example:

complex_values = [complex(np.nan, 1), complex(1, np.inf)]
cleaned_values = [complex(0 if np.isnan(z.real) else z.real, np.inf if np.isinf(z.imag) else 0 if np.isnan(z.imag) else z.imag) for z in complex_values]


[(0+1j), (1+infj)]

This snippet utilizes a list comprehension to iterate over a list of complex numbers and employs inline conditional logic to check and replace NaN and infinity in both the real and imaginary parts.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using NumPy’s where() Function

For a one-liner solution, NumPy’s where() function can swiftly replace NaN with zero and infinite values with positive infinity. This is a less verbose but equally effective method when working with NumPy arrays.

Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

complex_array = np.array([np.nan + 1j, 1 + np.inf*1j], dtype=complex)
cleaned_array = np.where(np.isnan(complex_array), 0, complex_array)
cleaned_array = np.where(np.isinf(cleaned_array), complex(0, np.inf), cleaned_array)


[0.+1.j 1.+infj]

This one-liner uses np.where() to create a new array by choosing elements from either the second or third argument, based on the condition given in the first argument. This approach is direct and highly efficient for large arrays.


  • Method 1: NumPy’s nan_to_num(). Strengths: Very concise, handles complex number types natively. Weaknesses: Requires NumPy.
  • Method 2: NumPy with Python’s math Module. Strengths: Offers fine-grained control, performs well on individual numbers. Weaknesses: More verbose and elaborate setup required.
  • Method 3: Custom Function with cmath. Strengths: Pure Python solution, no external library required. Weaknesses: Slightly less concise compared to NumPy-based solutions.
  • Method 4: List Comprehension with Inline Conditions. Strengths: Pythonic and concise for small datasets. Weaknesses: May become less readable with complex logic.
  • Method 5: One-Liner with NumPy’s where(). Strengths: Consise and elegant for operating on NumPy arrays. Weaknesses: Requires understanding of NumPy’s advanced features, and not suitable for non-NumPy data structures.